List of publications Jürgen Rehm, Ph.D.- 1 –

updated February 2016

List of publications

1 articles and other contributions to peer-reviewed journals

2 monographs, edited books or journals

3 book chapters

4 book reviews, abstracts, short contributions, articles without peer review

5 final reports of research projects

6 presentations at meetings and conferences, webinars

Overall impact indicators:

  • more than 700 contributions to peer-reviewed journals, including high impact journals such as Lancet, BMJ, PLOS Medicine, JAMA Psychiatry (formerly Archives of General Psychiatry), BMC Medicine, Journal of Hepatology, Canadian Medical Association Journal, American Journal of Epidemiology, or International Journal of Epidemiology
  • overall h-index: 91 (since 2011: 70)
  • more than 48,000 citations (more than 5,000 per year after 2010, more than 9,000 in 2014 and more than 10,000 in 2015)
  • more than 500 presentations, most of them invited

1 Articles and other contributions to peer-reviewed journals

In press or accepted for publication:

775.Rehm, J., Larsen, E., Lewis-Laietmark, C., Gheorghe, P., Poznyak, V., Rekve, D., & Fleischmann, A. (2016). Estimation of unrecorded alcohol consumption in low-, middle-, and high income economies for 2010. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research

774.Rehm, J., Anderson, P. Fischer, B., Gual, A., & Room, R. (2016). Substance use and marked reversals of population life expectancy. Implications for policy. BMC Medicine.

773.Shuper, P.A., Joharchi, N., Irving, H., Fletcher, D., Kovacs, C., Loutfy, M.R., Walmsley, S.L., Wong, D., & Rehm, J. (in press). Differential predictors of ART adherence among HIV monoinfected vs. HIV/HCV coinfected individuals. AIDS Care. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2016.1158396

772.Rehm, J., Roerecke, M., & Room, R. (2016). All-cause mortality risks for “moderate drinkers”: what are the implications for burden of disease studies and low-risk drinking guidelines? Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs

771.Rehm, J., Gmel, G., Sierra, C., & Gual, A. (2016). Reduction of mortality associated by a better detection of hypertension and alcohol problems in primary health care in Spain. Adicciones

770.Shield, K.D., Kurdyak, P., Shuper, P., & Rehm, J. (in press). Disability and functioning of patients who use psychiatric hospital emergency services. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.

769.Aalto, M., Jula, A., Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi, S., Liira, H., Räsänen, K., Rehm, J., Syvänne, M., & Huttunen, J.K. (accepted). Alkoholin haitallinen käyttö kohonneen verenpaineen aiheuttajana. Suomen Lääkärilehti.


768.Trigo, J.M., Lagzdins, D., Rehm, J., Selby, P., Gamaleddin, I., Fischer, B., Barnes, A.J., Huestis, M.A., Le Foll, B. (2016). Effects of fixed or self-titrated dosages of Sativex on cannabis withdrawal and cravings. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2016.02.020. [Epub ahead of print Feb 23] [PMID: 26925704]

767.Manthey, J., Gual, A., Jakubczyk, A., Pieper, L., Probst, C., Struzzo, P., Trapencieris, M., Wojnar, M. & Rehm, J. (2016). Alcohol use disorders in Europe: a comparison of general population and primary health care prevalence rates. Journal of Substance Usedoi:10.3109/14659891.2015.1063719 [epub ahead of print: Jan 21]

766.Anderson, P., & Rehm, J. (2016). Evaluating alcohol industry action to reduce the harmful use of alcohol. Alcohol & Alcoholism. pii: agv139. [Epub ahead of print Jan 11] [PMID: 26755639]

765.Popova, S., Lange, S., Shield, K.D., Mihic, A., Chudley, A.E., Mukherjee, R.A.S., Bekmuradov, D., & Rehm, J. (2016). Co-morbidity of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A systematic literature review and metaanalysis. Lancet. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(15)01345-8. [epub ahead of print: Jan 5][PMID:26777270]

764.Barrio, P., Miquel, L.,Moreno-España, J., Martínez, A., Ortega, L., Teixidor, L., Manthey, J., Rehm, J., & Gual, A. (2016). Alcohol in Primary Care. Differential characteristics between alcohol-dependent patients who are receiving or not receiving treatment. El alcohol en atención primaria. Características diferenciales entre los pacientes dependientes del alcohol que han solicitado o no tratamiento. Adicciones, [epub ahead of print: March] doi: 10.20882/adicciones.779

