A&MConsolidated High School

1801 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy S.

College Station, Texas 77840


Agricultural Mechanics


Instructor: Mr. TondreConference:4th

Class Period: 1st, 2nd and 3rdEmail:

Webpage: amc.ffanow.org

Out-of –class hours: Feel free to stop by and speak with me at any time if you have a problem or arrange a time I can meet with you.

Course Overview

. This course is designed to develop an understanding of agricultural mechanics as it relates to safety and skills in tool operation, electrical wiring, plumbing, carpentry, fencing, concrete, and metal working techniques. To prepare for success, students need to have opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer their knowledge and skills and technologies in a variety of settings.

Grading Criteria

Academic Achievement (Major): Major grades given in the following categories:

- Academic Tests consisting of multiple choice, true/false, and essay questions.

- Projects will be assigned to reinforce what was learned in class.

- BellworkEach student will keep a bellwork folder for the six weeks. The folder will be assigned a grade at the end of the grading period.

- AET Hours Each student will be required to maintain a journal for each agriculture science class they are enrolled in. The objective for this assignment is to teach the student good record keeping practices and to allow them to maintain a record of all activities through the use of an online system.

- Shop Clean-upAll students will start with a grade of 100. Deductions from their grade will be 5 points for each infraction. Each time points are deducted the teacher will document.

Academic Practice (Minor): Daily work will be administered through out the six weeks and completed in class. Homework will be any assignment given to the student to be completed at home and returned when stated. Homework will be accepted late with a penalty.

Grading Scale:

Academic Achievement: 70%

Academic Practice 30%

Total: 100%


Any student exhibiting a discipline problem according to the AMC High School Student Code of Conduct will be given a warning first. The second infraction will be documented and the parents/legal guardian will be contacted by the teacher and informed of the problem. Any student who is negligent of violating a safety rule will be assigned a one hour D-hall to be served within one week prior to the offense (Shop safety will be enforced!). If the problem is reoccurring or severe a Routine Referral will be written and given to the student’s principal.

This class is designed to be hands-on and project oriented. However, if the students exhibit a constant violation of shop rules, the instructor reserves the right to pull the class from the shop. At that time the class will be given instruction in a more proper form.

Classroom rules. Exhibit at all times:

C - Character

I - Integrity

A - Accountability


-A student shall be allowed not less than the number of days absent plus one day to complete assignments. In grades 4-12, the student shall be responsible for arranging a make-up time for missed tests. A student absent for any reason should promptly make up specific assignments missed and/or complete additional in-depth study assigned by the teacher. A student who does not make up assigned work within the time allotted by policy will receive a grade of zero for the assignment.

-If you are absent on the day an assignment is due, you are required to bring it the day you return.

-All assignment will be placed in the turn in tray on the day the student returns. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain assignments and not the teacher’s.

Materials for Class and PPE

Each student will be issued a locker to keep their materials for class in. Due to the limited number of lockers students will generally have to share a locker. This locker will have a lock on it provided by the student. The student will be required to have the following materials on them at all times while they are working in the shop:

-Z87 safety glasses (Students are encouraged to bring their own)


-Work shirt without cut-off sleeves

-Long pants or blue jeans without holes or frayed ends

-Closed toed shoes or boots

Students will be allowed to change into their clothes the first 5 minutes of shop time on shop days.

Late Night Policy- (For students wanting to exhibit a show project)

One night a week will be designated as “Late Night”. Student attendance will be expected for those planning to exhibit an ag mechanics project. During this time students are expected to work on all projects for given deadlines. If a student has completed their project or waiting for materials etc. they are expected to assist other students, clean the shop or study in the classroom for upcoming tests etc. in other classes. Late night will start after school and may continue until 9pm one night a week. Students will be allowed to go eat or bring their dinner with them. Some meals may be provided, and the students will be made aware of those days. When deadlines are approaching it may become necessary for students to stay after school in addition to late night.

Requirements for Project Show Exhibition:

-Attend 12 Late Night hours per month and work on projects, clean, study etc.

-Passing all classes according to the UIL schedule.

  • Students who are failing will be encouraged to attend teacher tutorials until their grade has been raised.

