Audiences for mid-week topical shows in Northern Ireland continue to hold up well. Programmes in this slot help the BBC in Northern Ireland develop a relationship with audiences and when they are most successful, they meet the needs of a wide range of audiences of all ages. Being relevant, authentic and distinctively local helps ensure that BBC1 Northern Ireland is a destination of choice at this time in the week. Audiences for this slot are open to being informed as well as entertained.

Programmes like Nolan Live and BBC Newsline Specials have performed well in this slot, delivering to broad audiences and providing unique reach. This is the place for top talent and great ideas.

We want to ensure that we continue to refresh our mid-week offering and we are looking for great ideas for a 4 x 30' pilot series in this slot. We are looking for the following:

-  programmes that inherently appeal to a broader range of audiences and communities

-  a fresh and contemporary feel

-  ideas must have a sense of relevance, liveliness and topicality

-  worked up plans for complementary digital content

-  content that does not duplicate what we have elsewhere

-  ideas that are rooted in audience insight and an understanding of what drives viewing to BBCNI at this time of the day/week

Talent, entertainment values and the use of talent - both new and/or established - are key ingredients. We want to have a range of talent ideas coming in to us for discussion and possible development. We remain committed to developing and showcasing the best that Northern Ireland can offer. We want to see new faces, surprising combinations and fresh thinking.

Editorially, we want to be surprised and perhaps challenged. What is the newest take on the discussion format that we should be trying? How can we keep ahead of the curve in his area - where we have such a strong track record? What is the unique approach that audiences will want to be a part of?

We are open to both studio and non-studio based ideas. Above all, we are interested in hearing from you if you have a fresh take on what gets Northern Ireland talking, and the role that BBCNI television can have in providing entertaining, stimulating debate.