763.Fischer, B., Kurdyak, P., Goldner, E., Tyndall, M., & Rehm, J. (2016). Treatment of prescription opioid disorders in Canada: looking at the ‘other epidemic’? Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 11(1), 12. doi: 10.1186/s13011-016-0055-4. [PMID:26952717]

762.Odlaug, B.L., Gual, A., DeCourcy, J., Perry, R., Pike, J., Heron, L., & Rehm, J. (2016). Alcohol dependence, co-occurring conditions and attributable burden. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 51(2), 201-209. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agv088. [PMID:26246514]

761.Praud, D., Rota, M., Rehm, J., Shield, K.D., Zatoński, W., Hashibe, M., La Vecchia, C., & Boffetta, P. (2016). Cancer incidence and mortality attributable to alcohol consumption. International Journal of Cancer138(6), 1380-1387. doi: 10.1002/ijc.29890. [PMID: 26455822]

760.Fischer, B., Imtiaz, S., Rudzinski, K., & Rehm, J. (2016). Crude estimates of cannabis-attributable mortality and morbidity in Canada–implications for public health focused intervention priorities. Journal of Public Health, 38(1). 183-188. doi:10.1093/pubmed/fdv005 [PMID: 25630540]

759.Marmet, S., Rehm, J., & Gmel, G. (2016). The importance of age groups in estimates of alcohol-attributable mortality: impact on trends in Switzerland between 1997 and 2011. Addiction, 111(2), 255–262. doi: 10.1111/add.13164. [PMID:26360121]

758.Gual, A., Zarco, J., Colom, J.F., Rehm, J., for the Grupo para el Estudio de la Hipertensión y Trastorno por Consumo de Alcohol (2016). Cribado precoz e intervención breve en el consumo perjudicial de alcohol para mejorar el tratamiento de la hipertensión arterial en atención primaria. Medicina Clinica, 146(2), 81–85. doi: 10.1016/j.medcli.2015.07.014. [PMID: 26520609]
[Early screening and brief intervention in alcohol misuse to improve the treatment of hypertension in primary care]

757.Shuper, P.A., Joharchi, N., & Rehm, J. (2016). Protocol for a controlled experiment to identify the causal role of acute alcohol consumption in condomless sex among HIV-positive MSM: study procedures, ethical considerations, and implications for HIV prevention. AIDS and Behavior, 20(Suppl 1), 173-84. doi: 10.1007/s10461-015-1128-5 [PMID: 26163147]

756.Ferreira-Borges, C., Rehm, J., Dias, S., Babor, T., & Parry, C.D. (2016). The impact of alcohol consumption on African people in 2012: an analysis of burden of disease. Tropical Medicine International Health, 21(1),52-60. doi: 10.1111/tmi.12618. [PMID: 26448195]

755.De Oliveira, C., Cheng, J., Vigod, S., Rehm, J., & Kurdyak, P. (2016). Patients with high mental health costs incur over 30 percent more costs than other high-cost patients. Health Affairs, 35(1), 36-43. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2015.0278 [PMID: 26733699]

754.Rehm, J., & Room, R. (2015). Cultural specificity in alcohol use disorders. Lancet. [Epub ahead of print Sep 3] doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(15)00123-3 [PMID: 26343842]

753. Shield, K.D., Monteiro, M., Roerecke, M., Smith, B., Rehm, J. (2015). Alcohol consumption and burden of disease in the Americas in 2012: implications for alcohol policy. Pan American Journal of Public Health/Rev Panam Salud Publica, 38(6), 442-449.

752.Collart, F., de Timary, P., Dom, G., Dor, B.D., Duprez, D., Lengelé, J.-P., Matthys, F., Peuskens, H., Rehm, J., & Stärkel, P. (2015). Alcohol-induced hypertension: an important healthcare target in Belgium. Acta Clinica Belgica: International Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine, 70(6), 389-395 doi: 10.1179/2295333715Y.0000000039. [PMID: 26135944]

751.Feingold, D., Weiser, M., Rehm, J., & Lev-Ran, S. (2015). The association between cannabis use and anxiety disorders: results from a population-based representative sample. European Neuropsychopharmacology [Epub ahead of print Dec 29] doi: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2015.12.037 [PMID:26775742]

