“The Things Past”

Now working for Floyd in Hungary as 659-002, ex BR 56115 pauses for a photostop on the Mercia Charters railtour whilst en route from Dunaújváros docks to Dunaújváros station. This brought back some fond memories as I’d driven the loco many times while it was based at Cardiff Canton.

Having missed out on last years Mercia Charters tour in Hungary due to leave restrictions and a summer visit to Lake Balaton due to high air fares I decided to book on the second Mercia Charters tour to feature an ex BR class 56. Despite a slight wobble due to slow bookings, the tour was confirmed as running and June and I had sensibly timed flights booked to/from Budapest with Swizzair – not our favourite carrier but my shifts didn’t leave us with many options. Apart from the two day tour, we’d planned a couple of nights out as well as a day out on the Friday. We used a seven day Budapest transport ticket and FIP tickets to get around.

All opinions and comments in this report are my own unless otherwise stated and I make no apologies for any typos or grammatical mistakes! As usual, new loco’s are marked in bold, late running is highlighted red and unscheduled stops are shown in italics. A review of the hotel, beers and railways follows at the end of the report.

Thursday 03/10/2013

As I wasn’t finishing work until 01:00 we’d hunted out an afternoon flight with Swizzair which meant that I could grab a few hours sleep before catching the bus into town. Everything was running on time and we made our connection at Newport which meant we had time for a pint in London before heading to Luton airport. We decided that the Betjamin Arms at St. Pancras would be the easiest option and I was pleased to see that the beer choice was pretty good altough a bit pricey. After downing a pint of Sambrooks “Junction” 4.5% we hopped on a EMT Vomiter to Luton Airport Parkway and joined the queue for the bus to the airport.

The Gloucestershire gang were on same flight and it wasn’t long before we bumped into them at the airport – several times as it turned out while snaking through the security line! The flight was late taking off but the pilot managed to pull a bit back which meant that I didn’t have quite as long to suffer the cramped seats (makes Riotscare look spacious!). The others had booked a transfer to the hotel but it hadn’t turned up so turned so we turned down the offer of waiting to see if we could join them in favour of the bus/train option. I bought our seven day tickets from the info kiosk (even though web gen suggeted that there wasn’t anywhere open that sold them!) but then failed to extract any cash from the ATM – all it would do was display my balance!

We caught the 200E bus to Ferihegy and it was just as well that we’d been able to buy our tickets as we were joined by two plain clothes inspectors! The bus dropped us nicely into a train to Nyugati (typcailly dud!) and we walked round the corner to the trolleybus stop where we had a ten minute wait for a #73 round to Keleti so by the time we got to reception the others were already there. We’d done the right thing though as there wouldn’t have been room in their transfer so after a quick check in we setoff with the others for a meal in the all you can eat buffet down the road. I stpped briefly to get some cash but failed again which was a bit of a shock as I’d assumed that it was the airport ATM at fault and not my card. Luckily as we were with friends I was offered a sub to see me through but it was also suggested that I paid for the buffet meal on plastic and received the cash from everyone – an excellent idera after a good scoff. Unfortunately they didn’t take plastic but I just had nough money to pay until I realised that we’d cocked up by not adding the service charge so I was short! Luckily Rich Bishop hadn’t left and helped out but I was now totally skint so gladly execpted Steve Ashby’s offer of a loan!

There were two bars close by which some of us were keen to visit so after Anita and Kate headed back to hotel we headed for the bars. The first bar, Szimpla Kert was pretty busy and quite unusual with a very quirky interior including a Trabbi and a Mini that had been converted to seats! I’d hoped to find a Hungarian micro as there were nine beers on tap but instead they were serving Lasko Temno (dark) from Slovenia and a house beer (also from Slovenia?). We all said that we’d have stayed for another drink if the beer range had been a bit better but instead we headed to our next port of call. Hrabal Söröző was a small Czech themed bar with three beers on tap (often Postřižinské from Nymburk) and the gen I had suggested a closing time of 01:00 so we were gutted to rock up at 23:20 and find it had just closed - the later finish was only on Friday and Saturday nights! Instead, we headed back towards the hotel and a night cap in “Denzil’s bar”, the scene of his stairs failure the previous year – luckily the stairs seemed undamaged! Most of us went for a Dreher Bak although this possibly wasn’t the best beer to finish the night on as it was 7.3% so it took a while for me to finish before heading back to the hotel. Before turning in I used the BT Smartalk app on my phone to ring Nationwide who confirmed that there was nothing amiss with my card so they just suggested trying another ATM!

