Paul Cutter

HPE 915 Technology in PE

#5 Annotated Resources

This web page is designed to provide you with up-to-date, useful information on technology and physical education informative and educational. PElinks4u has created a specific page that is geared towards technology and physical education. It has the latest information on new technology ideas, along with articles that have peoples’ suggestions and testimonies when using certain products. Within this website you can be linked to certain companies who sell technology products for PE classes along with give you lesson ideas. You can share your ideas as well, which is something that is ideal for teachers, because some lesson ideas work and some don’t.

This is a free to join website that has some really great PE technology ideas. It manages to get everyone involved, from teachers, students and parents, by logging how the students use the pedometers. This site helps motivate kids to become, and remain physically active, by allowing them to log their daily physical activity steps or miles. In addition to recording their steps or miles, they can participate in a virtual hike across the USA with their class, be involved in class competitions vs. other classes, set daily goals, view their own personal step log, and compare their steps with other kids of the same age and gender. There are some limitations to this site. One example would be the fact that it isnot designed to have teachers enters class step totals (e.g., total 25 student steps/miles in one class period and enter into Log It). Students need to register individually so they can enter steps throughout the day including at home. Also students can enter only up to 25,000 steps or 12.5 miles per day. Day changes at midnight. They can add to their steps throughout the day. 2,000 steps = a mile. Other than these two limitations the site is really something to check out, and would be great for a younger age group.

This is a great website for sharing and lessons on all types of physical education lessons and health as well. There is a whole section just for pedometers. On this site it gives you lesson ideas for using pedometers for all ages and assessments as well. It also has a link to go to ask the experts on pedometers, so if you are not sure of how it works or have additional questions it is really beneficial. Teaching tools such as handouts and certificates are available as well to add to your curriculum. This website will also give you all the research you need to find the right pedometer for you and your students.

This is a great site that I plan to use in the future when I do my mountain biking unit. The site has a whole range of different areas, from showing different places to ride, sharing monthly featured articles, previewing up-coming races, mountain bike advice in riding, mechanical and general sections, and also a pictures and movies section. It seems to be up-dated on a regular basis, and will really spark an interest in the sport of mountain biking for the students. I think I would use this website as an extra credit section for my students, perhaps they could access an online story or video and write a summary and reaction to it. They could also use it to find new trails to ride.

  1. Textbook Lessons from the Heart, Individualizing Physical Education with Heart Rate Monitors. Beth Kirkpatrick & Burton H Birnbaum.

I think this is a textbook that I will be able to use a lot in the future. I have always liked the idea of using heart rate monitors in my curriculum and it is something I have been pushing for over the last few years. This textbook gives you almost 40 different ideas lessons on all different activities on how to use heart rate monitors. It explains each lesson very clearly and it very easy to follow and use. Using heart rate monitors makes aerobic exercise safe and more productive by helping you and your students individualize participation in physical activity. All of the lessons have interdisciplinary applications, and many of them include reproducible worksheets, the lessons also include goals, key concepts, materials needed a description of the activity and helpful teaching tips.

  1. (article on NFL: Keep gym in schools)

Over the last few years the NFL has been very active in supporting and promoting physical activity in the younger generations. You only need to turn on an NFL game to see some form of commercial for these types of activities. This article was about how NFL teams were giving grants to schools to help buy equipment, instructional and program improvements to have a better physical education program. This past year, the NFL Network sponsored a competition between schools in cities with NFL teams for four $55,000 grants and one $10,000 grant to improve school physical education.

  1. JOPERD the Journal of Physical Education,Recreationaland Dance.

Of all of the journals that I have subscribed to as a PE teacher, I think this is the one I use and read the most. The idea of this journal is to advance the common goals and discrete roles of HPERD professionals who are committed to improving the quality of life through the movement arts and sciences, sport and leisure. There is an issue every month that comes out with all different ideas that you can incorporate into your classrooms, from dance to students with disabilities. You will also find advertisements for different organization and job offering that might be in your area. One article that if found very interesting in the March 2007 journal was titled “Incorporating video games into physical education”, between their popularity and their efficient delivery of information, video games may help to enhance students motivation, understanding and performance in sports. The use of video games for serious educational purposes is drawing attention from a growing number of educators and educational theorist.

