Core Indicators For Public Health In Ontario

Core Indicators Work Group Infectious Disease Subgroup

Date: / December10, 2010
Location: / Teleconference
Time: / 9:30 – 11:00 am
Recorder: / Dara Spatz-Friedman
Attendees: /

Sherri Deamond (chair), Rachel Savage, Lindsay Whitmore, Dara Spatz-Friedman, Stephanie Wolfe

Draft Minutes

No. /


/ Action Items
1.0 /

Review of the Agenda

No additions
2.0 /

Review of October 15, 2010Minutes

Correct spelling of JoAnn Heale and date of next meeting / Sherri to post
3.0 / Business Arising
3.1 / Resources on most recent changes to case definitions and changes to reporting and case definitions over time
-Steph put up link to MOHLTC case definitions
-Sherri formatted iPHIS data source page
-Sherri added details about using confirmed cases only in incidence and AEFI indicators / none
3.2 / List of frequently requested iPHIS fields not currently in CRN 2.0
-Sherri created the page
-Steph added link from iPHIS data source to known issues document (found on portal)
-Dara drafted table to put up on website
-changes to be made: columns for date added, “status” (i.e. found, recently added) / -Dara to ask Lee to change title of page
-Dara to make changes post table to Wiki and send email to APHEO announcing it
-Sherri will add link to iPHIS data source page once it’s up
3.3 / Move Infectious Disease Morbidity indicator to ‘Retired Indicators’ / -Sherri to do this
4.0 /

New Business

4.1 / Missing Code in ID mortality indicator
-Sherri updated the codes under the ID mortality indicator for grouping of pneumonia and influenza (J10-J18) to include avian influenza J09. Now the codes extend from J09-J18.
4.2 / AEFI Indicator - date for reporting
-current indicator says “reported in specified time frame” (implies using “reported date”); this is what Ministry does.
-Standards reports would use “accurate episode date;”this points to reported date (if no symptom date, which is often missing). Lindsay uses “administration date” in her reports specific to AEFI.
-there is a “reaction onset date/time” (that’s not included in accurate episode date hierarchy) that is a required field / -Steph will take out “reported” from “reported in a specificed time”
-Steph will update analysis checklist with possible dates to use. Lindsay will confer.
-Steph to add to “changes made” section
5.0 / Indicator & Resource Updates
5.1 / Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Incidence/Morbidity
-Sherri got clarification on which codes should be included/excluded from Ottawa SH doc, Colin Lee, Durham medical resident. Looked at impact of N74 on data – none in Ontario, 2009; therefore, OK to include. Impact of N77 – none in Ontario, 2009; therefore, OK to exclude.
-Added 4 OHIP codes (previously none in indicator); strong consensus that 614 & 615 be included, but 616 was a bit iffy (some should be included and some shouldn’t). Physiotherapy code (6142) probably includes double count.
-Ministry’s support for the query (JoAnn Heale): There’s a data source that combines all 3 (ER, outpatient, inpatient)=”continuum of care” database. Some problems with it now, but will be fixed by Ministry by end of January at the earliest. Can still do it in each dataset separately with scrambled health card (and then get rid of duplicates).
/ -Sherri will update the ICD10 codes: include N70 - N74
-Sherri will update OHIP codes: will look at impact of including/excluding 616, will not include 6142.
-Sherri will keep the 3 separate indicators and say that combined indicator is forthcoming pending data source.
5.2 / iPHIS Data Source Resource
-Steph wants to ask Ann Arthur before linking to TPH report that compared case classifications over time
-indicator no longer says “under revision;” now says “revised” / -Steph will put in link pending Ann Arthur’s OK
5.5 / Canadian and Ontario Case Definitions for Infectious Diseases
-document got sent out as part of iPHIS weekly bulletin (#248)
-Sherri added this to the iPHIS data source and put it into incidence indicator
-PHAC in the process of revising their case definitions, so things may change…
-Ministry discussing how to keep this document current / -Rachel to update group on Ministry discussions
6.0 / Standing Items
6.1 / Core Indicators Working Group Update – Oct. 19 mtg.
--PHAC- indicator framework for the surveillance of chronic disease
--MOH GIS group- strategy for mapping of CCHS survey data
-website updates made – lots of changes to the Core Indicators site to make it easier to navigate
-Agency discussion about how they could support us
--in short-term:
---hiring someone under contract or secondment for first 3-4 months of year to address the data gaps document (indicator requirements where we don’t have data), indicators currently linked the Mandatory Programs (needs to be updated to point to the new OPHS)
---will send representatives to work on Injury, Reproductive, Social Determinants subgroups
---will change link of Indicators that haven’t undergone recent review from the old Mandatory Programs to the OPHS.
---will update a couple of resources that need to be updated (e.g., life tables resource)
-met with representative from ORBSS (Ontario Risk and Behaviour Surveillance System) to talk about how Core Indicators and ORBSS can be linked
-Currently active groups – Social determinants of health (newish), reproductive health, injury and substance misuse (newish), HEAL (healthy eating and active living) – wrapping things up, built environment (going for a while), child health- on the horizon
6.2 / Items to bring forward to CIWG
7.0 / Date, Time and Location of Next Meeting
February 23, 9:30-11:00