Independent House Project Introduction to Engineering and Design


12.1 Project Description

This project calls for the design of a one-story house using AutoCAD and MS Project. At the completion of the design period the design team is to build a model of the design, using the materials provided, according to the specified scale. The team will also implement a LabVIEW program that will control the lighting and temperature controls in the house. The project will be completed over 12 weeks. The project will include at least 6 drawings, as well as the model of the design with implementation of the LabVIEW program. The project will be a team project, i.e. done by groups of two or three.

12.2 Project Specifications

The following are the specifications for this project. They are to be strictly followed.

  1. The maximum area of the design shall not exceed 2,500 sq. ft.
  2. The design shall include at least one secondary egress.
  3. The outer walls shall be 6” thick and the inner walls shall be 4” thick.
  4. The ratio of the floor area to the external opening area should be at least 10% in each room.
  5. The cost of the design shall not exceed the budget of $60,000.00.
  6. An extra 200 sq. ft. and $2,000.00 are allotted if the design includes a garage.
  7. The model shall be built to a scale of 1:4, i.e. 1 foot on the drawing is represented by 4 in. on the model.
  8. The LabVIEW program must control the lights and temperature controls in the model house. The team must demonstrate the LabVIEW program using the model it has built.

12.3 Drawings Required

The best way to finish all the drawings necessary is by using layers, as explained in Lab #2. The base layer should be the basic floor plan and then layers can be added for the dimension layout, electrical layout and plumbing layout. In this way all of the drawings can be in one file rather than 3 or 4 separate files. Also line-type is very important when it comes to drawings. Refer to Lab #2. The requirements for each layout are as follows:

12.3.1 Floor plan

The basic floor plan shall show the basic layout of all the rooms in the house. These rooms should be clearly labeled.

12.3.2 Dimension Layout

This drawing must show in detail the dimensions of the design. It is intended that the design can be constructed from this layout. The dimensions are to be in engineering format (1.50’) and not in architectural format (1” 6 ¾”). As much as possible, try to keep dimensions on the outside of the house for visual clarity.

12.3.3 Electrical Layout

This drawing must show the electrical fixtures in the design, i.e. all the lights, switches and electrical outlets (110V and 220V). Please note that all lights must be connected to the switches that control them (using the correct line-type, refer to Lab #2). The distance between outlets should be no more than 12 ft.

12.3.4 Plumbing Layout

This drawing must show all the piping in the house. It is assumed that the city water and sewer lines are at the front of the house, so the cold water and sewage pipe should start at the front of the house. All water pipes should be 4” in diameter while all sewage pipes should be 6” in diameter. The sewage pipes should be kept outside of the house as much as possible to prevent damage should a leak occur.

N.B. All pipes turn at right angles.

12.3.5 Front Elevation

This drawing shows the front of the house from the perspective of someone standing directly in front of the house looking at it straight on. The front elevation should show the height of the house (10 to 12 ft), the pitch of the roof, and the window and doors at the front of the house. N.B. It is expected that the measurements of the doors and windows, on the elevation layout correspond with those on the dimension layout.

The roof shall have an overhang of at least one foot so that rainwater will not run down the walls of the house.

12.3.6 Side Elevation

This drawing is similar to that of the front elevation. The side chosen must be the most detailed side of your house design, i.e. the side with the most windows, doors or other features.

N.B. All drawings must have a title block (see Fig. 1)

Fig. 1


As mentioned in the project description, each team will create a project plan using MS PROJECT. This plan should detail all tasks related to the project including task name, duration and relation to other tasks. The project plan should be completed before any other work on the project commences, and followed your project plan throughout the duration of the project. If, for any reason, the team is behind schedule, explain the reasons for the delays and what steps are being taken to get the project back on track. Any changes in the project plan should be mentioned and explained in the Progress Reports. A sample project plan can be seen in Figs. 2 & 3 below.

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

12.5 Extra Credit

Extra credit can be earned completing a 3D drawing of the house design using AutoCAD LT. This drawing should depict your basic floor plan in 3D including all windows and doors. An extra 10 pts will be added to your project grade for this drawing.

12.6 Final Proposal Requirements

The House Proposal Report is worth 140 PTS. Plus 10 pts from the Final Presentation gets added into it as well. The guideline for the House Proposal can be found in Appendix B on page 155.

12.7 Final Report Breakdown


Basic floor plan and dimension plan………………………………………..30%

Electrical plan ………………………………………………………………10%

Plumbing plan……………………………………………………………….10%

Elevation views……………………………………………………………...10%

Cost Estimate and MS Project plan………………………………………….10%

Total…………………………………………………………………… 100%

12.8 Project Breakdown

Progress Report recitations………………………………………………….15%



Final Presentation……………………………………………………………25%

Final Report - Technical…………………………………………………….20%

- Writing………………………………………………………15%

Total………………………………………………………………… 100%

If you are able to complete a 3D drawing of your design an extra 10 pts will be added to your project grade.