I was introduced to this website through reading the Technology book in this course. Also known as Bonnie’s fitware is a great website if you as an educator want to take courses on technology in PE, there are many different courses that are offered and you can get credit for. If you are looking for funds to purchase technology there is some great information along with how to write a proposal for the grant on anything related to technology.

On this website you can stay in touch with others in PE by getting involved in her blog along with communicating on face book for some great technology PE ideas. There are many links of her technology newsletter page that range from using power point, web designing, electronicportfolios to teaching PE online, there resources are free and incredible.This is a website worth checking out for you district.

On this website I found a program called Fit Bit, which can be bought for your school. Some of the highlights of this program are:

  • Get Kids Moving – Activities take 10-15 minutes and get students up and moving for brief classroom breaks.
  • Nutrition Themes – Messages are about variety, fruits/veggies, healthy snacks, and food safety.
  • Personal/Social Themes – Messages reinforce four themes, such as respect for others and cooperation.
  • Animation & Music CD – A CD (included with each book) can be used to view animations of activities on a computer or played in a CD player for music to accompany activities.

The video clip that is shown using fit bits is very helpful to all educators and administrators, students need to be u and moving in order for us as teachers to get them involved in learning and for them to stay focused to what we are telling them. Lesson ideas and samples are also provided.

This website is about combination of physical education, physical activity, and nutrition education is critical to fostering healthy children and combating obesity.
The mission of the staff at EPEC (Exemplary Physical Education Curriculum) is to provide teachers, administrators, and schools with the tools needed to make every child a physically-educated child. EPEC was recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2002 for Excellence in Prevention Research and Research Translation in Chronic Disease. On this website you will find many links to technology resources that are extremely beneficial to all students.

Teacher Observation Program (TOP) is a software application used for conducting teacher observations. It is used to measure, record, and report the duration and frequency of events that occur during the observation. Data collected includes type of feedback (8 choices), develop of skill, use of time (7 choices), trial opportunities for 3-5 students, number of students on-task (5 recordings), and 1-3 user defined fields. Data can be collected using a notebook computer, ultra-mobile computer, and iPhone/iPod Touch. iPhone/iPod Touch version requires the purchase of FM Touch from the Apple store. It also requires a wireless connection between your desktop computer and iPodTouch/iPhone. This would be a great idea to incorporate into districts, most districts want to know how they can be more technology advanced well here is there answer. Priced at $100 for the program.

  1. Textbook Physical Education and Technology Playbook by Castelli, and Leah Holland Fiorentino. Physical Education Technology Playbook

This will help future and current physical educators: use technology to assess physical fitness, monitor student progress toward personal goals, refine motor skills, comprehend new concepts, and increase enjoyment of physical activity; select from numerous activities that promote learning and healthy physical activity choices through the integration of technology; use the National Standards for Beginning Physical Education Teachers and the National Standards for Physical Education(K-12 students); draw on technologies that enhance learning and increase teacher efficiency; and build professional portfolios through activities that help teachers.

All of the technology examples in the book are directly related to physical education and used in physical activity settings, helping you to apply the technology in your work right away. The companion Web site contains editable modules that you can customize for your own needs. For example, you can produce a newsletter with your school’s name or edit documents to build your teaching portfolio. The companion Web site also contains adaptable lesson plans featuring technology that you can use in the classroom with accompanying handouts for students.

Numerous current topics are covered, including data entry, charts and graphs, Web page development, desktop publishing, advanced editing and multimedia production, and PDAs. The text explores how technology can both enhance and measure physical activity.

This book is ideal for technology courses in physical education programs and as a supplemental text in PE methods courses. With this package, you will learn to use technology to understand and promote key concepts related to physical activity, and you will meet the technology standards established by the International Society for Technology in Education, ensuring that you are prepared to use various technologies from day one on the job. Lesson plans are provided to assist you in the induction year of teaching through the use of technology-rich student experiences.


Article tilted Dance Dance Revolution in Schools: A new approach to physical education.

News media have reported how playing DDR can be good aerobic exercise; some regular players have reported weight loss of 10–50 pounds. Although reports of weight loss have not been scientifically measured, many schools use DDR as a physical education activity in gym classes.

Physical education is moving away from competitive team sports and is more about encouraging lifetime fitness, and DDR is a part of that. Kids can do it on their own, and they don’t have to compete with anyone else. DDR has become also popular in the homes of many young people, which is encouraging them to become more physically active. It is not a cheap product but most parents are excited to buy it because they have seen a change in their children. What some other schools are doing as well as offering DDR during their physical education classes, teachers are offering it during recess, which is up to the students if they want to join in. But the idea of giving them something else to do during recess is a great idea.

14. Dartfish Software: mediabooks also found on NASPE's website.

Dartfish is the world's solution leader - using the power of video to enhance learning and performance in sport, education, and physical medicine. Digital images and video sequences created by Dartfish software are educational, interactive and entertaining. Dartfish allows you to engage students with the power of visual learning using video, learn how to accelerate and enhance learning by using visual feedback using video andcompare and contrast proper form/skill using video for visual learning and assessment in physical education.I was able to view some of the video on you tube and how they break down the athlete and all their movements. This can be used in coaching for all ages; I am fascinated on how this can help athletes become stronger and better at their specific sport. It is similar to videotaping someone and going over what they did wrong when you slow the picture down, but to have this software and utilize all the components is amazing.


“The Florida Childhood Obesity Prevention Project also will establish an exergaming center in a public elementary school where its impact on children's physical activity behaviors and weight status can be assessed. Exergaming, also known as technology based physical activity, is designed to promote positive attitudes and increase the daily participation in health enhancing physical activity.

An exergaming school center will allow researchers to evaluate and disseminate information about this innovative technological approach to promoting physical activity. In January 2007, the School of Physical Education & Exercise Science in the College of Education at The University of South Florida, in cooperation with iTECH Fitness of Denver, Colorado, partnered to create the first university exergaming fitness research lab for children.

The mission of this project component is to create and evaluate an exergaming center. The center will offer 4th and 5th graders a high quality, student friendly environment as part of a comprehensive physical education school wellness model. Furnished with state-of-the-art equipment, the Center will allow researchers to evaluate the impact of technology based physical activity on children's attitudes, behavior, and physiology”. If these were put into elementary schools it would be great to start the students off young and have them understand why exercise is important and because most students live in a technology based world they can combine the two.

  1. Article from how to Why Choose Polar Heart Rate Monitors.

This article talks about how people at a gym work out but they give up cause it gets too hard, what they don't realize is are they getting anything out of their work out. The article goes into to talking about why heart rate monitors are beneficial to you and what they do. A heart rate monitor is a tool that will help pace you. For example, if you exercise too hard, you will most likely quit before you get the real benefit. We have all seen the person who gets on the treadmill, cranks it up to 8% grade and 8 mph, runs full out for 2 minutes, and gets off. All they did was waste two minutes of their time. On the other hand, there are people who exercise very leisurely and wonder why they can't lose any weight. If you workout too slowly, you won't get the exercise benefit either. That's where the HRM comes in. It paces you during your workout. It's like having a personal trainer that tells you to slow down or speed up. It also helps you diversify your workout and integrate different activities so you don't get bored.

This website had some really great and different power point presentations on physical education and technology. I really liked it because it really debates how beneficial technology can be to physical education, does it really work and does it help our youth engage more in physical activity. These presentations are something that you can use for your administrators in helping you either obtain a grant or just to show them how technology can be integrated with physical education.


This website is geared for students, parents and teachers the main idea of electric kids is for students in grades K - 6th elementary school aged. The founder of this program comes to your school and does a presentation it is very similar to a Tae Bo like video, where it gets the students up and moving and following the instructor. There is a muscle mania game that the founder plays with the students to help them identify what muscles they are working out and where they are in relation to their body. This program can be sued for fundraisers in the school or for a regular PE class, it motivates students to stay active and lead a healthy lifestyle. It also has four different lesson plans that you can incorporate into your school curriculum.