SW Asia Review Sheet

à à Know all of the vocabulary terms! à à Know all of the vocabulary terms! à à Know all of the vocabulary terms!

à àKnow all of the vocabulary terms! à à Know all of the vocabulary terms! à à Know all of the vocabulary terms! à à Know all of the vocabulary terms!

1.  What connects the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea?

2.  To get from the Persian Gulf to the Gulf of Oman, you have to pass through the .

3.  What countries rely on the Persian Gulf as their only source of shipping?

4.  Name some major “choke points” in the region (for exporting):

Strait of Hormuz, Suez Canal, Dardanelles Strait

5.  Burning of the oil fields in Kuwait was considered the worst environmental terrorist act in history .

6.  What is the major difference between Christianity and Judaism? The Messiah has come – Jesus is the Son of God

7.  How are North Africa and SW Asia connected? Culturally through Islam

8.  Name the only landlocked country in this region.

9.  What two rivers begin in Turkey and flow into the Persian Gulf? Tigris and Euphrates

10.  What piece of land is located between the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba? Sinai Peninsula

11.  The Jordan river flows into the Dead Sea .

12.  What have been some of the negative impacts of oil in this region? Pollution,

13.  Why do ancient civilizations settle where they do?

14.  What are the 2 most valuable resources in this region and why are they valuable? Oil and water

15.  Name 3 holy cities in Islam.

a.  Mecca

b.  Medina

c.  Jerusalem

16.  Who is the prophet of Islam? Muhammad

17.  What is the Holy book of Islam, Christianity, Judaism?




18.  What are the 5 pillars of Islam? PG 504






19.  What are the 10 commandments for Judaism and Christianity?

a. f.

b. g.

c. h.

d. i.

e. j.

20.  What is a theocratic state? Chapter 22: Section 1

21.  What is the Western Wall? 22:2

22.  What is the purpose of OPEC and when was it formed? Controls oil prices by setting production quotas.

23.  Explain the “law of supply and demand” in regards to the gas prices here in U.S. Oil exports down = high prices here

24.  What religion(s) is Jerusalem Holy to? All 3 rligions

25.  Explain the role of Zionism. Movement for a homeland for the Jews.

26.  Explain the role of the PLO. The Palestine Liberation Organization is a group that works for a Palestinian homeland

27.  What early civilizations started in Mesopotamia? Sumer, Assyria, Babylonia

28.  What is the difference between Sunni and Shii’ Muslims?

a.  Shi’ites believe that only descendants of Muhammad may lead the Muslim world

b.  Sunnis believe that the leader should be elected

29.  Iran is the only country with a majority of Shi’ite Muslims.

30.  Who/what is the Taliban? The oppressive government in Afghanistan who supported terrorist organizations, such as Al Quida.

31.  Who was Osama Bin Laden? Leader of the Al Quida.

32.  Saddam Hussein was the controversial leader of what country? Iraq

33.  What was considered the biggest acts of environmental terrorism in history? Saddam Hussein’s army burning the oil fields in Kuwait.

34.  What started the Persian Gulf War? Saddam Hussein’s (Iraq) attacking Kuwait.

35.  What country did the US attack in order to rid them of weapons of mass destruction? Iraq

36.  Who are the Kurds? cc A stateless nation of nomadic people. They want their own lands, many are refugees and they are involved in conflicts with the Turks and the Iraqis.

a.  Where do they live? Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria

37.  Who are the Palestinians? Arab group native to Israel who are a stateless nation and want their own lands (Israel)

a.  Where do they live? Israel – many are refugees and they are involved in conflicts with the Israelis.

38.  After World War I, the land controlled by Britain was called:

39.  After WWI, the British allowed Jews to move into Palestine .

40.  Name some ways Human Environment Interaction is seen in the SW Asia region.

Chapter 21:3

41.  What is the Dome of the Rock? Chap 22:2

42.  At the end of WWII, The UN created the country of Israel . How did the Arab nations respond to the creation of Israel? The Arab Nations invaded Israel.

43.  In 1947 the United Nations decided to partition Jerusalem between the Jews and the Arabs.

44.  After World War I the Ottoman Empire lost its lands.

45.  Understand the basic philosophies with the 3 major religions.

All are monotheistic / Judaism (Oldest religion of the three) / Christianity / Islam (5 Pillars of Faith is the foundation of the religion)
Holy Book / Torah (Old Testament) / Bible (Old and New Testament) / Koran
Person / Abraham offer son to God as a sacrifice / Jesus tried and crucified by the Romans / Mohammad prophet who trough the Angel Gabriel brought Islam to the people
Holy day / Saturday / Sunday / Friday
Holy city / Jerusalem (Western Wall) / Jerusalem (Church of the Holy Seplucher) / Mecca, Medina Jerusalem – Dome of the Rock
Thoughts on Jesus / Prophet / Messiah (Son of God) / Prophet

46.  How are they similar?

47.  On what day do each of the 3 religions worship?

48.  What are some of the problems associated with using “guest workers”?

49.  What is the ongoing issue in the Arab-Israeli conflicts?

50.  Who is the Ayatolla Khomeini and how did he govern? A fundamentalist Shi’ite Muslim who led protests against the Shah of Iran and was exiled; he eventually over through the shah and Iran became Theocratic.