Internal Flood 7-26-2013

This was an actual event that occurred at approximately 2:00 PM on July 26, 2013. An obstruction in the pipe backflow preventer located in the mechanical room caused water to flow out of the pipes so rapidly that the drain could not accommodate the water surge resulting in an internal flood from the mechanical room to various locations in the LIFE Center. The water was shut off, and participants were evacuated/sent home approximately 30 minutes early. At this time, it is unclear if the hotel construction within the Riverfront Complex was a contributor.

PURPOSE: The purpose of this After Action Report is to document the actual Technological Event, the Response and Take Away. The LIFE Safety Team identified “Internal Flooding” as a probable event affecting the LIFE Center in the 2013 Hazard Vulnerability Assessment.


1Staff members will know their roles in an Internal Flood Event

2Safely evacuate Participants

3Identify interim measures to prevent reoccurrence while building is not occupied

4Identify measures toprevent any reoccurrence, once repair/replacement to the system is complete.

EVENT SYNOPSIS: The Life Transportation Driverwitnessed flooding in the kitchen and hallway. She promptly notified her manager who in turn notified the LIFE Executive Director. Upon opening the door to the Mechanical Room, water gushed from the drainpipe, as the drain was unable to accommodate the water flow, as well as water actively spurting from the source pipe. The water was immediately shut off to the building. Because the floor to the mechanical room does not slope toward the drain, the water flowed under the door, and beneath the moldings between offices, into the hallway to the Kitchen, and Home Care. The Chapel was also affected as they share a common wall. Homecare received most of the water.

B.R., the Facility Manager of our Parent Organization, was contacted for additional water extraction equipment. The LIFE Center Facility Manager E.J. (scheduled off duty) was notified, and arrived immediately onthe scene.

Due to the need to shut water off to the building, the decision was made to send the participants home approximately 30 minutes early. The result of the swift response of the staff members was twofold:

  1. Timely and safe evacuation of the Participants. No participants were injured and as a result of the staff members’ calm manner, participants were not upset over the situation.
  1. Successfully assist in water removal from the facility using all available equipment: Mops, towels, one (1) Shop Vac and one(1) water extraction machine.

The following contracted agencies were contacted to mitigate further damage:

  1. S.M. for water damage
  2. C.M. commercial plumbing and pipefitting service
  3. W & Co., Mechanical Contractors
  4. T. Construction Company

S.M.arrived at approximately 4:45 PM. The service representative stated the moisture readings were “not too bad”becausethe staff members we were able to extract a significant amount of the water quickly. S.M.also conducted water extraction.

C.M.arrived at approximately 5:00PM to assess the situation. The service member stated the cause of the internal flood was due to a faulty backflow preventer. The service member left with water still tuned off. Life Facility Manager was able to clear the obstruction of back flow by working gate valves slowly and tapping the preventer with a soft mallet. The water was restored without issue.

W & Co Mechanical Contractors also surveyed the scene. The representative indicated the discharge line may not be functionally appropriate for our setting and it could happen again at any time. At this time there was nothing he could do as a repairman "certified inback flow preventers"is needed. He recommended either changing backflow preventers to check valves with no discharge line or rerouting discharge line outside through wall to prevent this from happening again.

K. M. of T. Construction recommends consulting with both the Architect and Engineer before moving forward with repairs and/or modifications, so that the cause can be accurately determined, and properly repaired to prevent a reoccurrence.

The decision was made to turn off water to the building water until 7am Monday. Our business occupants from our Parent Organization was notified of the lack of water to ensure communication with weekend staff. Life Facility Manager will monitor the facility throughout the weekend.

The following internal departments were notified:

  1. Parent Organization- Liaison
  2. Parent Organization-Leadership Team
  3. Parent Organization- Risk Management

The following staff members are recognized for their quick response to mitigate the damage:______


1A minimal delay in entering the locked Mechanical Room occurred. The Center Director has one master key, but was in the Administration Section of the facility, at the opposite end of the building. In addition, there was difficulty unlocking the door to the Mechanical Room with the master key. Recommend adjusting the current lock, or changing lock to a keypad or prox card.

2Procure additional shop vac equipment. Although the water extraction equipment used was effective, the machinery was unable to reach under desks and counters due to the height of the equipment.

3The floor of the mechanical room does not slope to facilitate drainage/prevent flooding outside the room. Recommend re-evaluation


1Meet with T. Construction, and the LIFE Center Architect and Engineer to discuss root cause and mitigation strategy

2Notify Insurance Company of the “Internal Flood” event

3Inform/reassure participants of the situation/measures to prevent reoccurrence

4Notify Board of Trustees of the event and provide copy of this report.



cc.Parent Organization Leadership


7/28/13G. C. Operations: Center check: Fans/dehumidifiers continue to run without issue; affected areas continue to dry.

7/29/13 E. J. Facilities: Water service was restored to the building by 7:00AM. Upon turning on the water, red sediment was apparent, but settled rapidly. No rust identified. All Restrooms, Kitchens, and Janitorial sinks are functional. S.M. Technicians arrived at 9:00AM to conduct thermal imaging and moisture readings of affected areas. Minimal moisture content was noted in the rear office of Transportation, and behind the wooden base molding in the Chapel and vinyl cove base molding in the service hallway. The technicians removed all equipment from the areas that are now dry / no longer needed. Anticipate all areas to be dry within 24 hours. T. Construction contacted the Architects to set up a teleconference for today, if possible. C. Mechanical and W. & Co. Mechanical Contractors were also contacted. W. & Co. will have a certified backflow preventer mechanic on site to check valves today at approximately 2:30 PM. Additional repair workincludes reinstall several hundred feet of vinyl cove base; wooden base molding. some drywall repair, and paint touch ups. Some stored material was lost in the flood: 2 ¾ packages of ceiling tiles, and dry cement packages.

2:20 PM: Per T. Construction, the Back Flow Preventer certified mechanic from W. & Co. was dispatched to another site due to an emergency and is unable to repair our system today as scheduled. It was stressed to T. Construction, regarding the need to have the mechanic on site after 2:00 PM to prevent disruption to participant care due to the need to shut off the water supply. Until the Back Flow Preventer is repaired, precautionary measures have been put in place. At the end of the business day, the water will be shut off overnight, during non-occupancy and turned back on prior to start of business each morning. Designated staff have been trained on how to safely shut off the water supply. The Facility Manager is responsible for resuming the water supply.

7/31/13: Repairs completed without disruption to participant services. Will continue to monitor for sustainment.