Notes for the PCC meeting of the 10th November 2014 Page 1




1 / The Cupboards within the Church
1.01 / The addition of cupboards to house the clergy’s vestments, church crockery, hymn books and the flower arranging stands / vases and oasis is planned. The proposals have now received approval from the Chancellor at the Diocese of Bath and Wells.
1.02 / With the agreement of Richard Devitt, the cabinet maker Philip Stevens will be collecting the Angersleigh panels from Nettlecombe Church at 10.00a.m. on Monday 12th September. He hopes to have the cupboards ready for late October.
1.03 / At a previous meeting it was agreed that a plaque should be fixed to one of the cupboards in memory of Gordon Yeo. The PCC needs to agree the exact wording. Also whether further reference should be made about Joyce Montagnon.
2 / Other internal works within the Church
2.01 / A later phase of work is anticipated for internal redecorations and for works to the rood stair tower. This will need to be priced competitively later, as and when the funding for it is more known.
3 / The Churchyard
3.01 / The footpaths: There is still a problem with the footpath immediately above the drainage gulley. The slope is too steep and the gravel too deep, meaning that the stones migrate into the gulley, and the black geotextile is showing through. Alex Newman has now declined to do this work. In the absence of a volunteer, I am obtaining a price for this work to be done, but this will be for the autumn.
3.02 / West Somerset District Council has given some money to the Parish Council, and some of this grant (about £125) is available for the PCC. It has been agreed that this can be for materials in connection with the re-pointing of the stone wall adjacent to the gateway from the carpark of the Notley Arms into the churchyard. Alex Newman had agreed to do this work this year, but as this has not happened, I shall obtain a quotation from a specialist lime mortar contractor.
3.03 / A gatepost for the gate by the School House has broken and needs replacing. As part of the Coleridge Way, Exmoor National Park have agreed to undertake this work, plus the replacement of a further rotten post at the gate into the Notley car-park. There are notices on the gate saying that this work is “Underway”.