This is for financial adviser use only and shouldn’t be relied upon by any other person.



This document provides a rolling annual review of the AdventurousLifestyle Strategy (Drawdown) and is designed to assist you in preparing your client reports. The information is provided on a sample basis only and you should ensure that your own final version satisfies your compliance requirements. For more information about ourLifestyle Strategies please visit

Investment objective

This strategy aims to deliver above inflation growth in the value of the fund at retirement. It has been designed to support regular income withdrawals when you retire, whilst taking a level of risk consistent with anadventurous risk attitude.

Benchmark allocations

The strategy is invested in the Governed Portfolios shown. You will be automatically invested into the strategy at the point that matches your time to retirement.

As you approach retirement your money is automatically switched to ensure a gradual move between the portfolios and fund splits shown below. The switching occurs on a monthly basis on, or as close as possible to, the date on which your birthday falls.

At 15yrs+ At 10yrs At 5yrs Retirement

Ongoing governance

Your Lifestyle Strategy comes with ongoing governance. This simply means that our investment experts check it regularly. It allows us to maintain the best mix of assets in line with the risk category - and to make sure it is performing in line with its overall objectives - aiming to give you the best returns. The value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may not get back the value of the original investment.

If our experts decide that the mix of assets needs to be adjusted, it happens automatically on your behalf, you don't need to do anything. What's more, this service comes at no extra cost.

Latest tactical allocations at 16/08/2018

At 15yrs+ At 10yrs At 5yrs Retirement

Performance at 30/06/2018

Past performance is not a guide to the future. Prices can fall as well as rise meaning you may not get back the value of your original investment. Investment returns may fluctuate and are not guaranteed.

Percentage Change
30/06/2017 / 30/06/2016 / 30/06/2015 / 30/06/2014 / 30/06/2013 / Compound Annual
Portfolio Name / 30/06/2018 / 30/06/2017 / 30/06/2016 / 30/06/2015 / 30/06/2014 / Growth Rate (%)
%Chg / %Chg / %Chg / %Chg / %Chg / 3 Years / 5 Years
Governed Portfolio 7 / 7.99 / 17.49 / 3.66 / 8.33 / 11.46 / 9.55 / 9.69
Composite benchmark / 8.06 / 15.95 / 6.35 / 6.38 / 11.05 / 10.03 / 9.49
Difference / -0.07 / 1.54 / -2.69 / 1.95 / 0.41 / -0.48 / 0.20
Governed Portfolio 8 (Drawdown) / 7.74 / 16.14 / 3.98 / 8.20 / 10.66 / 9.16 / 9.26
Composite benchmark / 7.24 / 14.04 / 6.95 / 6.61 / 10.09 / 9.35 / 8.95
Difference / 0.50 / 2.10 / -2.97 / 1.59 / 0.57 / -0.19 / 0.31
Governed Portfolio 9 (Drawdown) / 5.36 / 11.34 / 4.63 / 6.93 / 8.37 / 7.07 / 7.30
Composite benchmark / 4.82 / 9.64 / 6.73 / 6.08 / 7.58 / 7.04 / 6.96
Difference / 0.54 / 1.70 / -2.10 / 0.85 / 0.79 / 0.03 / 0.34
GRIP 5 / 6.55 / 17.27 / 3.50 / 6.86 / 11.81 / 8.94 / 9.09
Composite Benchmark / 5.20 / 13.38 / 6.84 / 5.66 / 10.29 / 8.41 / 8.22
Difference / 1.35 / 3.89 / -3.34 / 1.20 / 1.52 / 0.53 / 0.87

Tracker lifestyle strategies

Performance of portfolios with the RLP BlackRock Aquila Global Blend fund replacing the RLP Global Managed fund for equity content.

Percentage Change
30/06/2017 / 30/06/2016 / 30/06/2015 / 30/06/2014 / 30/06/2013 / Compound Annual
Portfolio Name / 30/06/2018 / 30/06/2017 / 30/06/2016 / 30/06/2015 / 30/06/2014 / Growth Rate (%)
%Chg / %Chg / %Chg / %Chg / %Chg / 3 Years / 5 Years
Governed Portfolio 7 / 8.07 / 17.91 / 4.83 / 7.51 / 11.04 / 10.12 / 9.77
Governed Portfolio 8 (Drawdown) / 7.82 / 16.53 / 5.03 / 7.48 / 10.29 / 9.68 / 9.36
Governed Portfolio 9 (Drawdown) / 5.43 / 11.59 / 5.33 / 6.46 / 8.10 / 7.40 / 7.35
GRIP 5 / 6.62 / 17.56 / 4.30 / N/A / N/A / 9.34 / N/A

Active lifestyle strategies

Performance of portfolios with the RLP Global Blend Core Plus (Rathbone Global Alpha) fund replacing the RLP Global Managed fund for equity content.

Percentage Change
30/06/2017 / 30/06/2016 / 30/06/2015 / 30/06/2014 / 30/06/2013 / Compound Annual
Portfolio Name / 30/06/2018 / 30/06/2017 / 30/06/2016 / 30/06/2015 / 30/06/2014 / Growth Rate (%)
%Chg / %Chg / %Chg / %Chg / %Chg / 3 Years / 5 Years
Governed Portfolio 7 / 8.83 / 19.50 / 0.09 / 10.09 / 12.94 / 9.18 / 10.10
Governed Portfolio 8 (Drawdown) / 8.51 / 17.99 / 0.64 / 9.75 / 11.91 / 8.81 / 9.61
Governed Portfolio 9 (Drawdown) / 5.87 / 12.50 / 2.38 / 7.93 / 9.13 / 6.83 / 7.50
GRIP 5 / 7.11 / 18.67 / 0.97 / N/A / N/A / 8.67 / N/A

Source: Lipper, bid to bid, as at 30.06.2018, Royal London, as at 30.06.2018. All performance figures, including the figures shown for the growth in the benchmark, have been calculated net of the annual management charge applicable to each fund. Please note that the Governed Portfolios and their benchmarks are rebalanced on a monthly basis.

Performance at 31/07/2018

Past performance is not a guide to the future. Prices can fall as well as rise meaning you may not get back the value of your original investment. Investment returns may fluctuate and are not guaranteed.

Percentage Change
31/07/2017 / 31/07/2016 / 31/07/2015 / 31/07/2014 / 31/07/2013 / Compound Annual
Portfolio Name / 31/07/2018 / 31/07/2017 / 31/07/2016 / 31/07/2015 / 31/07/2014 / Growth Rate (%)
%Chg / %Chg / %Chg / %Chg / %Chg / 3 Years / 5 Years
Governed Portfolio 7 / 8.49 / 13.20 / 6.85 / 9.53 / 6.87 / 9.47 / 8.96
Composite benchmark / 9.11 / 13.98 / 7.29 / 8.40 / 5.81 / 10.08 / 8.88
Difference / -0.62 / -0.78 / -0.44 / 1.13 / 1.06 / -0.61 / 0.08
Governed Portfolio 8 (Drawdown) / 8.11 / 12.26 / 6.77 / 9.39 / 6.59 / 9.02 / 8.60
Composite benchmark / 8.12 / 12.31 / 7.60 / 8.50 / 5.53 / 9.32 / 8.39
Difference / -0.01 / -0.05 / -0.83 / 0.89 / 1.06 / -0.30 / 0.21
Governed Portfolio 9 (Drawdown) / 5.35 / 8.67 / 6.64 / 7.84 / 5.41 / 6.87 / 6.77
Composite benchmark / 5.29 / 8.32 / 7.14 / 7.51 / 4.31 / 6.90 / 6.50
Difference / 0.06 / 0.35 / -0.50 / 0.33 / 1.10 / -0.03 / 0.27
GRIP 5 / 6.67 / 13.32 / 6.49 / 7.91 / 8.18 / 8.77 / 8.48
Composite Benchmark / 5.66 / 10.33 / 8.86 / 7.47 / 6.09 / 8.26 / 7.66
Difference / 1.01 / 2.99 / -2.37 / 0.44 / 2.09 / 0.51 / 0.82

Tracker lifestyle strategies

Performance of portfolios with the RLP BlackRock Aquila Global Blend fund replacing the RLP Global Managed fund for equity content.

Percentage Change
31/07/2017 / 31/07/2016 / 31/07/2015 / 31/07/2014 / 31/07/2013 / Compound Annual
Portfolio Name / 31/07/2018 / 31/07/2017 / 31/07/2016 / 31/07/2015 / 31/07/2014 / Growth Rate (%)
%Chg / %Chg / %Chg / %Chg / %Chg / 3 Years / 5 Years
Governed Portfolio 7 / 8.74 / 13.11 / 9.12 / 7.87 / 6.95 / 10.30 / 9.13
Governed Portfolio 8 (Drawdown) / 8.36 / 12.19 / 8.89 / 7.89 / 6.65 / 9.79 / 8.77
Governed Portfolio 9 (Drawdown) / 5.52 / 8.63 / 8.02 / 6.86 / 5.41 / 7.37 / 6.88
GRIP 5 / 6.86 / 13.27 / 8.09 / N/A / N/A / 9.36 / N/A

Active lifestyle strategies

Performance of portfolios with the RLP Global Blend Core Plus (Rathbone Global Alpha) fund replacing the RLP Global Managed fund for equity content.

Percentage Change
31/07/2017 / 31/07/2016 / 31/07/2015 / 31/07/2014 / 31/07/2013 / Compound Annual
Portfolio Name / 31/07/2018 / 31/07/2017 / 31/07/2016 / 31/07/2015 / 31/07/2014 / Growth Rate (%)
%Chg / %Chg / %Chg / %Chg / %Chg / 3 Years / 5 Years
Governed Portfolio 7 / 9.11 / 13.16 / 5.69 / 10.14 / 8.07 / 9.27 / 9.20
Governed Portfolio 8 (Drawdown) / 8.71 / 12.25 / 5.72 / 9.87 / 7.61 / 8.86 / 8.81
Governed Portfolio 9 (Drawdown) / 5.74 / 8.66 / 5.92 / 8.14 / 6.02 / 6.76 / 6.89
GRIP 5 / 7.12 / 13.30 / 5.69 / N/A / N/A / 8.65 / N/A

Source: Lipper, bid to bid, as at 31.07.2018, Royal London, as at 31.07.2018. All performance figures, including the figures shown for the growth in the benchmark, have been calculated net of the annual management charge applicable to each fund. Please note that the Governed Portfolios and their benchmarks are rebalanced on a monthly basis.

