Legislative Branch Exam

Multiple Choice: Choose the answer that best fits the question.

1.  How is the number of representatives from each state determined?

a) The Senate decides b) The numbers are stated in the Constitution

c) The State legislators decide d) The number is based on census results

2.  The purpose of Congressional Committees is to:

a)   Develop ideas for bills

b)   Enable the public to join in the work of Congress

c) Make it more efficient for Congress to handle thousands of bills each year

d) Make sure the interest of both parties are served by the proposed bill

3. Who would most likely receive the Committee assignments of their choice?

a)   New members from the minority party

b)   New members from the majority party

c) Members from the majority party that have served for many years

d) Members from the minority party that have served for many years

4) Who is the current Vice President?

a) John Boehner b) Joseph Biden c) Patrick Leahy d) Richard Burr

5) When a President vetoes a bill:

a)  It cannot be passed

b)  It can be passed if a majority of one house overrides a veto

c)  It can be passed if two-thirds of the members of both houses vote to override

d)  It can be passed if three-quarters of the majority party vote to override

6)   Members of the Senate must be at least 30 years old, residents of the state they represent, and:

a) Natural-born US citizens b) US citizens for at least 2 years

c) US citizens for at least 7 years d) US citizens for at least 9 years

7) Senators filibuster bills that they want to:

a) Sponsor to pass b) Kill during the debate

c) Change in Committee d) Add money for their home state

8) Who is the current Speaker of the House?

a) John Boehner b) Joseph Biden c) Patrick Leahy d) Richard Burr

9) The chairperson of a Congressional committee is usually the member with the most:

a)   Seniority b) Financial Support c) Votes d) Constituents

10)  According to the Constitution, the leader and President of the Senate is:

a) The Majority leader b) The vice-president

c) The Speaker of the House d) The Chief Justice of the United States

11) Select Committees are:

a)  Permanent Committees that specialize in particular topics

b)  Committees that help the house and Senate agree on a bill

c)  Smaller groups within standing committees

d)  Temporary Committees that meet to deal with special issues

12) The Franking privilege gives members of Congress the right to:

a) Speak frankly about their ideas without fear of interference from others

b)   Travel on domestic airlines without paying

c) Send job-related mail without postage

d) Remain immune from arrest while doing their jobs

13) When a Congressional Committee pigeonholes a bill, it:

a) Sends it to the floor b) Amends it c) Sets it aside d) Creates it

14) After both houses of Congress have approved a bill, it goes to a _____ for them to create a
final draft to vote on.

a) Standing Committee b) Conference Committee

c) Select Committee d) Special Committee

15) The day to day leadership of the Senate is handled by:

a) The President pro tempore b) The vice-president

c) The speaker of the senate d) The majority whip

16) What is a special interest group?

a) a group of people supporting a specific candidate for president

b) a group of people supporting a specific cause, concern, or purpose

c) a group of people supporting a law to send money to their home state

d) a group of people supporting the rights of individuals

17) North Carolina has ______representatives in the House.

a) Thirteen b) Five c) Thirty-nine d) Twenty

18) There are ______total representatives in the House.

a) 100 b) 300 c) 459 d) 435

19) There are ______total senators in the Senate.

a) 50 b) 100 c) 150 d) 200

20) Which of the following is not a punishment of Congressmen?

a)   Expulsion b) Franking c) Cloture d) Reprimand

21) Gerrymandering effects:

a) The House of Representatives b) The Senate c) Republicans d) Democrats

22) The current majority party in the Senate is the ______Party
a) Republican b) Democrat c) Independent d) Federalists

23) What is a Constituent?

a) A person running for office b) A voter in a district

c) A senator’s assistant d) A person that keeps track of how representatives vote

24) What is a Hopper?

a) Box used to introduce bills in the Senate

b) A person that runs messages back and forth in Congress

c) Box used to introduce bills in the House of Representatives

d) A person that counts votes

25) What district in North Carolina was suspected by the Supreme Court to have been gerrymandered?

a) District 9, the Rabbit District b) District 13, the Beetle District

c) District 5, the Centipede District d) District 12, the Snake District

26)  Which of the following is included in a bill to send funds to a Congressmen’s home state?
a) earmark b) pork-barrel c) rider d) graft

27) When Congress overrides a Presidential veto, it:

a)   Rejects a law the president has asked it to approve

b)   Passes into law a bill the president has rejected

c)   Asks the president to approve a bill

d)   Overrules a decision made by the Supreme Court

27)  The system of checks and balances is designed to:

a)   Prevent one branch of government from becoming too powerful

b)   Ensure that each branch of government balances its budget

c)   Keep each branch of government completely separate from the others

d)   Ensure that the Supreme Court controls the other branches.

28)  The idea that people should have the right to rule themselves is called:

a)   Civil Rights b) Popular Sovereignty c) Populism d) Implied Powers

29) The Anti-Federalists would not support the Constitution until:

a)   George Washington became President b) The Preamble was added

c) The Bill of Rights was added d) Nine states ratified the Constitution

30) Information about the legislative branch can be found in the Article ___ of the Constitution.

a) 1 b) 8 c) 4 d) 2

31) All of the following are civil duties except which one:

a)   Jury duty b) Pay taxes c) Vote d) Obey laws

32) Powers given to the state government are called:

a) Enumerated b) Concurrent c) Reserved d) Delegated

33) People who have gone through the complex process to become citizens of the US are called:

a)  Immigrant b) Legal aliens c) Dual citizens d) Naturalized

34) Which of the following best describes a republic:

a) The citizens vote on all governmental issues

b) The citizens choose representatives to vote on governmental issues

c) The citizens hold the power of government

d) The citizens do not have any control over governmental issues

35)  The Great Compromise resulted in:

a)   Creating a bicameral legislature b) Representation based on population

c) The Electoral College d) Representation equal among states

36 ) What was the first government of the United States after the American Revolution?
a) Continental Congress b) Articles of Confederation c) Constitution d) Judicial Branch

37) Article 6 of the Constitution states that:

a)   Nine out of the Thirteen states must ratify the Constitution

b)   All powers not granted to the Federal government belong to the state

c)   Americans have Freedom of speech

d)   The federal government’s Constitution is the Supreme law of the land

38) The power to tax would be what kind of power?

a) Enumerated b) Concurrent c) Reserved d) Delegated

39) What kind of powers are defined by the Necessary and Proper Clause?

a) enumerated b) reserved

c) implied d) expressed

40) Which of the following best describes the principle “rule of law”?

a) A government of the people, by the people, for the people

b) No law can take away the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

c) Levels of government are necessary to provide laws for different areas of the country

d) Everyone must follow laws, even the makers of the laws

Extra Credit

1. In the Disney movie The Little Mermaid who is Ariel’s best friend?

2. What is Ms. Schell’s favorite baseball team?

3. What song was written about a plane crash that killed the three musicians Buddy Holly, Ritchie
Valens, and the Big Bopper?