Subject – Geography, 7.1 What is Geography?

Cartographic Skills / Human Processes / Physical Processes
M / Use maps and atlases with longitude, latitude and grid references to locate a range of features, describe places and plot features with accuracy. / Explain why human actions may damage the environment and give examples of solutions. / Explain how physical processes, such as the weather, affect our daily lives. Describe a range of physical processes such as erosion with the aid of accurate annotated diagrams.
S / Use an atlas and longitude and latitude to locate some information and plot physical and human features with accuracy. / Explain how a range of human action affects the physical world. / Explain how physical processes, such as the weather, affect our daily lives. Describe physical processes such as erosion.
D / Use an atlas and to locate some basic information and plot physical and human features with some accuracy. / Summarise how a limited range of human actions affects the physical world. / Describe how some physical processes, such as the weather, affect our daily lives. Describe simple physical processes such as erosion.

M – Mastery of a topic | S – Secure with the topic | D – Developing knowledge of the topic

Subject – Geography, 7.2 Map Skills

Cartographic Skills / Knowledge of place
M / Use maps and atlases with longitude, latitude and grid references to locate a range of features, describe places and plot features with accuracy. / Describe the location of places and their significant features. Describe cultures in different parts of the world.
S / Use an atlas and longitude and latitude to locate some information and plot physical and human features with accuracy. / Describe the location of places in the local area and describe local features.
D / Use an atlas and to locate some basic information and plot physical and human features with some accuracy. / Give a basic description of where places are located and recall some facts about that place.

M – Mastery of a topic | S – Secure with the topic | D – Developing knowledge of the topic

Subject – Geography, 7.3 UK Geography

Synoptic Skills / Knowledge of place
M / Contrast issues from human and physical geography to explain which is more significant. / Describe the location of places and their significant features. Describe cultures in different parts of the world.
S / Categorise topics into human and physical geography. / Describe the location of places in the local area and describe local features.
D / Categorise topics into human and physical Geography. / Give a basic description of where places are located and recall some facts about that place.

M – Mastery of a topic | S – Secure with the topic | D – Developing knowledge of the topic

Subject – Geography, 7.4 Extreme Weather

Graphical Skills / Physical Processes / Views of stakeholders
M / Identify trends shown in a range of graphs and apply it to questions. / Explain how physical processes, such as the weather, affect our daily lives. Describe a range of physical processes such as erosion with the aid of accurate annotated diagrams. / Explain your own views on a number of issues and use evidence to support them. Explain the views of others and explain differences in these views.
S / Interpret bar and line graphs, including climate graphs, to identify trends. / Explain how physical processes, such as the weather, affect our daily lives. Describe physical processes such as erosion. / Describe your own views on a number of issues and explain why you hold these view. Describe the views of others and explain how decisions lead to controversy.
D / Read bar and line graphs to obtain information including climate graphs. / Describe how some physical processes, such as the weather, affect our daily lives. Describe simple physical processes such as erosion. / Describe your own views on a number of issues and begin to state why you hold these view. Identify the views of others.

M – Mastery of a topic | S – Secure with the topic | D – Developing knowledge of the topic

Subject – Geography, 7.5Crime

Investigation Skils / Conclusions
M / Set enquiry questions and locate the information needed to answer them. Use this information to make and justify decisions. / Reach conclusions which explain what you have discovered about an issue being investigated. Suggest further research that could be done.
S / Set enquiry questions and locate the information needed to answer them. Use this information to show understanding. / Reach conclusions which describe what you have discovered about an issue being investigated.
D / Start to set enquiry questions with guidance and locate the information needed to answer them. Summarise this information. / Reach basic conclusions, which describe what you have discovered about an issue being investigated.

M – Mastery of a topic | S – Secure with the topic | D – Developing knowledge of the topic

Subject – Geography, 7.6Rivers

Cartographic Skills / Knowledge of place / Physical Processes
M / Use maps and atlases with longitude, latitude and grid references to locate a range of features, describe places and plot features with accuracy. / Describe the location of places and their significant features. Describe cultures in different parts of the world. / Explain how physical processes, such as the weather, affect our daily lives. Describe a range of physical processes such as erosion with the aid of accurate annotated diagrams.
S / Use an atlas and longitude and latitude to locate some information and plot physical and human features with accuracy. / Describe the location of places in the local area and describe local features. / Explain how physical processes, such as the weather, affect our daily lives. Describe physical processes such as erosion.
D / Use an atlas and to locate some basic information and plot physical and human features with some accuracy. / Give a basic description of where places are located and recall some facts about that place. / Describe how some physical processes, such as the weather, affect our daily lives. Describe simple physical processes such as erosion.

M – Mastery of a topic | S – Secure with the topic | D – Developing knowledge of the topic