The brewkit at the Brauhaus Napoleon, slightly off the beaten track in the southern Leipzig suburbs but worth a visit.

BR DMU 07:45 08:34 05:55 Crewe - Carmarthen

BR HST 08:39 10:32 07:28 Swansea - Paddington

BR DMU 11:30 St. Pancras - Luton Airport Parkway 11:50 11:30 St. Pancras - Nottingham

Wizzair HA-LPI 14:25 Luton airport - Budapest Ferihegy 2 17:40 W6 2206 14:25 Luton airport - Budapest Ferihegy 2

MÁV 432.378 18:57 Ferihegy - Budapest Nyugati 19:22 2611 18:37 Monor - Budapest Nyugati

Friday 04/10/2013

I woke up still concerned about the ATM issues so before breakfast I headed downstairs and tried a German bank. Success! Having managed to get some cash and pay Steve back we enjoyed a relaxed breakfast and then headed over to Keleti station. My original idea had been a relaxed day around Szombathely but a freight train derailment had already caused one alteration and the performance with the ATM’s had resulted in a later than planned start so I rehashed the trip, meeting up with Denzil and Dan at Csorna for a ride to Repcelak on the GySEV 651 (ex DB 232). I managed to buy June’s ticket and reservations for both of us (I was using my FIP coupons) and I was pleased that we had reservations because the train was full but not impressed that mine was next to an old boy dressed in smoke infused denim!. I baled at Csorna to fot our Taurus (one of the bacth leased to GySEV from ÖBB) but couldn’t see our forward loco which I assumed must already be waiting round the curve ready for the loco change. Instead, I walked up the platform to fot the stabled shunter only to realise that it was actually an M40 and not the expected M44. However, as I approached it fired up and drew out of the station, just as Denzil and Dan arrived – surely they weren’t going to use that on the IC?!? Yes they were and we were all totally gobsmacked although Denzil and I were disappointed that they’d picked our dud one.

It didn’t take long for us to reach Repcelak and the re-engined M40 managed fine on the small load three. After fotting it depart we bought our return tickets and wandered over the road for a beer along with the others. Two chaps were cooking over an open fire but we weren’t sure whether the food was available or not and didn’t really have time anyway but I doubt their set up would have been allowed in the UK! Sitting outside the bar meant that we had to occasionally play dodge the conker. Especially when they were being thrown! Back at the station, I fotted a stabled Sergei and then waited for the Ludmilla to arrive and was pleased to see that it wasn’t my dud one. After evicting a couple from our seats we set off for Gyor where Denzil had suggested dropping back onto the following train. After checking the move I looked up the previous journey with the GySEV M40, only to find that it wasn’t 402 that we’d had but 401 so we’d both just cleared the class!! The Ludmilla gave way to a required 480 at Csorna rather than 1116.059 as I’d expected and as we rolled into Gyor we saw that we had another new one forward although it was a bit of a hike to get to it.

As the others were heading (slowly) for the hotel, June and I decided to meet up with the Gloucestershire crowd after they’d finished their visit to the Children’s Railway but as we had a bit of spare time we did bit of shopping to pick up some snacks for the morning. We headed across to Buda and hopped on a tram for one stop from Batthyány tér to Halász utca then walked down the road to meet the others in the Pater Marcus. This cellar bar / restaurant is Belgian themed with up to twelve beers on tap but they weren’t cheap so we only stayed for one. As everyone was getting peckish we walked back to Batthyány tér and made our way to Corvin-negyed metro station for the short walk to the Kaltenberg Sörözö for a meal and a couple of their own beers. As yo umight expcet from the name, they have German connections and the place very much feels like a German bierkeller, complete with all the tourists and tonight was no exception. There were several coaches parked outside so we were hoping that they were all visiting the xxxxx next door but no, they were all in the brewpub having their set meals. Luckily we got a table together after a few minutes and the service was quicker than I’d expected. For a change they had their red ale as well as the dark (and light) but once again the repeat beer order was very slow after the meal had been served.
Having failed to find any Hungarian micro brews the previous night I was keen to make amends so after walking Kate and Anita back to the metro we continued.

Belgian bar and then on to Kaltenburg for food. Lots of coaches outside. Went on to another bar E 15 out of 17 beers on tap. Andy’s face was a picture. They managed to try all the beers but were a bit wobbly on the way back to the metro. Made last metro.

Former Deutsche Reichsbahn 132.158 (better known as 232.158 and now privately owned by LEG) pauses for a photostop at Oberhof while working a special from Leipzig Plagwitz to Meinginen for the DLW open day.

ÖBB 1116.059 10:10 Budapest Keleti - Csorna 11:58 IC922 10:10 Budapest Keleti - Szombathely

GySEV 408.402 12:07 Csorna - Repcelak 12:27 IC922 10:10 Budapest Keleti - Szombathely

GySEV 651.004 13:29 Repcelak - Csorna 13:49 IC915 13:00 Szombathely - Budapest Keleti

MÁV 480.014 13:59 Csorna - Győr 14:19 IC915 13:00 Szombathely - Budapest Keleti

MÁV 480.023 14:31 Győr - Budapest Keleti 16:20 9303 14:31 Győr - Budapest Keleti

Saturday 05/10/2013

6.15 breakfast then over to tour. Spent lot of time in the bar car. 18th birthday so got champagne and birthday cake. Tour actually finished early but had to hang around for shunt. We went off to Beer off licence with tasting room, wedged even though it closed at 9pm. Quick KFC then tram back. Met Dave U. Back to drop off the bottles we bought then. Up to bar up the road Dave U already there with Andy, Chris, Roy. Denzil & Ferenc came in. Wouldn’t let us have another beer but served locals with shorts!!

345.263 reaches the end of the line at the historic Hubbrücke lifting bridge on a Magdeburger Hafenbahn shuttle service.

Floyd 659.002 07:30 Budapest Keleti - Dunaújváros 09:25 13240 07:30 Budapest Keleti - Dunaújváros Kikötő

Floyd 659.002 09:45 Dunaújváros - Dunaújváros Kikötő 10:00 13240 07:30 Budapest Keleti - Dunaújváros Kikötő

Floyd 659.002 10:10 Dunaújváros Kikötő - Dunaújváros 10:33 34800 10:10 Dunaújváros Kikötő - Paks Atomerőm Kap

Dunaferr A23-027 10:50 Dunaújváros - Dunaferr (steelworks) 11:00 ? 10:50 Dunaújváros - Dunaferr (steelworks)

Dunaferr A23-027 12:15 Dunaferr (steelworks) - Dunaújváros 12:25 ? 12:15 Dunaferr (steelworks) - Dunaújváros

Floyd 659.002 12:30 Dunaújváros - Paks Atomerőm Kap 14:30 34800 10:10 Dunaújváros Kikötő - Paks Atomerőm Kap

Floyd 659.002 14:35 Paks Atomerőm Kap - Mezőfalva 15:50 13831 14:35 Paks Atomerőm Kap - Budapest Keleti

Floyd 659.002 16:00 Mezőfalva - Szabadbattyán 17:42 13831 14:35 Paks Atomerőm Kap - Budapest Keleti

Floyd 659.002 18:27 Szabadbattyán - Budapest Keleti 20:20 13831 14:35 Paks Atomerőm Kap - Budapest Keleti

Sunday 06/10/2013

5.30 breakfast then tour. Ferenc fast asleep in compo. Lost phone. Didn’t seem to be as keen on the run rounds as previous day consequently ended up 30 late after about 1 hr. Narrow gauge, bus, next narrow gauge, bus back to train. Farce at the museum – not expected, kicked out early and then still had to wait til right time. Got back went to all you can eat buffet again then tried to find pub. Found square, walked up and down street then asked local, found right square and frontage with signs for the beer but it was closed. Local shutting up shop next door signed to us to go round the corner. Yay we found it. Dave U and Rehill senior turned up. We were about ready to go and they put on a cherry beer so rude not to try it. Was so good had to stay for another. Finally got back to hotel about 1ish.