Age Specific Enrolment Rate (Aser)

Age Specific Enrolment Rate (Aser)

Adjusted net intake ratE (ANIR)

Definition: Total enrolment in primary education of the official primary school entrance age, as a percentage of the population of the same age in a given school year. It is the equivalent of the age-specific enrolment rate of the official primary entrance age.

Purpose: To measure the actual level of access to primary education of the population of the official primary school entrance age.

Calculation method: Divide the number of pupils in the official primary school entrance age who are enrolled in primary education in a given school year, regardless of the year of entrance, grade or repetition,by the population of the same age, and multiply the result by 100.



Adjusted Net Intake Ratein school year t

Enrolment in primary education of the population of the official primary school entrance age A in school year t

Population of the official primary school entrance age A in school year t

Data required:Enrolmentin the official primary school entrance age andpopulation of the corresponding age.

Data source:School register, school survey or census for data on enrolment by age. Population censuses or estimates for official primary school entrance agepopulation normally obtained from the central statistical office.

Types of disaggregation:By gender, geographical location (region, urban/rural).

Interpretation:While the net intake rate measures timely access to primary school for the official entrance age, the adjusted net intake ratecaptures actual access to primary school for the total population of the official entrance age. It reflects efforts madeby governments to achieve universal entranceto primary education of the eligiblepopulation of the official primary school entrance age. A value of 100% indicates theoretically that the system has reached all children of the official primary school entrance age and accomplished an important step toward achieving the Universal Primary Education (UPE) goal.This value reflects also implicitly the achievement of equal gender access to primary education of the population of the official entrance age. ANIR gives the proportion of children of the official primary school entrance age that are enrolled in primary education level but not necessary for the first time or in the first grade. The difference between 100% and the ANIR value provides a measure of the proportion of this population who are left out of timely access to primary education.They either never enter school or enter as overage pupils.

Quality standards:Theadjusted net intake rateshould be based on total enrolment of all children of the official primary school entrance age in all types of schoolsthat provide organized educational programmes, including public and private institutions. It must be ensured that the enrolment data cover pupils who enter primary school earlier and might repeat the first grade or be at higher grades.For some countries, where the reference date for pupils’ age is substantially later than the beginning of the school year(e.g. when ages refer to December 31), the ANIR can be substantiallyunderestimated.

Limitations:This indicator is based on enrolment and population data that use different reference datesfor ages, which might underestimate or overestimateits real value.