Sports Dept, Horse Sport Ireland, Att.: Susann Killilea, 1st Floor, Beech House, Millennium Park, Osberstown, Naas, Co Kildare,

tel +353 (0)45 854507, email , website

IS AN FEI PASSPORT NECESSARY? An FEI passport is required for all FEI competitions with the exception of horses competing in their home country at CSI1*/2* (show jumping), CCI/CIC 1*/2* (eventing) and CEI1*/2* (endurance) and CPEID2* (para equestrian). PARTICIPATION AT ANY FEI (INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION) IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY REQUIRES AN FEI PASSPORT (exception borrowed para-equestrian horses).IMPORTANT - please enclose the horse/pony’s national passport with your application

You’ll have to pay the following emergency charge if you need to receive your FEI recognition card orany of the above changes on the day. Horse/Pony recognition card 20 €.

Please note that you won’t get any conformation from us that your horse is registered, you can check the statues of your horses registration on the FEI website:




Contact telephone number: e-mail address:

DELIVERY ADDRESS (Please complete if delivery address is different to owner’s address)



Contact telephone number: e-mail address:

Horse: Original Birth Name as named in Studbook* Horse: Current name if different from original birth name*

Equine Premises Number *** Mandatory FEI Registration Number

Issued from the Department of Agriculture, Food & Marine

Horse: Pony: Stallion/Mare/Gelding: Colour:


Before posting please make sure that you have enclosed:

Sports Dept, Horse Sport Ireland, Att.: Susann Killilea, 1st Floor, Beech House, Millennium Park, Osberstown, Naas, Co Kildare,

tel +353 (0)45 854507, email , website

  • This form completed and signed
  • Cheque (Payable to Horse Sport Ireland) or fill out the Credit Card Payment Form
  • Horse/pony’s national passport
  • Recognition cards will be send back by courier, the charge for this is 5 € in Ireland and 20 € to the UK.

Sports Dept, Horse Sport Ireland, Att.: Susann Killilea, 1st Floor, Beech House, Millennium Park, Osberstown, Naas, Co Kildare,

tel +353 (0)45 854507, email , website


I/we declare myself/ourselves to be the legal owner/s of the horse/pony indicated below. I/we confirm that an FEI passport has not already been issued to this animal and apply for a new FEI passport. FURTHERMORE I understand that pursuant to the Data Protection Acts, 1988 and 2003 (the “DPA”), my consent is required for Horse Sport Ireland to process personal data which is may have in its procession concerning me including disclosure to third parties such as the Department of Agriculture Food and Marine. I note that this personal data may include sensitive personal data within the meaning of the DPA, the processing of which requires my explicit consent. As such, I consent to the processing of any information relating to me, either contained in this form or otherwise, for the purpose of issuing athlete licences and obtaining the necessary DOCOM Certificates pursuant to the Tripartite Agreement.

Signature: Date: Owner’s nationality:

Print owner’s name/s:

Sports Dept, Horse Sport Ireland, Att.: Susann Killilea, 1st Floor, Beech House, Millennium Park, Osberstown, Naas, Co Kildare,

tel +353 (0)45 854507, email , website