12.9 Construction Terms


A form of exit from the house or building, usually a door.


The portion of a window that encases one pane of glass. The sash includes the pane of glass as well the horizontal and vertical members that encase it.

Double-hung window

A window with two sashes in vertical alignment. Both upper and lower sashes open. They are made of wood, metal or vinyl. This is the standard window for this project and should be 2.5 ft. wide and 4 ft. tall.

Projection window

A window with only one sash. The sash swings in either of two combinations. It can swing inward or outward or it can swing upward or downward.

Sliding Window

Window with two or more sashes in horizontal alignment. In this case the sashes operate alternately, i.e. one sash is able to move while the other remains fixed.


Horizontal lengths of wood or metal (usually steel) used to support walls. They are normally placed every 16” on center and are usually 2” x 4 x 8’(wooden beams) or W8 x 32 sections (steel beams)


Vertical lengths of wood or metal (usually steel) used to support beams. They are normally placed every 32” on center.


The base on which the structure is built. It is usually made of concrete that is placed on the existing ground.

Sheet Rock

A sheet of plaster used as the surface of walls. It is usually encased in paper and between 3/8” and 5/8” thick. It is commonly manufactured in 4’ x 8’ sheets and can be found in water resistant and waterproof forms.


Composite sheets of wood used as the surface for exterior walls and floors. They are commonly used in places where greater support and integrity are required. Plywood is between 1/8” and 1/2” thick and is manufactured in 4’ x 8’ thick sheets.

Plain single-leaf door

Undecorated door made of wood or metal. If there is only one door panel inside the doorframe then it is a single leaf door.

Wood shingles

Raised rectangular wood that is nailed to roofs. They protect the roof from the elements and are aesthetically pleasing.

Spanish tile

These are horseshoe shaped tiles used on roofs. They protect the roof from the elements and are aesthetically pleasing.

Tar paper

Plain black paper that is nailed to roofs and sealed with tar. It helps to protect the roof from the elements.

110V outlet

Most commonly used electrical outlet. Provides voltage to most household appliances.

220V outlet

Electrical outlet used to provide voltage to large appliances e.g. large air-conditioners, washers, dryers.

General Construction

This covers the cost of the foundation for the house i.e. the cost of and placement of the concrete, the installation of electrical fixtures (inclusive of wiring), structural members (joists, beams), plywood, paneling and the cost of screws, nails, ceramic tiles and vinyl tiles. The cost of general construction is calculated by multiplying the rate by the square footage of your house.

12.10 Price List

Exterior Paneling / $10.00 per 1’ x 8’ sheet
Plywood for floors and exterior walls / $3.00 per 4’ x 8’ sheet
Structural elements (joists, beams etc.) / $0.25 per ft.
Double hung / $10.00 per sq. ft.
Picture / $6.00 per sq. ft.
Projection / $15.00 per sq. ft.
Sliding / $12.00 per sq. ft.
Water Pipes / $1.00 per ft.
Sewage Pipes / $2.00 per ft.
Toilet bowl / $200.00 per unit
Sink / $150.00 per unit
Bathtub / $300.00 per unit
Shower stall / $200.00 per unit
Water heater / $1000.00 per unit
Boiler / $2500.00 per unit
Central air conditioning / $5000.00


110V outlet (2 plugs) / $5.00 per outlet
220V outlets (3 plugs) / $10.00 per outlet
Light switches / $4.00 per unit


Spanish tile / $2.00 per sq. ft.
Tar paper / $0.50 per sq. ft.
Wood shingles / $1.00 per sq. ft.


General Construction / $10.00 per sq. ft.
Doors / $5.00 per sq. ft.
Window / $3.00 per sq. ft.
Toilet bowl / $50.00 per unit
Sink / $50.00 per unit
Bathtub / $100.00 per unit
Shower stall / $50.00 per unit
Water heater / $500.00 per unit
Boiler / $1500.00 per unit
Air conditioning / $2500.00 per unit
Spanish tile / $1.00 per sq. ft.
Wood shingles / $1.00 per unit
Aluminum siding / $8.00 per 1’ x 8’ sheet
Vinyl siding / $6.00 per 1’ x 8’ sheet
Bricks / $0.25 per 4” x 8” brick
Concrete / $1.00 per sq. ft.
Sheet rock / $3.00 per 4’ x 8’ sheet
Fiberglass insulation / $17.00 per 16” x 40’ roll
Sliding doors / $12.00 per sq. ft.
Single garage door / $300.00 per unit
Miscellaneous (cont’d…)
Double garage door / $500.00 per unit
Automatic garage door opener / $250.00 per unit (single)
Glass block (opaque glass wall) / $20.00 per sq. ft.
Skylight / $15.00 per sq. ft.
Washer / $400.00 per unit
Dryer / $300.00 per unit
Alarm system / $50.00 per unit
Motion sensors (Audible) / $50.00 per unit
Motion sensors (Police) / $200.00 per unit