Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Graduate Admissions, Box 571004
3520 Prospect Street, NW, Room CB-207
Attn: MSFS Application (FSER)

Washington, DC 20057-1004

BSFS/BSBA/MSFS SupplementalForm

To the Applicant:Please fill out this required form. In order to move between lines or fields,use either the Tab button, which will take you to the next field, or click on the beginning of the desired field or line with your mouse. Please limit each response to the space provided.

Last/Family Name / First/Given Name / Middle

Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy):

I am applying for the (check one)BSFS/MSFSBSBA/MSFS

I understand that (please type in initials in front of each item)

1) I must have maintained an honors academic average (3.5 or above) to apply to the 5-year accelerated program with MSFS.

2) I must apply for admission to MSFS for the semester when my senior year would start (i.e., if my senior year starts fall 2013, I must apply for MSFS for fall 2013)

3) I may only take graduate-only (500-level and above) coursework during the fourth and fifth year of study.

4) I must complete my undergraduate distribution requirements by the end of my junior year

5) MSFS Degree candidates must satisfactorily pass the MSFS language proficiency examination to receive the MSFS.

6) MSFS Degree candidates must pass a one-hour oral examination to receive the MSFS.

7) MSFS Degree candidates must pass an internship requirement to receive the MSFS

I verify that I have (please initial):

I have discussed curricular requirements with Dean Mini Murphy (BSFS/MSFS) or my academic advisor in the School of Business (BSBA/MSFS), and will have finished all undergraduate distribution requirements by the end of my junior year

I understand that I need to interview with the Director of MSFS Admissions, and will contact/have contacted to set up an interview

Institution/Location Date

By typing in my name, I hereby certify that the information provided by me is my own work and is true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand and agree that any deliberate misrepresentation may be cause for denial or revocation of admission or subsequent dismissal from Georgetown University. I understand that all admissions materials (originals and photocopies) submitted in support of this application become part of my Georgetown University record and are not returnable.

Signature: / Date: