[Form 2] Information Collecting Form (for individual)

Personal Information
Name / Surname / BANDEM
Given name / I MADE
Gender / ☑Male
□ Female
Please tick your gender.
Nationality / □ Cambodia ☑ Indonesia □ Laos PDR □ Malaysia □ Myanmar
□ Philippines □ Thailand □ Vietnam
Please tick your nationality.
Acting Country / Please identify one or more countries where you are active if it is not same as your nationality.
Language(s) / Indonesian and English
Contact Information
Phone (office) / -
(optional) / +62811267524
E-mail /
(optional) / JalanSandat No. 17 Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia 80233
Major Activities
Please describe your major activities related to intangible cultural heritage (approximately 250 words).
During the years 2010-2015, I was among the primary source that aided the Directorate General of Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture Republic Indonesia in the nomination of the 9 traditional Balinese dance (Three genres of traditional dance in Bali, of sacred, semi-sacred, and secular) for inscription on Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity UNESCO.
Currently, the 9 traditional Balinese dance (Three genres of traditional dance in Bali, of sacred, semi-sacred, and secular) have been inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity UNESCO, termed as Wali dances (sacred), Wewali dances (semi-sacred) and Walih-Walihan dances (secular).
Wali dances include Sang Hyang dance, Rejang dance, andBarisGede dance; Wewalidances include Gambuh dance-drama, Wayang Wong dance-drama, and TopengPajegan dance drama; Walih-Walihan dances include:Barong Kuntiseraya dance-drama, LegongKeraton dance, danJogedBumbung dance.
As source, I also prepared a number of reference as the foundation for scientific research including:
Bandem, I Made and Fredrik deBoer. Kaja and Kelod: Balinese Dance in Transition. K.L.: Oxford University Press, 1981, 1995.
Bandem, I Made. EnsiklopediTari Bali. Denpasar: Bali Post, 1983.
Bandem, I Made. GerakTari Bali. Denpasar: ASTI Denpasar, 1981.
Dibia, I Wayan and Rucina Ballinger. Balinese Dance, Drama and Music: A Guide to The Performing Arts of Bali. Singapore: Periplus, 2004.
Interested Area
Please briefly describe your fields and areas of interest(approximately 250 words).
My formal qualification is in the field of Dance Ethnology and Ethnomusicology, from UCLA and Wesleyan University, USA. I have conducted numerous researches in the field of Indonesian music and dance, created and produced many dances, including teaching Balinese dance all over the world, and published many books about Balinese dance, music and theatre. Currently, together with STMIK STIKOM Bali, we continue to synergize education and research in the field of technology and culture.
In the year 1992, as the chairman of STSI Denpasar, I led the research for the mapping of Balinese arts, and we found 6512 performing art groups, to which became the base of the nomination of three genres of traditional dance in Bali, of sacred, semi-sacred, and secular) for inscription on Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity UNESCO.
As member of LISTIBIYA Bali, 1971, we classified Balinese dance as Wali dances (sacred), Wewali dances (semi-sacred) and Walih-Walihan dances (secular).
Major Publications and Articles
Please list your major publications and articles in the field of intangible cultural heritage.
1. Bandem, I Made.
“Pandji Characterization in the Gambuh Dance Drama.” UCLA: M.A. Thesis in Dance, 1972.
2. Bandem, I Made.
“Wayang Wong in Contemporary Bali.” Wesleyan University Middletown Connecticut: Ph.D. Dissertation, 1980.
3. Bandem, I Made
“Music Kalimantan Timur: Sejarah, FungsidanStruktur” (Music of East Borneo: History, Function, and Structure). Jakarta: DitjenKebudayaan, 1977.
4. Bandem, I Made
“Musik Sulawesi Selatan: Sejarah, FungsidanStruktur” (Music of South Sulawesi: History, Function and Structure). Jakarta: DirektoratKesenian, 1986.
5. Bandem, I Made and FrederikdeBoer
Kaja and Kelod: Balinese Dance in Transition. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1981.
6. Bandem, I Made
Prakempa: SebuahLontar Gamelan Bali (Prakempa: Philosophy, Ethic, and Aesthetic in Balinese Music). Denpasar: Percetakan Bali, 1986.
7. Bandem, I Made.
Gamelan Bali DiatasPanggungSejarah. Denpasar: BP STIKOM Bali, 2013.
8. Bandem, I Made
“The Ramayana : An Inexhaustible Source of Delight and Ethical Precepts in Balinese Society.” Asian Culture, No. 37, Tokyo Japan. 1984.
Educational Information
Please briefly describe your educational background, such as major, degree, theses, etc.
1958completed six year Elementary School in Singapadu, Gianyar.
1961graduated from Saraswati Junior High School in Sukawati, Gianyar.
1964graduated from KonservatoriKarawitan Indonesia (KOKAR), the Indonesia Traditional Music Conservatory in Denpasar.
1968studied at the Music and Theatre Department, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Under Auspices of The JDR III Fund (Presently known as Asian Cultural Council, the ACC). The grant was administrated by The East West Center.
1968 to 1972 enrolled in the Institute of Ethnomusicology, Department of Music and at the Dance Department at UCLA. From the Dance Department at UCLA was awarded an undergraduate degree in 1970 and earned the Master of Arts degree in Dance Ethnology in 1972. Under Auspices The JDR III Fund. Presently known as ACC.
1977 to 1980 completed studies in the Department of Music and Theatre at Wesleyan University. Earned the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Ethnomusicology. Under Auspices of the Asian Cultural Council (ACC).
Please provide additional information about yourself (optional).
I have received many distinguished awards for contribution in the fields of arts and culture, such as AdiKarya Award from Minister of Tourism, Post and Telecommunication Department of the Republic of Indonesia (1992);International Music Council Award from UNESCO in (1994); Dharma Kusuma Award from the Government of Bali (1995); the Lempad Prizefrom the SanggarDewata Painting Association (1998);SatyalancanaKaryaSatya XXX (2001); Habibie Award in the field of Science, Technology and Culture (2003);Fumio Koizumi Award (Japan) in Ethnomusicology (2006); Award of Excellence from the Minister of Tourism and Culture of Indonesia (2010); and SatyaLencanaKebudayaan, the prestigious cultural medal from the President of the Republic of Indonesia (2015) foroutstanding contribution of preservationand global dissemination of arts and culture.
Other information (Attachment)
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[Form 4] Consent Form (for individual)

Consent Letter
I fully support the project Building anICH Stakeholder Directory for Southeast Asia.I expect that the information I am providing will be introduced to the international community and can build an international network through this project so I can contribute to promoting ICH safeguarding activities. I was provided the necessary information on the project and I freely grant consent to the usage of my personal information for the project.
Name: Prof. Dr. I Made Bandem, M.A.
Title and Position: Arts and Culture Scholar
Address:JalanSandat No. 17 Denpasar, Bali 80233
Contact information: +62811267524
Date: November 27, 2016