Annual Review Log

Date / Details
IAC Meeting – 29/08/2018 / Each Target Lifestyle Strategy continues to be appropriate for its risk profile and investment objective.
16/08/2018 / Governed Portfolio 7
A currency crisis in Turkey has rattled global stock markets. Before the selloff, our multi asset funds were already positioned relatively defensively, with the smallest overweight in equities since 2012 and favouring the US over emerging markets. We continued to reduce exposures to stocks and commodities, bringing the latter allocation into line with the benchmark. The proceeds were moved into property. We will look to add back to stocks in coming months. We are modestly overweight global equities.
Governed Portfolio 8 (Drawdown)
A currency crisis in Turkey has rattled global stock markets. Before the selloff, our multi asset funds were already positioned relatively defensively, with the smallest overweight in equities since 2012 and favouring the US over emerging markets. We continued to reduce exposures to stocks and commodities, bringing the latter allocation into line with the benchmark, and lowered the holding of index linked government debt. The proceeds were moved into conventional government bonds and cash. We will look to add back to stocks in coming months. We are modestly overweight global equities and short dated global high yield bonds.
Governed Portfolio 9 (Drawdown)
A currency crisis in Turkey has rattled global stock markets. Before the selloff, our multi asset funds were already positioned relatively defensively, with the smallest overweight in equities since 2012 and favouring the US over emerging markets. We continued to reduce exposures to stocks and commodities, bringing the latter allocation into line with the benchmark, and lowered the cash holding. The proceeds were moved into government bonds and short dated high yield debt. We will look to add back to stocks in coming months. We are modestly overweight global equities and short dated global high yield bonds.
Governed Retirement Income Portfolio 5
A currency crisis in Turkey has rattled global stock markets. Before the selloff, our multi asset funds were already positioned relatively defensively, with the smallest overweight in equities since 2012 and favouring the US over emerging markets. We continued to reduce exposures to stocks and commodities, bringing the latter allocation into line with the benchmark, and lowered holdings of cash. The proceeds were moved into government bonds and short duration high yield debt. We will look to repurchase stocks in coming months. We are modestly overweight global equities and short dated global high yield bonds.
12/07/2018 / Governed Portfolio 7
Our Investment Clock may enter its ‘Stagflation’ phase during summer, as inflation tracks slightly higher while global growth cools, especially outside the US. Stocks are flat year-to-date after a burst of volatility that marked a global growth peak; a deteriorating economic backdrop and talk of trade wars signal further volatility. We continued to take profits on our equities position, where the overweight is the lowest since 2012, and reduced our overweight commodities allocation; the proceeds were moved into property. We are modestly overweight global equities and commodities.
Governed Portfolio 8 (Drawdown)
Our Investment Clock may enter its ‘Stagflation’ phase during summer, as inflation tracks slightly higher while global growth cools, especially outside the US. Stocks are flat year-to-date after a burst of volatility that marked a global growth peak; a deteriorating economic backdrop and talk of trade wars signal further volatility. We continued to take profits on our equities position, where the overweight is the lowest since 2012, and reduced our overweight commodities allocation; the proceeds were moved into government bonds and cash, reducing underweights. We are modestly overweight global equities, global high yield bonds and commodities.
Governed Portfolio 9 (Drawdown)
Our Investment Clock may enter its ‘Stagflation’ phase during summer, as inflation tracks slightly higher while global growth cools, especially outside the US. Stocks are flat year-to-date after a burst of volatility that marked a global growth peak; a deteriorating economic backdrop and talk of trade wars signal further volatility. We continued to take profits on our equities position, where the overweight is the lowest since 2012, and reduced our overweight commodities allocation; the proceeds were moved into government bonds and cash, reducing underweights. We are modestly overweight global equities, global high yield bonds and commodities.
Governed Retirement Income Portfolio 5
Our Investment Clock may enter its ‘Stagflation’ phase during summer, as inflation tracks slightly higher while global growth cools, especially outside the US. Stocks are flat year-to-date after a burst of volatility that marked a global growth peak; a deteriorating economic backdrop and talk of trade wars signal further volatility. We continued to take profits on our equities position, where the overweight is the lowest since 2012, and reduced our overweight commodities allocation; the proceeds were moved into government bonds and cash, reducing underweights. We are modestly overweight global equities, global high yield bonds and commodities.
07/06/2018 / Governed Portfolio 7
Our Investment Clock remains in its ‘Overheat’ phase, with greater risk of inflation, although there are indications of economic weakness outside the US. We expect stocks to trade in a range over summer; investor sentiment, having been very fearful in February, is now neutral. After capitalising on weak markets in the first quarter to increase equity exposures, we have been taking profits on our overweight position as prices recovered, moving the proceeds into property. Longer term, we remain positive on stocks but more cautious on government bonds. We are moderately overweight global equities and commodities.
Governed Portfolio 8 (Drawdown)
Our Investment Clock remains in its ‘Overheat’ phase, with greater risk of inflation, although there are indications of economic weakness outside the US. We expect stocks to trade in a range over summer; investor sentiment, having been very fearful in February, is now neutral. After capitalising on weak markets in the first quarter to increase equity exposures, we have been taking profits on our overweight position as prices recovered, moving the proceeds into cash. Longer term, we remain positive on stocks but more cautious on government bonds. We are moderately overweight global equities, global high yield bonds and commodities.
Governed Portfolio 9 (Drawdown)
Our Investment Clock remains in its ‘Overheat’ phase, with greater risk of inflation, although there are indications of economic weakness outside the US. We expect stocks to trade in a range over summer; investor sentiment, having been very fearful in February, is now neutral. After capitalising on weak markets in the first quarter to increase equity exposures, we have been taking profits on our overweight position as prices recovered, moving the proceeds into cash. Longer term, we remain positive on stocks but more cautious on government bonds. We are moderately overweight global equities, global high yield bonds and commodities.
Governed Retirement Income Portfolio 5
Our Investment Clock remains in its ‘Overheat’ phase, with greater risk of inflation, although there are indications of economic weakness outside the US. We expect stocks to trade in a range over summer; investor sentiment, having been very fearful in February, is now neutral. After capitalising on weak markets in the first quarter to increase equity exposures, we have been taking profits on our overweight position as prices recovered, moving the proceeds into cash. Longer term, we remain positive on stocks but more cautious on government bonds. We are moderately overweight global equities, global high yield bonds and commodities.
IAC Meeting –
05/06/2018 / Each Target Lifestyle Strategy continues to be appropriate for its risk profile and investment objective.

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September 2018 5L1271/18