February 15, 2017

In Attendance

·  Alec Buchness

·  Mike Daniels

·  Dylan Hansen

·  Josh Pause

·  Karina Briceno

·  Orlando Briceno

·  Erik Schwarz

·  Roger Ross

·  Bill Deluccia

·  Jason

·  Tony Soland

·  Fran

·  Peter

·  Paul

·  Jesse

·  Christos

·  Isabella

Meeting Agenda Items & Discussion

·  Dylan Hansen presentation

o  Works on environmental education films

o  Currently working on pipeline videos

o  Would like to work with Surfrider in the future

o  Coverage of blue green algea bloom in march got picked up by national and international news media to publicize IRL pollution

o  Sabal trail pipeline coverage

§  Native burial groups are being destroyed

§  Being built from Alabama down to martin county

§  Building it along spine of the state

§  Sinkholes could take our the pipeline

§  Current infrastructure would last through 2025

§  Should be switching to renewable instead

§  Pipeline will carry fracked gas

§  Pipeline terminal blast radius goes right through school zones

§  Land is being taken through eminent domain

o  Wants to do a series of videos addressing plastics that would tie into the chapter’s bag ban efforts

§  Would want the chapter to help promote the videos on social media, could also help recruit new members

·  Treasurers report

o  Last two months

o  Starting dec 21st to yesterday of 2017

o  Beginning : $11,923

o  Ending: $16,357.42

o  $4,500 endowment, ORB fest proceeds, SC saunter, $700 check,

o  Spent money on Christmas party + Plastic Ocean, Surf Expo

o  Made money on Plastic Ocean premier = split proceeds with KBB

o  Outlays: $814.00

o  Credits: $5,248

·  Sea Oat Planting recap: Jason

o  Planted over 5,000

o  In front of monster hole 3,000

o  Ponce landon 2,800

o  Feb 4th events in Indian River County + Brevard

o  Had help from school groups + volunteers

o  Had no expensed because partners bought the plants

o  Lessons learned: had more people at monster hole

o  Next time have more communication between school groups and planning leaders

o  Went from 9-11am with planting in Brevard @ Ponce

o  Monster Hole got done at about 1pm

o  Next time will plan to split school groups

o  Could consider doing to separate days in future but would have to store plants and keep them alive after the Feb 4th distribution

o  Ponce is our most succesful project yet

o  Helps educate kids on benefits of dunes, encourage people not to trample them do to personal experience with planting

o  Gel was overused at some locations = enforce sparing use

·  Locals only contest: Roger Ross

o  Roger was the beach marshal

o  Marketing didn’t all get out in time to get many pros

o  Contest still got filled with pro/am surfers

o  Tried to get contest officials to have Surfrider help out more, but he struggled to generate and proceeds so couldn’t donate

o  Got promise that next year will be better

o  Got tent space for the chapter to try to do outreach

·  Bag update:

o  HB 93 + senate equivalent would allow local coastal cities under 100,000 residents to do trial bag bans

o  Letters of support from Satellite Beach + Melbourne Beach

o  Problem is at the state level

o  Josh put together a poll on Facebook to gather as many names in support of the ban as possible.

o  Josh wants data to show demographics and geographic data, which is why it’s being done through Facebook

o  Have challenged Cocoa Beach to see which chapter can recruit the most survey participants

o  Has been a year since went with Satellite Beach to publix to see if we could do a reusable bag event

o  Mayor knows the manager, went back to corporate again, last time went to corporate, never heard back

o  Community center at Satellite Beach city hall we could do an event at , could do a second showing of Plastic Ocean movie for up to 150 people, but would be dipping into same audience

o  Fly fishing film festival is coming up at the oaks in partnership with Hemmingway’s tavern, could consider that as a venue

o  There is a new shorter version of the film now available: 45 min long

o  Could consider doing an event in Palm Bay with MRC

o  Could do it as a movie night with Beach + Boards Fest

·  Litter Quitter update

o  Plastic Ocean premier was very successful + raised funding for the program + Surfrider

o  Partnership with Edward Don + Company + Hode Group + Eco Products to offer product discounts

·  Coastal Garden Fair

o  March 18th event will be presenting on native plants and restoration

o  Chapter has committed to having a booth

o  Will be held at the Shechter center

o  National will be coming out with Ocean Friendly Garden stickers

o  Can give to businesses that have gone full native with their landscaping

o  Could develop small stickers to mark sustainable products

§  Could apply to plastic alternative products as well

§  Allison will look into this

·  Intracoastal Event

o  Last year was craft beer + boards fest

o  Had over 1,000 people + local shapers

o  This year wanted to build on it, but the brewery brought in a group that wanted to do a reggae festival, thought they could combine, but didn’t work out, that group will now be out to the equation

o  This year, looking to do three or four bands, at least two food vendors, and having other vendors besides shapers

o  April 8th is tentative date, the 15th is also open

o  Will meet on Friday at noon to set game plan

o  Will need to get sponsorships, but will need to determine incentives

o  Intracoastal liked event last year and wants to continue supporting

o  Keeping the focus local

o  Want to make it a fully green event = get brewery + food vendors to use sustainable products

o  No plastic water bottles

o  Open Mike’s will be providing music setup + a band

o  Will get recycling bins from Waste Management

o  Need to recruit sponsors

·  News updates

o  Costa Rica is banning bags country-wide

o  Oceanographers in the deep Pacific trenches found traces of deadly chemicals in plastic waste in organisms living there

o  New Zealand whale stranding events

o  Oil drilling + seismic testing victory from last fall still standing

o  Oil exploration portion will be very difficult to overturn

o  City of Melbourne is considering support resolution for bag ban

o  Indialantic now has an environmental advisory board

§  Melb Beach + Satellite Beach has them too

o  Roger is putting teams together for upcoming compeitions