30thSunday in Ordinary Time: Year A – 29th October, 2017

Our Sunday Liturgy:


What a difference it would make in the world if all Christians were faithful to their Baptismal calling. Let us pray today that our lives may give witness to the new world that Jesus came to establish, the Kingdom of God.

Entrance Antiphon (or Hymn):

Let the hearts that seek the Lord rejoice; turn to the Lord and His strength: constantly seek His face.

1st Reading:

A reading from the book of Exodus: 22:20 – 26

If you are harsh with the widow or the orphan, my anger will rage against you.

Responsorial Psalm:

I love you, Lord, my strength.

2nd Reading:

A reading from the first letter of St Paul to the Thessalonians 1:5 – 10.

You turned away from idols to serve God and await His Son.

Gospel Acclamation:

Alleluia, Alleluia! All who love me will keep my words, and my Father will love them and we will come to them. Alleluia!


A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Matthew: 22:34 – 40

You shall love the Lord your God and your neighbour as yourself.

Mystery of Faith:

Save us, Saviour of the world, for by Your Cross and Resurrection You have set us free.

Communion Antiphon:

We will ring out our joy at your saving help and exult in the name of our God.


Message to take home

OUR FEELINGS DO NOT MAKE US GOOD OR BAD. THE CHOICES WE MAKE DO, TO MOVE BEYOND BAD CHOICES AND CONTINUE TO MAKE GOOD CHOICES WE NEED GOD’S HELP. People may find themselves without even wanting to feel incredibly angry, jealous, grasping or lustful and can easily become disturbed and discouraged because they believe these feelings, which even though they do not want them, are an indication that there is something fundamentally wrong with them and that they are not suited to the Christian life. The life of grace does not take away all the harmful effects of original sin. People can have feelings at an incredibly strong and persistent intensity to do things contrary to Gospel teaching but as long as they are not deliberately brought to mind, deliberately kept there or wilfully enjoyed there is no failing, they are simply temptations. It is what we do with these feelings which makes us good or bad. There is nothing wrong in being a passionate person. Many of the saints were passionate people. St Ignatius Loyola before his conversion was noted for brawling and after his conversion his passionate nature remained and he had to learn with the help of the Holy Spirit and spiritual direction to channel it into positive ways. St. Anthony of Egypt had many temptations against purity he experienced them very strongly but did not give in to them. His experience of them did not make him a sinner not even a poor disciple. If however, somebody experiences strong temptations to anger because they have drunk too much, taken illicit substances, or looked at inappropriate material, then that is an altogether different matter. In fact our struggle against them is praiseworthy because they show that we love God more than ourselves, for did not Our Lord say: You shall love the Lord your God with your whole mind, body and strength and your neighbour as yourself. There are those who think the requirements of the Faith are just too much, just too contrary to how they would like to live. Those who love God more than themselves at times feel when they follow those teachings, which they find particularly challenging, almost as if they are throwing their whole lives away or putting them on the line. They have as it were taken a leap of faith only to discover that instead of losing their lives they find them. We are called to mould Our Faith according to the teachings of Christ, not Our Faith according to our feelings.




DARGO MASS: Today Sun 29th October,There will be a couple of children making their First Holy Communion and the families will be providing a sausage sizzle in the park if you wish to join them.


MAFFRA: Sunday 9.00am

HEYFIELD: Saturday 6.00pm

COWWARR: 1st & 3rd Sunday 11.00am

NEWRY: 2nd & 4th Sunday 11.00am

DARGO: 5th Sunday 12.00 noon



** MONDAYS: availability will be announced at Masses the Sunday prior. **

1st Nov: Wed 5.00pm All Saints Day followed by ½ hour Adoration & Reconciliation

2nd Nov: Thur. 9.30am All Souls Day Whole School Mass

3rd Nov: Fri. 10.15am

4th Nov: Sat. 9.30am


30th Oct: Tues. 9.30am

1st Nov. Wed. 9.30am All Saints Day

2nd Nov. Thur. 11.00am All Souls Day Whole School Mass


Maffra:Saturday –For Half Hour after 9.30am Mass

(And any other time by request).

Heyfield: 5.20pm-5.45pm prior to Saturday evening Mass



Maffra: Before Masses in May and October

Heyfield: Tuesdays at 9.15am (Except on 2nd Tuesday - at Laurina Lodge 10am)

Newry: Thursday at 7.30pm

Cowwarr: Wednesday at 9.45am

COWWARR: 1st Friday of the month – night

HOLY ROSARY: Before Saturday Masses at Heyfield

Maffra: 1stThursday – 9am before Mass (for mothers and fathers, unborn babies and those involved in abortion) Newry: Every Thursday – 7.30pm (No Rosary during January)



Anniversaries: Pat Fowler, Jack Cullen, Irene Michalak, Joe Debono, Bill Cotterill, Mary & Hector Laws, Reuben & Josephine McDonald, John Kusiak, Shelia McCarthy, Lorretta McLean, Ern Durrant, Margaret Mahony, Helen Schessi, Edward & Margaret Gray, Marjorie Gray, Michael Mahony, Bob Fawaz.

Frs. Patrick Sterling, William Tierney, Archbishop Patrick O’Donnell.


PRAYERS FOR THE SICK:Frank Hall, John Dwyer, Neil Bradbury, Baby Yu En, Maurie McCarthy,Pat Farquar,

Lyn McLindin,Ann Martin,Lorraine Weatherley, Pat McMahon, Evelyn Bourke,Gerry Gray,Fr. Bernie O’Brien,

Lee Allman,Father Frank, Maree Welsh, Laura Mowat, and all those who seek our prayers.


FLOWER ROSTER – ST MARY’S MAFFRA: We would love to hear from a couple of ladies to be part of the flower roster commencing January 2018. Two long serving ladies will be stepping down so in order to maintain the same roster we need to replace them. If you are interested please contact Rosemary Wirkin 5147 2041 for further details.


BLESSING OF THE GRAVES: Thursday2nd Nov. – Heyfield: 12noon, Glenmaggie: 2pm, Maffra: 3.30pm


CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE (Maffra) will hold the November meeting in the presbytery on Tuesday 14th at 1.30 p.m. The Annual General Meeting will follow at 2.30 p.m. with elections being chaired by our Diocesan Committee representative. Interested parishioners are welcome to attend – afternoon tea will follow!

------CONGRATULATIONS:to the First Holy Communion Candidates receiving their Sacraments today


WELCOMERS: Sun: 5th Nov. N/A

LITURGY: Sun: 5th Nov. Leanda Helmke

COUNTING TEAM: : Sun. (tonight) 29th Henry & Annette Scholtes

Recorder: Barbara Gray

Sun. 5th Nov. Charles & Chas Bagguley

Recorder: Barbara Gray

LECTOR: Sun. 5th Nov. Trevor Fogarty

COMMENTATOR: Sun 5th Nov. Catherine Hicks

COMPUTER OPERATOR: Sun 5th Nov.. Leanda Helmke (Please set up by 8.30)

OFFERTORY: Sun 5th Nov. Peter & Dorothy Smyth

EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS: Sun. 5th Nov. Trish Vardy, Rosemary Wirken, Adrian Gravener

COLLECTORS: Sun 5th Nov. Roy Shelton, Noel Bennett, John Telling + 1

COMMUNION TO THE SICK: Sun. 5th Nov. Judie Roberts

VISITING TEAM: Sun. 5th Nov. Sue Curry, Coral Justice

FLOWERS: Sun 5th Nov. Marg Durrant, Jeanette Duggan

HOLY VESSELS: (Month of Nov.) Helen Dezaayer

SACRISTY: Sun. 5th Nov. Barb & Rob Woodhouse



COMMUNION TO THE SICK: Sat. 4th Nov. Maureen Coleman

READER: Sat. 4th Nov. George Bogusz

OFFERTORY PROCESSION: Sat. 4th Nov. Trevor & Christine Donohue

FLOWERS: Sat. 4th Nov. Anne Kurec

LINEN: Month of Nov. Heather Higgins


READER: Sun. 5th Nov. Megan Stewart

CLEANER: Month of Nov. Geraldine Morgan



Maffra: Envelopes $ 114 Presbytery $ 319

Heyfield: Envelopes $ 236 Presbytery $ 310


This week on the Journey the Gospel of Matthew is reflected on by our very own Fr Graham Schmitzer. We have chosen some of our favourite God spots to replay for you. We have Pete Gilmore in his Living the Gospel section reminding us of Patience, Marilyn Rodrigues, The Peaceful Parent talks about Peaceful Mornings and Bruce Downs, The Catholic Guy empowers us with Decision Making. This is carefully woven together with amazing Christian music artists to help create a show that is all about faith, hope, love and life.Go to or you can listen anytime and subscribe to weekly shows by email.