750.Luquiens, A., Whalley, D., Laramée, P., Falissard, B., Kostogianni, N., Rehm, J., Manthey, J., Paille, F., & Aubin, H.J. (2015). Validation of a new patient-reported outcome instrument of health-related quality of life specific to patients with alcohol use disorder: the Alcohol Quality of Life Scale (AQoLS). Quality of Life Research, doi:10.1007/s11136-015-1190-5 [Epub ahead of print Nov 20] [PMID: 26589528]

749.Sornpaisarn, B., Shield, K.D., Cohen J.E., Schwartz, R., & Rehm, J. (2015). The association between taxation increases and changes in alcohol consumption and traffic fatalities in Thailand. Journal of Public Health, doi:10.1093/pubmed/fdv163.[Epub ahead of print Nov 20][PMID: 26590388].

748.Samokhvalov, A.V., Rehm, J., & Roerecke, M. (2015). Alcohol consumption as a risk factor for acute and chronic pancreatitis: a systematic review and a series of meta-analyses. EBioMedicine, 2(12), 1996–2002. doi:10.1016/j.ebiom.2015.11.023. [PMID: 26844279]

747.Imtiaz, S., Shield, K.D., Roerecke, M., Cheng, J., Popova, S., Kurdyak, P., Fischer, B., & Rehm, J. (2015). The burden of disease attributable to cannabis use in Canada in 2012. Addiction, doi: 10.1111/add.13237. [Epub ahead of print Nov 24] [PMID:26598973]

746.Rehm, J., Anderson, P., Manthey, J., Shield, K.D., Struzzo, P., Wojnar, M., & Gual, A. (2015). Alcohol use disorders in primary health care – what do we know and where do we go? Alcohol and Alcoholism doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agv127 [epub ahead of print Nov 15] [PMID: 26574600]

745.Ogeil, R.P., Gao, C.X., Rehm, J., Gmel, G., & Lloyd, B. (2015). Temporal changes in alcohol-related mortality and morbidity in Australia. Addiction, doi: 10.1111/add.13213. [Epub ahead of print Oct 24] [PMID: 26498429]

744.Rahhali, N., Millier, A., Briquet, B., Laramée, P., Aballéa, S., Toumi, M., François, C., Rehm, J., & Daeppen, J.-B. (2015). Modelling the consequences of a reduction in alcohol consumption among patients with alcohol dependence based on real-life observational data. BMC Public Health, 15(1), 271. doi: 10.1186/s12889-015-2606-4 [PMID:26690081]

743.Feingold, D., Fox, J., Rehm, J., Lev-Ran, S. (2015). Natural outcome of cannabis use disorder: a three-year longitudinal follow-up. Addiction, 110(12), 1963-1974. .. doi: 10.1111/add.13071. [PMID: 26212076]

742.Kontis, V., Mathers, C.D., Bonita, R., Stevens, G.A., Rehm, J., Shield, K.D., Riley, L.M., Poznyak, V., Jabbour, S., Madanlal Garg, R., Hennis, A., Fouad, H.M., Beaglehole, R. & Ezzati, M. (2015). Regional contributions of six preventable risk factors to achieving the 25×25 non-communicable disease mortality reduction target: a modelling study. Lancet Global Health, 3(12), e746-e757. doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(15)00179-5. [PMID: 26497599]

741.Jakubczyk, A., Rehm, J., Manthey, J., Gual, A., & Marcin, W. (2015). Czy lekarze Podstawowej Opieki Zdrowotnej rozpoznają u swoich pacjentów uzależnienie od alkoholu? Polskie wyniki europejskiego projektu badawczego APC. Alkoholizm i Narkomania (Alcoholism and Drug Addiction),28(3), 163–171. doi:10.1016/j.alkona.2015.06.005
[Do general practitioners recognize alcohol dependence? Polish results of the European APC study]

740.Samokhvalov, A.V., & Rehm, J. (2015). Opioid-induced constipation reversal in response to placebo in a patient with a history of IBS receiving methadone maintenance therapy. BMJ Case Reports. Published online: Nov 13, 15. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2015-211954 [PMID: 26567239]

739.Kimber, M., Rehm, J., & Ferro, M.A. (2015). Measurement invariance of the WHODAS 2.0 in a population-based sample of youth. PLoS ONE10(11), e0142385. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0142385 [PMID: 26565410]

