Ut-In Selica

Moluk Apanuc

4 Winds Arrow of Light Ceremony

ARRANGEMENT:The four Principles stand ready at the back. The Cubmaster sets the appropriate mood for the ceremonialists to enter. The Drummer enters as the Cubmaster says “the Arrow of Light is a significant achievement...)

Cubmaster: Tonight we are here to honor our 2nd year WEBELOS in Den 2 and Den 10 in achieving their final and highest rank in Cub Scouting, the “ARROW OF LIGHT”. The Arrow of Light is a significant achievement, and all of these scouts have earned this prestigious honor. They have worked hard on their activity badges and have fulfilled many requirements.

Drummer: Cubmaster Marcos, my tribesmen and I have arrived to perform the Arrow of Light Ceremony. May we enter your Council circle?

Cubmaster: You and your brothers are welcome in our circle.

Drummer: Explain what the Order of the Arrow is (see separate script). Start drum beat in a slow tempo. Ceremonialists enter from the back and stop just before reaching the stage. Chief Akela walks onto the stage and positions himself in position #2 of four on the stage with his head bowed. Each of the three Braves enters one at a timeand positions himself in the proper location facing the audience with his head bowed. Drum stops. The principles quietly count to three and raise their head toward the audience. Each principle steps forward to do his part and then returns to his position around the fire.

North Wind: I am the North Wind. People say I am cold, but to you I will always bring the warmest of winds because you have been true blue Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts. You have lived up to the Scout Oath by doing your best to do your duty to your God and your country. Continue to be of service to your god and country.

East Wind: I am the EastWind. Over hill and dale I have carried stories of you and your service to your community. As Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts, you have given goodwill by helping others. You are a credit to your den and your pack. Continue your service by helping other people at all times.

South Wind: I am the SouthWind. I have spread the story of your fun and outdoor adventures in Cub Scouting. Your pack has helped you grow. Continue your duty to keep yourselves physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

West Wind: I am the West wind. I would like everyone present to know that tonight’s Arrow of Light candidates did not walk the Cub Scout trail alone. Each had the wonderful help and guidance of his parents. Parents, continue to help your boys grow as they continue their journey on the scouting trail.

North Wind: I, Chief Akela, have heard that there are some among you worthy of the highest award in Cub Scouting, the Arrow of Light. Gather before this council fire so that the others may look upon you. Cubmaster Marcos, please call to the council fire the Webelos Scouts who have earned the Arrow of Light award.

Cubmaster: From Den 2: Arnesh Peddi, Ayan Bhatia, Ayush Vaidya, Curran Shah, Marcos Perez, Marcus Woo, Nate Wong, Noah Adas, Zane Ort. From Den 10: Amandip Dutta, Arnav Hampapur, Faiz Siddiqi, Jay Tawde, Lawrence Chen, Rajvir Singh, Sanjiv Simha, Varun Desai

The drummer should help arrange the Webelos in a single line in front of council circle facing the audience.

South Wind: The Arrow of Light symbol has an honored place within the teepee of many braves. Its shaft is straight and narrow – just as the path that you should follow throughout your life. Its tip points to the right – a symbol that nothing should be left undone. If it is within your power to do it – see that it is done. Hewho follows the path of the arrow, serving his fellow man, will be a guide to them and will be known as a leader. And lastly, the symbol of the seven rays of the sun – one for each day of the week – to remind you that every day is a new day, a day to do your best in everything.

East Wind: The arrow is not merely a symbol of your past success, but also a guide, pointing your way to future adventures further up the Scouting trail. Because your parents have always stood beside you and helped you, it is appropriate that they should be with you as you receive this award. Would the parents of these Arrow of Light Scouts please come forward and stand behind your son.

Parents come forward. Cubmaster give scouts the parent’s pin and give parents the AOL emblem.

West Wind: Webelos, your parents have stood with you.They have worked for you in health, nursed you in sickness, guided your thoughts and actions, and helped you in untold ways. They have been a strength to lean on, someone to turn to for help in times of trouble. Your home's influence will last throughout your life. Remember always that your parents will continue to guide and support you. Please honor your parents by presenting them with the parent’s pin for the Arrow of Light.

(Webelos present parent's pin. Wait for all Webelos to complete this presentation.)

North Wind: Parents, your sons have worked diligently. They stand here tonight because they have learned the lessons that you and their Webelos Leaders had to teach them. In token of your commitment to continue to assist your son by supporting him and his troop in the years ahead,I ask you to present your son with the Arrow of Light award

(Parents present Arrow of Light emblem to Webelos. Wait for all parents to complete this presentation.)

South Wind: The Arrow of Light badge is the only Cub Scout award that can be worn on the Boy Scout uniform. It serves as a link between the two programs, and it points the way toward the new adventures that you will have in Boy Scouting. And as long as you are in scouting, even as an adult, you will be able to wear this award on your uniform.

West Wind: Now that you have completed Cub Scouts, you are at the base of a great mountain, and before you is the beginning of the path up the Scouting trail. Soon you will cross a bridge into the wider world of Boy Scouting. With you will go your hopes and dreams, and as always, your parents.You may now return to your seats.

Wait for all to be seated.

West Wind:We wish you well as you begin this journey. The time has come for us to continue upon our journey. We trust that you will remember the things that you have learned, and continue to build your knowledge in the future as you climb the Scouting trail. We challenge each of you to soar to greater heights. It is our hope that one day we may welcome you at another summit on the trail when you attain the rank of Eagle Scout.

North Wind: We must leave you now. May you climb high mountains and never grow weary; may you find the true path so that others may follow; may the snow of winter never chill the fire of cheerfulness within you, and may the stream's quiet laughter fill your heart with peace.

Drum starts to beat, slow tempo, and leads the ceremonialist out, West Wind, East Wind, South Wind, and finally Chief Akela.

Pack 1776, Blue & Gold 2016 Page 1 of 2