6 Steps to a Successful Fundraising Event

6 Steps to a Successful Fundraising Event

While we can give you opportunities to support VoiceAbility it is much more fun when you do something yourself! Below is an A-Z of ideas to get you started:

A / Auction – Do you know someone that can handle a gavel? An Auction is the perfect end to an evening with nice food and posh clothes. You don't even have to auction items – you could auction yourself, your friends or promises. If you do not have time to host an event but want to auction something for VoiceAbility, consider using an online tool like eBay.
B / Bring and Buy Sale – Made famous by Blue Peter, this timeless event is the perfect way to get rid of your junk and buy some goodies to replace it!
C / Cake Sale – If you can bake, put it to good use! People in workplaces or schools are always hungry willing to pay for lovely cakes and biscuits (especially chocolate).
D / Dress Up/Down Day – Fancy Dress or Jeans? Everyone loves wearing something different to work or school for a change, remember to charge them for the privilege.
E / Exhibition – If you are a budding artist, and have lots of artist friends, why not get together and have an exhibition. Charge people to visit and take 50% from any sales to VoiceAbility.
F / Fashion Show – If you and some friends are budding models contact a clothes shop and see if they would be interested in a Fashion Show. Charge an entrance fee and try and persuade the shop to donate some profits from the evening too.
G / Gift Aid It! If you are a UK tax payer, for every £1 you donate, the Inland Revenue will give an extra 25p. If you donate online this done automatically, if you are sending in a cheque contactVoiceAbility for a form.
H / Hundred Club – Do you know 100 people? Ask them to pay £1 a week, and pick a number from 1 – 100. Once a week pick a number out of a hat, that number wins £50 and £50 goes to VoiceAbility. This could also be done monthly. A quick hint, try and collect the money in batches – it is very difficult to collect £100 every week but most people are willing to pay £5 or £10 in advance.
I / In Celebration Donations – Are you having a party or do you have a special celebration coming up? If you are the sort of person who has everything and does not need gifts consider asking people for donations to VoiceAbility instead.
J / Just Giving – If you are going to do a sponsored event or want to raise money in memory of someone, consider creating a Just Giving (link) page. This allows people to donate by credit or debit card online and stops the hassle of you dealing with cheques and cash.
K / Karaoke Party – If you and your friends love singing, hold a karaoke party! Charge people to come, make them pay to sing (and pay double not to sing) and if the singing is awful ask people to pay to stop someone singing!
L / Legacy
M / Major Gift – If you would like to make a major gift or sponsor a whole project please contact 01223 555800 and someone will be delighted to talk to you.
N / Night in – Sometimes nights out with the same people, doing the same things gets a little boring. Once a month stay in for the evening and donate any money you might have spent to VoiceAbility. The rest will probably be much better for you!
O / One-off Donation
P / Payroll Giving
Q / Quiz Night – Everyone loves taking part in a quiz and it brings out the competitive side of people. Charge people to take part and split the overall takings between the winner and VoiceAbility. If you do not have time or space to hold an event you could write down the quiz and sell the quiz sheets – this works well in a school or workplace – but remember to tell people the deadline to return their answers!
R / Regular Giving
S / Schools Fundraising – Fundraising in a school is always popular as there are lots of people in one place. However, before you go ahead with your plans please remember to ask permission from a teacher.
T / Text Message Donations – You can donate to VoiceAbility by texting “VABL11” plus the amount you would like to donate (ie £10) to 70070
U / Unwanted gifts sale – After Christmas everyone has the same problem trying to find places to store unwanted gifts. At a work, school or a community group have your own version of a January Sale to get rid of everything and donate all the proceeds to VoiceAbility.
V / Variety Show – Do you have a secret talent that you want to show off? Do you know someone who is an excellent juggler or a wannabe stand up comic? Get everyone together and put on a Variety Show and charge people to come and watch. Remember to increase your income by having a raffle.
W / Workplace Fundraising
X / Xmas fete – Christmas is a busy time of the year but people love an opportunity to feel festive! Sell some warm non-alcoholic mulled wine, have some carol singers and a few stalls and people will be happily joyful and merry.
Y / Your own idea! – Don't let us tell you what to do – your own ideas might be much better.
Z / Zany events – Weird and wonderful events always catch peoples and the media's attention, so be brave and plan something different and wacky!

6 Steps to a successful fundraising event

  1. Decide on your fundraising activity. Set yourself a fundraising target. Decide if you need people to help and allocate the responsibilities.
  2. Draw a timeline. Some events takes hours, others take moths of hard work and planning. Decide when tasks need to be done to ensure they are kept on track and you achieve your goal
  3. Work out your budget. Can you get costs sponsored or any items donated?
  4. Expect the unexpected! This way you cannot be surprised nor unprepared
  5. Promote the event – tell EVERYONE. Good promotion is the key to any event. Who are you wanting to attract and how will you attract them? Ask friends and family to put posters up at work. E-mails, posters, flyers and Facebook events are effective as well as radio and the local paper
  6. After the event remember to thank everyone for their help and support.