738.Rehm, J. (2015). Commentary on Cherpitel et al. (2015): improving global estimates of alcohol-attributable injury. Addiction, 110(11), 1733–1734.doi: 10.1111/add.13138

737.Rehm, J., Manthey, J., Struzzo, P., Gual, A., Wojnar, M. (2015). Who receives treatment for alcohol use disorders in the European Union? A cross-sectional representative study in primary and specialized health care. European Psychiatry, 30(8), 885-893. doi: 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2015.07.012 [PMID: 26647862]

736.Roerecke, M., Sørensen, P., Laramée, P., & Rehm, J. (2015). Clinical relevance of nalmefene versus placebo in alcohol treatment: reduction in mortality risk. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 29(11), 1152-1158. doi: 10.1177/0269881115602487 [PMID: 26349557]

735.Sornpaisarn, B., Kaewmungkun, C., & Rehm, J. (2015). Assessing patterns of alcohol taxes produced by various types of excise tax methods - a simulation study. Alcohol and Alcoholism,50(6), 639-646. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agv065 [PMID: 26094246]

734.Popova, S., Lange, S., Burd, L., & Rehm, J. (2015). The economic burden of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Canada in 2013. Alcohol and Alcoholism, [Epub ahead of print Oct 21] [PMID: 26493100]

733.Miquel, L., Barrio, P., Moreno-España, J., Ortega, L., Manthey, J., Rehm, J., & Gual, A. (2015).Detección y prevalencia del trastorno por uso de alcohol en los centros de atención primaria de Cataluña. Atención Primaria. doi: 10.1016/j.aprim.2015.04.006. [Epub ahead of print Oct 5][PMID: 26455328]
[Detection and prevalence of alcohol use disorders in primary health care in Catalonia]

732.Sornpaisarn, B., Shield, K.D., Cohen, J.E., Schwartz, R. & Rehm, J. (2015). Can pricing deter adolescents and young adults from starting to drink: an analysis of the effect of alcohol taxation on drinking initiation among Thai adolescents and young adults. Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health, 5(4 Suppl 1), S45-S57. doi: 10.1016/j.jegh.2015.05.004. PMID: 26079927

