MONDAY 12th MARCH 2012

7.30 pm – Council Meeting


Chair: The Mayor – Councillor A Willoughby

Councillors: I Avery, J Batt, P Beardsell, A Gallico, M Gallico, T Handley,

P Ireland, P McNamara, C Reid, N Smith and C Willoughby and A Wright.

Staff present: The Clerk

Also present: District Councillor A Jones, Maggie Gell (Knaresborough Post), 3 Members of Knaresborough Silver Band.

Late arrivals: None Early Departures: Councillor P Beardsell 9:38pm

The Mayor called a Minute Silence for the five men from the Yorkshire Regiment who had recently been killed whilst serving in Afghanistan and Yochen Haas.

C12/082 Item 1 – To receive Apologies for Inability to attend the meeting

Apologies were received from Councillors H McNamara and K Sewell.

C12/083 Item 2 – Councillors’ Declarations of Interest

All declarations are personal, unless otherwise stated.

Councillor J Batt / Member of NYCC and HBC – will consider any same item at NYCC and HBC in the light of any new information.
Councillor P Ireland / Member of HBC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light of any new information.
Item 6 – Planning Application 6.100.1614.BJ.FUL – The owner/applicant is known to Councillor Ireland.
Councillor T Handley / Item 6 – Planning Application 6.100.2833.FUL – The owner/applicant is a personal friend of Councillor Handley.
Item 9a) – Councillor Handley is a member of the executive board of Renaissance Knaresborough.
Councillor A Willoughby / Item 9a) – Vice Chair of Renaissance Knaresborough.
Councillor C Willoughby / Member of HBC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light of any new information.
Councillor A Wright / Prejudicial Interest – Item 7b) – Councillor Wright owns the property opposite.
Item 7d) – If the road closed it would cause an inconvenience to Councillor Wright.

C12/084 Item 3 – To consider and if thought fit approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on:

a)  27th February 2012

b)  13th February 2012

RESOLVED: a) That the minutes of the Council meeting held 27th February 2012 be

approved as a correct record subject to the following changes:-

i)  C12/067 – ‘2 disabled spaces’ is amended to ‘1 disabled space’

ii) C12/067 – To add the words ‘contractors and other users of

Knaresborough House’ to read ‘The disabled parking spaces are often

used by HBC employees, contractors and other users of Knaresborough

House, which results in no parking provision.’
iii) C12/078 d) ii) – To remove Councillor A Willoughby and include

‘Members felt that this should be a Civic event and that KTC should work

in partnership with the Town Twinning Committee.’

b) That the minutes of the Council meeting held 13th February 2012 be approved as a correct record subject to the following changes:-

i) C12/048 – Councillor J Batt’s Declaration of Interest is amended to read

‘Councillor Batt appoints a Governor at Meadowside School.’

ii) ‘Councillor A Gallico’ is replaced with ‘Councillor H McNamara’.

C12/085 Item 4 – KTC Public Speaking Session

Nigel Sykes – Knaresborough Silver Band

Mr Sykes is on the Committee of Knaresborough Silver Band and is also a playing

Member of the band.

Mr Sykes explained to the Council that the costs the Band faced are continually increasing. These include the practice room, music, uniforms, the purchase of instruments and the overhaul of instruments etc.

The Mayor moved to take Item 5a) at this point.

C12/086 Item 5 – Business Remaining from Previous Meetings

a)  Reminder of outstanding application for funding from Knaresborough Silver Band. (KTC deferred this in October 2011until later on in the financial year).

Members felt that in the future KTC and Knaresborough Silver Band need to make an agreement so the Town Council knew what was being funded by the grant.

A proposal to provide a grant of £1,000 to the Silver Band failed.

RESOLVED: That a grant of £500.00 be made to Knaresborough Silver Band and that the Band

be invited to re-apply in the new financial year.

Members of the Silver Band left the meeting at this point and the Mayor moved to

Item 6.

C12/087 Item 6 – To consider the following Planning Applications relating to

Knaresborough and make such observations thereon as may be appropriate

/ Applicant / Details of Application / KTC Comments
12/00480/FUL / Mr Gareth Baker / Erection of 2m high fence and gate to rear raised decking to rear courtyard, new rear access door and demolition of outbuilding to rear – 25 Castlegate. / KTC support this application (this address provides services Knaresborough needs).
12/00481/LB / Mr Gareth Baker / Listed building application for the erection of 2m high fence and gate to rear, raised decking to rear courtyard, installation of 4 fascia signs, 2 hanging signs, external paintwork, installation of new access door to rear, various internal alterations to include the installation of replacement staircase, perimeter benching and bar, the reposition of first floor toilets, and demolition of outbuilding to rear – 25 Castlegate. / KTC support this application (this address provides services Knaresborough needs).
12/00682/ADV / Mr Gareth Baker / Display of 2 illuminated fascia signs, 2 non illuminated fascia signs and 2 hanging signs – 25 Castlegate. / KTC support this application (this address provides services Knaresborough needs).
12/00573/FUL / Redline Specialist Cars Ltd / Erection of detached building for vehicle servicing and repair – Redline Racing, Grimbald Crag Close. / KTC supports this application. (Nem con)
12/00475/FUL / Mr B King / Erection of stable – Scotton Orchards, Lands Lane. / No objections.
12/00504/FUL / Mother Shiptons Ltd. / Partial change of use of ground floor to retail use (Use Class A1 – Shops) with installation of door and replacement window and office to first floor – Prophecy Lodge, Harrogate Road. / KTC supports this application. (Nem con)
12/00561/LB / Mr S Bold / Listed Building application for the installation of replacement door and window and various internal alterations to include alterations to existing staircase and installation of 3 walls – 37 Kirkgate. / No objections.
12/00286/FUL / Rotary Club of Knares-borough / Erection of fundraising wishing well – High Bridge Gardens, Waterside. / KTC supports this application.
Councillor A Wright requested that his vote against this motion be recorded.
12/00231/FUL / Mr T Beaumont / Erection of replacement dwelling with detached store and workshop (Site area – 0.07ha) – Marsden, Forest Moor Road. / The Town Council object due to:
1)  Contributing to the urbanisation of Forest Moor Road
2)  The development is over intensification of the site
3)  The site is within statutory Green Belt.
The Mayor used his casting vote for this motion to be carried.

C12/088 Item 7 – Planning Correspondence

a)  Planning Enforcements

i)  Confidential Papers (2)

RESOLVED: Receive and note.

ii)  Outcome of Investigation

a)  12/00068/PR15

b)  11/00411/PR15

RESOLVED: Receive and note.

Councillor A Wright declared a prejudicial interest in Item 7b) and therefore left the Chamber at this point and took no further part in the discussion or voting on this item. District Councillor Anne Jones also left the Chamber at this point.

b)  To note the WITHDRAWAL of Planning Application 6.100.2085.F.FULMAJ (11/03419/FULMAJ) – Erection of 14 affordable dwellings with associated car parking spaces (Site Area 0.28ha) [Revised Scheme] – Former Timber Yard, Hambleton Grove (Applicant: Mr M Bowker).

RESOLVED: Receive and note.

Councillor A Wright and District Councillor A Jones returned to the Chamber.

c)  Observations on County Matter Application 6.100.2366.E.CMA 12/00585/CMA – Letter dated 28th February 2012 from Acting Head of Planning Services HBC.

RESOLVED: Receive and note.

d)  Observations on County Matter Application NY/2012/0026/FUL – Email dated 1st March 2012 from Development Control Officer, NYCC.

RESOLVED: Receive and note.

C12/089 Item 8 - To note date of the HBC Planning Committee 13th March 2012, 2pm at Crescent Gardens, Harrogate.

The Mayor moved to the next item.

C12/090 Item 9 – Correspondence

a)  Harrogate Borough Council - Economic Development Grant Proposals – Letter dated 24th February 2012 from Acting Head of Property and Economic Development, HBC

RESOLVED: KTC reply to Economic Development Unit that the Town Council

a)  Are willing to consider signing up to a joint working approach;

b)  Will consider the issue of funding after the meeting has taken place;

c)  Would like to send 3 representatives to the meeting. (Unanimous)

FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Town Council approve Councillors J Batt, A Willoughby, T

Handley and A Wright to attend the meeting with the Economic Development Unit bringing the total approved representatives to four (Unanimous).

b)  Knaresborough Castle Footpaths Resurfacing Work – Email dated 5th March 2012 from Technical Officer, Parks and Playgrounds, HBC

Councillor A Willoughby circulated photographs of the Walled Garden, Helmsley where HBC had told him the same materials were used.

Councillors queried whether Commuted Sums for the Bowling Green would be used.

RESOLVED: i) That KTC write to HBC to ask whether there are sufficient Commuted Sums to promote the Bowling Green as previously requested by KTC or whether it is the same Commuted Sums being used.

ii) KTC to question the suitability of the surface they are proposing. KTC would like a more substantive surface similar to what has been used along the Stray (Unanimous).

C12/091 Item 10 – Reports of Committees/Working Groups

a)  Notes from the Diamond Jubilee Working Group Meeting held on Friday 24th February 2012

RESOLVED: Receive and note.

C12/092 Item 11 – Motions Submitted by Members

The Mayor moved to the next item.

C12/093 Item 12 – Reports From The Clerk

a)  To receive and note finance page

RESOLVED: Receive and note (Unanimous)

b)  To consider Walkers are Welcome for 2012

RESOLVED: That the Town Council approves payment of the Walkers are Welcome

subscription (Unanimous).

c)  To consider producing a newsletter and possible items to be included within the newsletter

The Clerk explained that at this stage she wanted to know if this is what KTC would like the office to produce.

Members felt that it would be a good idea to produce a Spring newsletter.

RESOLVED: That the Clerk circulates a deadline to Members for contributions to the newsletter

and that Members are able to proof read the newsletter prior to distribution.

C12/094 Item 13 – None

C12/095 Item 14 – To Receive the Following Documents:

a)  Clerks and Councils Direct (March 2012, Issue 80)

b)  The Clerk Magazine (March 2012, Vol. 43, No. 8)

e)  Carriageway Patching – Manse Lane & Monkswell Park – Letter dated 2nd March 2012 from Project Manager, Highways Department, NYCC.

f)  Drainage Investigation Works – A59 Harrogate Road – Letter dated 2nd March 2012 from Senior Project Manager, Highways Department, NYCC.

RESOLVED: Receive and note.

c)  Opening Hours for Libraries – Email dated 1st March 2012 from Assistant Director, Library & Community Services, NYCC.

d)  Potential Funding – Email dated 1st March 2012 from Interim Project Director, HBC.

g)  Warm Homes Healthy People – Letter dated 1st March 2012 from Chief Officer, Rural Action Yorkshire.

h)  Notice of changes to services, terms and conditions – Letter dated March 2012 from Sales Director, Royal Mail.

RESOLVED: Defer these items to the next meeting.

C12/096 Item 15 – Information Exchange

a)  Councillor A Wright – Standards Committee – There is a temporary organisation occurring at HBC at the moment. Councillor Wright will continue in a temporary capacity.

Councillor J Batt informed Members that if KTC replaced Councillor Wright on the Standards Committee, KTC will not have a serving representative.

b)  Councillor C Willoughby – Knaresborough in Bloom meet next Tuesday at 7:30pm at Knaresborough House.

c)  Councillor C Reid – Attended the Town Twinning Meeting to discuss Honorary Freeman. The Committee are delighted that the Town Council are printing a scroll and would be very happy for it to be a Civic event run by KTC. The Committee are in the process of putting a list together and will let the Clerk’s office know about numbers as soon as possible.

d)  Councillor A Willoughby – A tree will be planted in memory of Yochen Hass who recently died.

e)  Councillor T Handley – The Chamber of Trade AGM will be held on 20th March – everyone is invited. Councillor Handley will also attend a meeting at HBC to decide who will light the Diamond Jubilee Beacon.

f)  The Clerk reported that :-

i) the agreement over the Bilton Hall allotment site had been signed with the newly named ‘Jubilee Allotment Association’ and is in the process of being passed over.
ii) a new lease agreement for the photocopier had been signed and the new photocopier should be with us this week.

iii) the NYCC Area Committee meeting will be held on Thursday 15th March 2012. The Abbey Road footpath will be discussed at this meeting.
iv) following a visit from an HBC Officer, she could report that HBC were holding an Air Quality Management Consultation from now until 8th May 2012 with an exhibition in the Library and an action pack on the table in Knaresborough House but they will also be writing to KTC shortly.

v) an officer from HBC had met with the Clerk about the many problems staff have had with the notice board outside Knaresborough House. He has confirmed that they will undertake some repairs to the notice board outside but these will probably take place in the new financial year.

vi) Following a request for information, the Office have received an email from HBC giving information about the capacity of the Castle area which was people sitting approximately 500 and 250-300 people when tables and chairs are in use.

Councillor P Beardsell left the meeting at this point (9:38pm).

The Clerk apologised for not circulating the Unpublished Minute from the Meeting held on 27th February 2012 and that this will be circulated at the next Council meeting.

The meeting closed at 9:40pm

Signed by the Mayor: Date: