Notes of the Appleby Fair Multi-Agency Strategic Co-ordinating Group
held on Monday 20 May 2013

Attendance:Robin Hooper, Eden District Council (Chair)
Mike Smyth, Cumbria County Council
Keiron Tetchner, Cumbria County Council
Roly Earl, Cumbria Constabulary
John Bell, Eden District Council
Rob Melloy, RSPCA
Jane Younger, Cumbria Constabulary
Steve Sharrock, Cumbria Fire & Rescue
Simon Rowley, South Lakeland District Council
Trevor Marsh, Environment Agency
Neil Buck, Eden District Council
Sean Robinson, Cumbria Constabulary
Billy Welch, Gypsy & Traveller Representative

Apologies:Chris Potter, Eden District Council
Elaine Lomas, Eden District Council

1.Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 22 April 2013were agreed as a true record.

2.Matters Arising

Cumbria Fire & Rescue Service – Steve Sharrock reported that since the last meeting of MASCG, the date for the water related exercise had changed from 25 May to 1 June. He also confirmed that in relation to the siting of the boom across the river that would only be undertaken if the height of the river was such as to deem it appropriate and necessary from a fire risk perspective.

3.Infrastructure Issues - Temporary Toilets Update

Neil Buck reported that since the last meeting of the group he had met with the Mayor of Appleby, Councillor Andy Connell and also had discussions with the owner of the Shire Hall. As a consequence of that, arrangements were in place for toilets to be placed in front of the Shire Hall which was the same location where they had been provided previously.

Reference was made to the activities in the past around Jubilee Bridge and whether any toilet provision should be made there. There was a general discussion about this and whilst it was noted that horses had been washed in the area of Jubilee Bridge in the previous year, it was not a location which was so regularly used as to justify toilet provision being in that locality generally. There was also general concern over the safety and use of such toilets. It was therefore decided not to put toilets in that location in 2013.

Neil Buck advised that he had had discussions with Jim Grisenthwaite from Cumbria County Council and support had been given to the siting of toilets at the Library. Neil was now to confirm the arrangements with David Kirkwood from the County Council for that to be done.

Consideration had been given to siting toilets on raised flower bed area over the bridge on route to the cricket ground. However, consideration was given to that option but it was decided not to pursue this due to the likelihood of toilets being pushed into the river.

It was agreed that once the final details of the location of toilets was known, Neil would liaise with Barry Cooper in order that details could be put on the website for everyone to note.

In relation to the cleansing of the permanent toilets this year, alternative arrangements had been made which hopefully would deal with the issues which had caused anxiety the previous year.

4.Road Safety for Bow Tops etc

Jane Younger reported that messages had already started to be distributed about the importance of being cautious when using roads leading up to, during and after the Fair due to horse drawn bow tops and other horses being on roads in the general area. It was noted that since the initial messages had been put on Facebook, there were over 2,000 hits within the first couple of hours. Messages would also be sent out about traveller times etc in order to ensure that effective communication was in place.

Keiron Tetchner reported that the warning signs which were normally in place on the A683 and A686 were in place and these were proving a very valuable means of communication to the public already.

The community messaging service would also be used as a form of communication. Jane asked to be notified of this to ensure that all communication would advise that it is likely that horses and horse drawn vehicles would be in the area from the date of the meeting up to 17 June which would be a week after the Fair. Traffic links on the website would be making reference to this as well.

It was noted that the A66 and motorway signs would be going out shortly and the overhead signs on the M6 would also be used, details of which were not yet known.

5.Channel 5 Police Interceptors

Jane Younger reported that following communication with the television company, it was decided not to pursue that initiative in 2013 but look to organising it in a subsequent year. Consideration was given to a draft notice which was being produced which would be used as an advisory notice for those Gypsy and Travellers who may be stopped on the way to the Fair referring to community safety and the importance of the Fair as a cultural and leisure event where crime and disorder were seriously discouraged.

Reference was made to the trotting land and the RSPCA confirmed that they would have a very close look at the activities along the trotting lane in 2013 and video and generally monitor the event to see what recommendations could come forward for actions as appropriate in the future with those people that use the lane in order to continue to improve human and animal safety. It was noted that the Police would also be undertaking filming and that could be accessible to the RSPCA as well.

Reference was made to the fences along the roadside of the trotting lane and it was understood that repairs to those fences had been made.

Mike Smyth reported that from a Trading Standards perspective, animal health visits would be undertaken and there would be an element of education on horse passports etc. In relation to Trading Standards activities generally, the County Council Officers would work with the Police which would be looking generally for bigger value items ie hand bags and counterfeit goods. Such goods would be seized if found.

Reference was made to the various web pages in particular, the biggest and the best Appleby Fair web pages where reference was made by one contributor to a “big ride out” which was scheduled to be held at 11am on the Saturday morning of the Fair. It was considered that this was not the best time for such an activity and the individual concerned should be discouraged from seeking to co-ordinate it at that time as The Sands would be closed to all forms of traffic along it and only be accessible by foot. It was considered that the individual concerned may wish to have communication with the Highway Authority and the Police over arranging such an event which could then be considered in a managed way.

Jane reported that the contributions to the website and access to the website was going well and she wished to extend her thanks to everyone concerned. The group also wished to record their thanks to Jane for work that she had done to date in setting up and co-ordinating the production of the new website.

6.Eden Parish Forum

A written report was presented to the meeting from Elaine Lomas with the various activities which had taken place since the last meeting.

Sandford and Warcop

Police (RE) and EDC (EL) attended a Warcop Parish Council meeting on 8 May 2013.

Requested changes/actions for 2013 are:

  • Message to be put on the website asking visitors not to arrive before Monday 3 June (done)
  • Warcop to be for bowtops only (info put on website)
  • Additional posts to be put in at Sandford Road End for safety reasons (in hand)
  • Posts to be installed in the red area on the map next to the railway bridge to accommodate two toilets (in hand)
  • Rubbish collection point signs to be provided (in hand)
  • Request for Police presence at Sandford Road End similar to the arrangement for Warcop last year - Parish Council informed there will be no formal arrangement at Sandford, but the Warcop presence each evening approx 6pm - 7pm will be provided as in 2012, when visitors arrive in Warcop
  • Conflicting messages on website re when Warcop and Sandford can accommodate visitors (done) and slightly revised maps and wording to be put on stopping places page on website (done)
  • Concern re accommodation for horses and what action will be taken if horses put into crop fields without permission (informed to phone 101)

Other Parishes

Contact has been made with other Parishes and the usual arrangements re posts, toilets, signage, website maps etc are all in hand or complete.

Contact with Traveller Reps

The following requests have been received:

  • Bowtops to have access to Winter’s bowtop field on the Wednesday - Mr Winter does not wish to open earlier than the usual time Thursday morning
  • Request for Mr Winter to provide extra grazing field for horses in return for small payment per horse - Mr Winter asked but unable to make extra grazing provision
  • Bowtops to be able to park up Wednesday night closer to Appleby to enable them to be at the front of the queue to get on Winters fields, horses will not queue up and it can be difficult to pass standing traffic waiting to get on the fields on the Wednesday morning - informed there are no restrictions to bowtops imposed under the TRO
  • Request that haulers, including milk tankers using narrow lanes are pre warned about slow, horse drawn vehicles on the roads leading to Appleby, also expressed similar concern re shift workers travelling early morning to work eg to Gypsum, not used to meeting traffic at such times. Matters referred to media group.