731.GBD 2013 Risk Factors Collaborators (Forouzanfar, M.H., Alexander, L., Anderson, H.R., Bachman, V.F., Biryukov, S., Brauer, M., Burnett, R., Casey, D., Coates, M.M., Cohen, A., Delwiche, K., Estep, K., Frostad, J.J., Kc, A., Kyu, H.H., Moradi-Lakeh, M., Ng, M., Slepak, E.L., Thomas, B.A., Wagner, J., Aasvang, G.M., Abbafati, C., Ozgoren, A.A., Abd-Allah, F., Abera, S.F., Aboyans, V., Abraham, B., Abraham, J.P., Abubakar, I., Abu-Rmeileh, N.M.E., Aburto, T.C., Achoki, T., Adelekan, A., Adofo, K., Adou, A.K., Adsuar, J.C., Afshin, A., Agardh, E.E., Al Khabouri, M.J., Al Lami, F.H., Alam, S.S., Alasfoor, D., Albittar, M.I., Alegretti, M.A., Aleman, A.V., Alemu, Z.A., Alfonso-Cristancho, R., Alhabib, S., Ali, R., Ali, M.K., Alla, F., Allebeck, P., Allen, P.J., Alsharif, U., Alvarez, E., Alvis-Guzman, N., Amankwaa, A.A., Amare, A.T., Ameh, E.A., Ameli, O., Amini, H., Ammar, W., Anderson, B.O., Antonio, C.a.T., Anwari, P., Cunningham, S.A., Arnlöv, J., Arsenijevic, V.S.A., Artaman, A., Asghar, R.J., Assadi, R., Atkins, L.S., Atkinson, C., Avila, M.A., Awuah, B., Badawi, A., Bahit, M.C., Bakfalouni, T., Balakrishnan, K., Balalla, S., Balu, R.K., Banerjee, A., Barber, R.M., Barker-Collo, S.L., Barquera, S., Barregard, L., Barrero, L.H., Barrientos-Gutierrez, T., Basto-Abreu, A.C., Basu, A., Basu, S., Basulaiman, M.O., Ruvalcaba, C.B., Beardsley, J., Bedi, N., Bekele, T., Bell, M.L., Benjet, C., Bennett, D.A., Benzian, H., Bernabé, E., Beyene, T.J., Bhala, N., Bhalla, A., Bhutta, Z.A., Bikbov, B., Abdulhak, A.a.B., Blore, J.D., Blyth, F.M., Bohensky, M.A., Başara, B.B., Borges, G., Bornstein, N.M., Bose, D., Boufous, S., Bourne, R.R., Brainin, M., Brazinova, A., Breitborde, N.J., Brenner, H., Briggs, A.D.M., Broday, D.M., Brooks, P.M., Bruce, N.G., Brugha, T.S., Brunekreef, B., Buchbinder, R., Bui, L.N., Bukhman, G., Bulloch, A.G., Burch, M., Burney, P.G.J., Campos-Nonato, I.R., Campuzano, J.C., Cantoral, A.J., Caravanos, J., Cárdenas, R., Cardis, E., Carpenter, D.O., Caso, V., Castañeda-Orjuela, C.A., Castro, R.E., Catalá-López, F., Cavalleri, F., Çavlin, A., Chadha, V.K., Chang, J.-C., Charlson, F.J., Chen, H., Chen, W., Chen, Z., Chiang, P.P., Chimed-Ochir, O., Chowdhury, R., Christophi, C.A., Chuang, T.-W., Chugh, S.S., Cirillo, M., Claßen, T.K.D., Colistro, V., Colomar, M., Colquhoun, S.M., Contreras, A.G., Cooper, C., Cooperrider, K., Cooper, L.T., Coresh, J., Courville, K.J., Criqui, M.H., Cuevas-Nasu, L., Damsere-Derry, J., Danawi, H., Dandona, L., Dandona, R., Dargan, P.I., Davis, A., Davitoiu, D.V., Dayama, A., De Castro, E.F., De La Cruz-Góngora, V., De Leo, D., De Lima, G., Degenhardt, L., Del Pozo-Cruz, B., Dellavalle, R.P., Deribe, K., Derrett, S., Jarlais, D.C.D., Dessalegn, M., Deveber, G.A., Devries, K.M., Dharmaratne, S.D., Dherani, M.K., Dicker, D., Ding, E.L., Dokova, K., Dorsey, E.R., Driscoll, T.R., Duan, L., Durrani, A.M., Ebel, B.E., Ellenbogen, R.G., Elshrek, Y.M., Endres, M., Ermakov, S.P., Erskine, H.E., Eshrati, B., Esteghamati, A., Fahimi, S., Faraon, E.J.A., Farzadfar, F., Fay, D.F.J., Feigin, V.L., Feigl, A.B., Fereshtehnejad, S.