-Participated in Ag. Mech. Shirt Day.

-Have not received 1 discipline referral from any teacher or staff member.

-Sell 15 items in FFA Fruit/Meat Sale

All students who want to participate in the following activities will need to meet requirements.

Dates to remember:

-Young Farmer Dance Dinner, December 6 (Friday)

-FFA Shirt Deadline, September 14 (Tuesday)

-District LDE’s, November 11 (Monday)

-Area LDE’s, November 23 (Saturday)

-San Angelo Ag. Mech. Contest 18-20(Tuesday-Thursday)

-BCYLS Ag. Mech. Show, March 29 (Saturday)

-Banquet, May 6th (Tuesday)

Signature Page


Student Name (Print)Date


Student Signature Date


Parent/Legal Guardian SignatureDate


Teacher Signature Date


Public Notification of Nondiscrimination inCareer and Technology Education Programs

College Station Independent School District offers career and technology education programs in 13 of the 16 nationally

recognized clusters including but not limited to: Agriculture Science; Architecture & Construction; Arts, AV Technology

& Communications; Business, Marketing, & Finance; Education; Health Science; Human Services; Hospitality Services

(Culinary); Information Technology; Law & Public Safety; and Science, Technology and Engineering. Admission to these

programs is based on age/grade level, space availability, and completion of identified prerequisites.

It is the policy of College Station Independent School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,

sex or handicap in its vocational programs, services or activities as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as

amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.

It is the policy of College Station Independent School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,

sex, handicap, or age in its employment practices as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended;

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; and Section 504 of the

College Station Independent School District will take steps to assure that lack of English language skills will not be a

barrier to admission and participation in all educational and vocational programs.

For information about your rights or grievance procedures, contact the Title IX Coordinator, Glynn Walker at 1812 Welsh,

College Station, Texas 77840, (979) 764-5411, and/or the Section 504 Coordinator, Molley Perry, at 1812 Welsh, College

NotificaciónPública de Prácticas No-Discriminatorias enCarreras y en Programas de EducaciónTecnológica

College Station Independent School District ofreceprogramas de carrera y programas de educación de tecnología

en 13 de los 16 gruposreconocidosnacionalmenteinclusopero no limitados a: Ciencia de Agricultura; Arquitectura y

Construcción; Artes, Tecnología de AV y Comunicaciones; Negocio, Finanzas y Mercadotecnia; Educación, Ciencia

de la Salud; ServiciosHumanos; Servicios de Hospitalidad (Culinario); Tecnología de Información, Ley y Seguridad

Público; y Ciencia, Tecnología e Ingeniería. La admisión a estosprogramas sebasa en lo siguiente: edad/nivel de grado,

disponibilidad del espacio, y la finalización de los prerrequisitosidentificados.

Esnorma de College Station Independent School District no discriminarpormotivos de raza, color, origen de

nacionalidad, sexo o impedimento, en susprogramas, servicios o actividadesvocacionales, talcomo lo requieren el

Título VI de la Ley de DerechosCiviles de 1964, segúnenmienda; el Título IX de lasEnmiendas en la Educación, de

1972, y la Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973, segúnenmienda.

Esnorma de College Station Independent School District no discriminarpormotivos de raza, color, origen de

nacionalidad, sexo, impedimento o edad, en susprocedimientos de empleo, talcomo lo requieren el Título VI de la

Ley de DerechosCiviles de 1964, segúnenmienda; el Título IX de lasEnmiendas en la Educación, de 1972, la ley de

DiscriminaciónporEdad, de Rehabilitación de 1973, segúnenmienda.

College Station Independent School District tomarálasmedidasnecesariasparaasegurarque la falta de habilidad en

eluso de la lenguainglesa no sea un obstáculopara la admisión y participación en todos los programaseducativos y

Para informaciónsobresusderechos o procedimientosparaquejas, comuníquese con el CoordinadordelTítulo IX,

Glynn Walker, en 1812 Welsh, College Station, Texas 77840, 979-764-5411, y/o el Coordinador de la Sección 504,

Molley Perry en 1812 Welsh, College Station, Texas, 77840, 979-764-5433.