Request from various sources in the Alston area for increased Police presence in Alston and on Makepeace’s field

Update on Licensed Sites at Appleby

Seven sites are licensed as follows:

Stanley, Keld Farm (30 pitches) - Site licence restricts opening to Thursday

Anderton, Hanging Shaw - Site licence restricts opening to Thursday

Bellas, Croft Ends (25 pitches) - Site licence restricts opening to Thursday

Todd, Ivy House (75 pitches) - Site licence allows opening Wednesday pm for Bowtops

Dawson, Roman Road (85 pitches) - Site licence allows opening Wednesday pm for Bowtops

Winter, Clickham Farm (700 pitches) - Site licence restricts opening to Thursday

Fair Hill (600 pitches - Site licence allows opening Wednesday pm for Bowtops

Roly Earl updated the group generally on the issues which had been raised at the Parish meetings and drew to the groups attention that toilets would be provided for the first time at Sandford which hopefully might help alleviate some on the concerns which had been raised previously. Neil Buck confirmed that he would liaise with Elaine about the options for disposal of rubbish and report back as appropriate.


John Bell reported that ACAT had now made a street trading application and that had been approved for both the Friday and Sunday. The normal arrangements for the Saturday market would take place. It was hoped that this would be an opportunity for ACAT to continue to learn how to operate the market in the area which could then grow in future years.

In relation to licensed premises, John reported that he had undertaken a joint visit with the Police to the Kings Head as that was not opening nor was the Chamley Arms at Warcop this year. The other premises would be opening and they would be visited by John and the Police. Confirmation was given that the takeaways and public houses were all aware that closing time would be 11pm each day. Safe and Sound would be visiting the various pubs on Tuesday to see and confirm which ones wanted their services and then arrangements would be put in place for the management of that.

John Bell confirmed that funding had been agreed for the provision of EHF radios.


Jane Younger reported that the road safety press releases had been issued and Operation Oswald press release would be being produced with the Fire Service. This was an operation which related to safety on roads and was a joint activity organised by the two services.

Jane confirmed that she would be working throughout the Fair and would be introducing two of her new colleagues to the Fair at the various meetings on the Thursday and Friday.

It was noted that the online meeting was scheduled to be held the following week. Elaine Lomas would be undertaking this on behalf of Eden District Council.

It was noted that there had been no contact from any of the television companies in relation to documentaries being filmed for 2013.


Keiron Tetchner reported that posts were being erected in South Lakes and work would be starting in Eden later that day. Signs were also going out on the A683 and A686. Philip Houston from the Punchbowl has now been seen and confirmation being given of the actions, if any, which could be undertaken at the location he had an interest in.

10.South Lakeland District Council

Simon Rowley reported that he and the Police had attended a Respect meeting the previous Friday. Clarity had been given in relation to the protocol and it was explained that the Officer guide was for officers to use rather than being a public document. It was noted that there was general support for the strategy and there was a wish by the public to have more detail of the powers which were available to the Police and other authorities for dealing with Gypsy and Travellers generally. It was noted that this was available in the public domain.

Consideration was given to what other options might exist for communication generally with residents in South Lakeland and it was noted that this was a matter which was presently being considered by senior officers and Members from the District Council area.

11.Car Park Maps

It was agreed that the maps of where car parks were in use for Appleby Fair should be put on the website. Roly Earl would liaise with Jane in relation to this.

12.Fire - Water Related Exercise

It was confirmed that the fire water related exercise would take place on 1 June. Various teams would be present at that and people wishing to attend should meet at the Fire Station in Appleby at 10.00am. In relation to safety awareness during the Fair, it was noted that from 11.00am on the Saturday 8 June arrangements would be put in place for any Gypsy, Travellers or others to have safety awareness training at Appleby Fire Station.

13.River Level Gauge etc

Trevor Marsh reported that the river level gauge was now in place at the bottom of the ramp under the bridge. An explanation of what this means would now be produced and would be also put in place. It was noted that the bathometric survey map was still awaited which would indicate the various levels within the river depending upon water flows etc. It was noted that once this was done, a copy would be placed at the entry point to the river for information and consideration. It was noted that the scaffolding poles were still in place despite attempts to remove it and if it would not be removed prior to the Fair, then a Police cone would be put on it as had happened in the past.

14.Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Monday 24 June at 2.00pm in the Whelpdale Room, Mansion House, Penrith.