-M., Ferrari, A.J., Ferri, C.P., Flaxman, A.D., Fleming, T.D., Foigt, N., Foreman, K.J., Paleo, U.F., Franklin, R.C., Gabbe, B., Gaffikin, L., Gakidou, E., Gamkrelidze, A., Gankpé, F.G., Gansevoort, R.T., García-Guerra, F.A., Gasana, E., Geleijnse, J.M., Gessner, B.D., Gething, P., Gibney, K.B., Gillum, R.F., Ginawi, I.a.M., Giroud, M., Giussani, G., Goenka, S., Goginashvili, K., Dantes, H.G., Gona, P., De Cosio, T.G., González-Castell, D., Gotay, C.C., Goto, A., Gouda, H.N., Guerrant, R.L., Gugnani, H.C., Guillemin, F., Gunnell, D., Gupta, R., Gupta, R., Gutiérrez, R.A., Hafezi-Nejad, N., Hagan, H., Hagstromer, M., Halasa, Y.A., Hamadeh, R.R., Hammami, M., Hankey, G.J., Hao, Y., Harb, H.L., Haregu, T.N., Haro, J.M., Havmoeller, R., Hay, S.I., Hedayati, M.T., Heredia-Pi, I.B., Hernandez, L., Heuton, K.R., Heydarpour, P., Hijar, M., Hoek, H.W., Hoffman, H.J., Hornberger, J.C., Hosgood, H.D., Hoy, D.G., Hsairi, M., Hu, G., Hu, H., Huang, C., Huang, J.J., Hubbell, B.J., Huiart, L., Husseini, A., Iannarone, M.L., Iburg, K.M., Idrisov, B.T., Ikeda, N., Innos, K., Inoue, M., Islami, F., Ismayilova, S., Jacobsen, K.H., Jansen, H.A., Jarvis, D.L., Jassal, S.K., Jauregui, A., Jayaraman, S., Jeemon, P., Jensen, P.N., Jha, V., Jiang, F., Jiang, G., Jiang, Y., Jonas, J.B., Juel, K., Kan, H., Roseline, S.S.K., Karam, N.E., Karch, A., Karema, C.K., Karthikeyan, G., Kaul, A., Kawakami, N., Kazi, D.S., Kemp, A.H., Kengne, A.P., Keren, A., Khader, Y.S., Khalifa, S.E.a.H., Khan, E.A., Khang, Y.-H., Khatibzadeh, S., Khonelidze, I., Kieling, C., Kim, D., Kim, S., Kim, Y., Kimokoti, R.W., Kinfu, Y., Kinge, J.M., Kissela, B.M., Kivipelto, M., Knibbs, L.D., Knudsen, A.K., Kokubo, Y., Kose, M.R., Kosen, S., Kraemer, A., Kravchenko, M., Krishnaswami, S., Kromhout, H., Ku, T., Defo, B.K., Bicer, B.K., Kuipers, E.J., Kulkarni, C., Kulkarni, V.S., Kumar, G.A., Kwan, G.F., Lai, T., Balaji, A.L., Lalloo, R., Lallukka, T., Lam, H., Lan, Q., Lansingh, V.C., Larson, H.J., Larsson, A., Laryea, D.O., Lavados, P.M., Lawrynowicz, A.E., Leasher, J.L., Lee, J.-T., Leigh, J., Leung, R., Levi, M., Li, Y., Li, Y., Liang, J., Liang, X., Lim, S.S., Lindsay, M.P., Lipshultz, S.E., Liu, S., Liu, Y., Lloyd, B.K., Logroscino, G., London, S.J., Lopez, N., Lortet-Tieulent, J., Lotufo, P.A., Lozano, R., Lunevicius, R., Ma, J., Ma, S., Machado, V.M.P., Macintyre, M.F., Magis-Rodriguez, C., Mahdi, A.A., Majdan, M., Malekzadeh, R., Mangalam, S., Mapoma, C.C., Marape, M., Marcenes, W., Margolis, D.J., Margono, C., Marks, G.B., Martin, R.V., Marzan, M.B., Mashal, M.T., Masiye, F., Mason-Jones, A.J., Matsushita, K., Matzopoulos, R., Mayosi, B.M., Mazorodze, T.T., Mckay, A.C., Mckee, M., Mclain, A., Meaney, P.A., Medina, C., Mehndiratta, M.M., Mejia-Rodriguez, F., Mekonnen, W., Melaku, Y.A., Meltzer, M., Memish, Z.A., Mendoza, W., Mensah, G.A., Meretoja, A., Mhimbira, F.A., Micha, R., Miller, T.R., Mills, E.J., Misganaw, A., Mishra, S., Ibrahim, N.M., Mohammad, K.A., Mokdad, A.H., Mola, G.L., Monasta, L., Hernandez, J.C.M., Montico, M., Moore, A.R., Morawska, L., Mori, R., Moschandreas, J., Moturi, W.N., Mozaffarian, D., Mueller, U.O., Mukaigawara, M., Mullany, E.C., Murthy, K.S., Naghavi, M., Nahas, Z., Naheed, A., Naidoo, K.S., Naldi, L., Nand, D., Nangia, V., Narayan, K.M.V., Nash, D., Neal, B., Nejjari, C., Neupane, S.P., Newton, C.R., Ngalesoni, F.N., De Dieu Ngirabega, J., Nguyen, G., Nguyen, N.T., Nieuwenhuijsen, M.J., Nisar, M.I., Nogueira, J.R., Nolla, J.M., Nolte, S., Norheim, O.F., Norman, R.E., Norrving, B., Nyakarahuka, L., Oh, I.-H., Ohkubo, T., Olusanya, B.O., Omer, S.B., Opio, J.N., Orozco, R., Pagcatipunan, R.S., Jr., Pain, A.W., Pandian, J.D., Panelo, C.I.A., Papachristou, C., Park, E.-K., Parry, C.D., Caicedo, A.J.P., Patten, S.B., Paul, V.K., Pavlin, B.I., Pearce, N., Pedraza, L.S., Pedroza, A., Stokic, L.P., Pekericli, A., Pereira, D.M., 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