


Complete all three parts of the TASK accurately & as thoroughly as possible.

Part A (5pts)

In “James I on the Divine Right of Kings (1609)” (Document 1), James I states “Kings are justly called gods, for that they exercise a manner or resemblance of divine power upon earth; for if you will consider the attributes to God, you shall see how they agree in the person of a king. God hath power to create or destroy, make or unmake at his pleasure, to give life or send death, to judge all and to be judged nor accountable to none, to raise low things and to make high things low at his pleasure, and to God are both soul and body due.”

_____ James I wasMOST LIKELYtrying to claim that

a. Divine kings have the right to pass judgmentc. People should not question kingship

b.Kings are answerable to no one but Godd. All kings are divine

Part B (5pts)

Which statement from “The Scientific Revolution & It’s Impact” (Document 2) BEST ILLUSTRATESthe impact it had on the “modern day” medicine


a.Scientists paved the way to the rise of democracyc.Andreas Vesalius improved on the human anatomy

b.Boyle's laws explain the world/universe workd. Scientific Method makes experiments reliable

Part C (90pts)

Write a well-organized responseto the question below. As you write, follow the directions below. Your response should have multiple paragraphs, begin with an introduction, and end with a conclusion. Use evidence from each of the2listed documents to support your claims. Answer for the following question using information and examples from your own knowledge of social studies (not the articles/documents).

Explainif there is a link between European Absolutism & The Scientific Revolution.

Score Level / Description of Score Level
4 /
  • The student’s response demonstrates in-depth understanding of the relevant content and/or procedures.
  • The student completes all important components of the task accurately and communicates ideas effectively.
  • Where appropriate, the student offers insightful interpretations and/or extensions.
  • Where appropriate, the student uses more sophisticated reasoning and/or efficient procedures.

3.5 /
  • The student completes most important aspects of the task accurately and communicates clearly.
  • The student completes all important components of the task accurately but does not offer insightful extensions/interpretations or does not use sophisticated reasoning and/or efficient procedures.

3 /
  • The student completes most important aspects of the task accurately and communicates clearly.
  • The student’s response demonstrates an understanding of major concepts and/or processes, although less important ideas or details maybe overlooked or misunderstood.
  • The student’s logic and reasoning may contain minor flaws.

2.5 /
  • The student completes most important aspects of the task accurately.
  • The student’s logic & reasoning may contain major flaws.

2 /
  • The student completes some parts of the task successfully.
  • The student’s response demonstrates gaps in conceptual understanding.

1 /
  • The student completes only a small portion of the task and/or shows minimal understanding of the concepts and/or processes.

0 /
  • The student’s response is incorrect, irrelevant, too brief to evaluate, or blank.

0 /
  • Assignments NOT turned in on Due Date will not be Accepted & will result in a “0”