4X4 TRIP: Date 11th12th Nov.. Destination not yet finalised: Butcher Country at this stage. More details to follow.


A DAY WITH BISHOP PATRICK, ‘Death where is Your Sting’, a Christian Reflection on Life and Death. St Joseph’s church and Marian, meeting room. Warragul. Saturday 11th November 2017. 9.30am-4.00pm. Day will conclude with Mass at 2.30pm. BYO lunch or some to share. Tea and coffee provided. All welcome. Enquiries, Cathy McLure 03 51743001 or Michael Power 03 56782271.


RIDES TO AND FROM MASS: Anyone needing a ride to and from Mass, can call the parish office on Thursdays, 51471921 and a ride will be arranged


NEW PARISHIONERS or NEW ADDRESS: You are invited to ring the office on Tuesday’s, or Thursday’s with details or email details to . We would like to formally welcome you to our Parishes.


DIOCESE OF SALE: is now on facebook.

Search for ‘Catholic Diocese of Sale’ on Facebook or go to to ‘Like’.

DIARY: 2017

Thurs. 2nd Nov – Blessings of the Graves: Heyfield – 11am, Glenmaggie – 2pm, Maffra – 3.30pm

Sat. 4th Nov – St Vinnies Monster Sale – 9am – 10.30am

Mon. 6th Nov – Parish Dinner – 6pm – Maffra Community Sports Club. All Welcome!!

Tues. 14th Nov – CWL Maffra Meeting – 1.30pm – Presbytery followed by AGM – 2.30pm

Sat. 11th Nov – A Day With Bishop Patrick – 9.30am – 4pm – St Joseph’s Warragul.


Saint Michael's Catholic Church, Heyfield
Confession 9.30am; Holy Mass, 10.00 am
St Brigid's Catholic Church, Church Street, Cowwarr
Monday: 9.00am Thursday: 10.00am
Tuesdays: 7.00pm Friday: 7.00pm
Wednesday: 10.00am; Adoration to 11.00am Saturday: 10.00am
1st Friday Devotions: Holy Mass 7.00 pm; Adoration till 12.00 am
1st Saturday Devotions: Confession 9.30 am; Holy Mass 10.00 am; Rosary and Adoration till 11.30 am
Contact: Very Rev Fr Ken Clark | 03 51489477 |0403 383 873 |

Fr Ken has been challenged to lose 20kilos in 6 months. If you would like to help, you can sponsor him, so much per kilo. If he does not lose the weight, you do not pay. Phone Carmel 51489477

Fr Ken and Carmel are in the process of renovating the garden at the Cowwarr presbytery and would welcome any plant donations that fir with the cottage garden theme.




Thank you to all who contacted our local MPs particularly over the past couple of weeks relaying your concerns regarding this Bill.

As you may be aware this Bill which would legalise both doctor assisted suicide and euthanasia in Victoria passed the Legislative Assembly (Lower House) on 20 October 2017 by 47 votes to 37.

Every amendment proposed (over 100) to allow further investigation into the many flaws of the proposed legislation and to make the Bill somehow safer for vulnerable Victorians was rejected.

However, it was through MP's who voted against the Bill and the hard work of those who moved and supported amendments that has now led to publicly exposing many perilous failings within the Bill, as well as some of the real and genuine risks to vulnerable Victorians should this become law.

Now the Bill heads to the Legislative Council (Upper House) where debate willstart this coming Tuesday - 31 October.

The numbers are now very close. Your prayers and action are vital in defeating this intended law.

Please join others in praying for the rejection of this Bill and ringing or emailing your 5 Regional Upper House listed below THIS MONDAY by 5pm, briefly and politely stating your concern and opposition to this legislation:

- Melina Bath : 5174 7066 -

- Jeff Bourman: 5623 2999 -

- Daniel Mulino: 5940 5010 -

- Hon Edward O'Donohue :5941 1112 -edward.o'

- Harriet Shing: 5134 8000 -

Please contact Marianne on 0407 353 750 for any queries.

Please continue with your prayers unceasingly for our state MP’s. May they experience the gift of God’s wisdom as they discern their vote for all Victorians.May legislation in our nation always reflect and honour God’s Will for all people.