Plans for Wednesday January 13, 2015


Hey guys!

As I told you before today I will be out because I am in a training. Here you will find my expectations and your task for the day.

●  Be respectful to each other and our guest teacher.

●  Our guest teacher IS the teacher, so make sure you do exactly what she asks you to do.

●  Things will go a little different, so be open for change.

●  If your name is on the list for a negative reason, we will talk about your consequences when I get back.

●  If your name is on the list for a positive reason, you be acknowledged

Today you will be here only for English.

1.  The teacher will give you a packet with an article and questions. The packet has the instructions on what to do. Read them carefully and get to work. All work will be collected at the end of the day. Make sure to do all the work to the best of your knowledge and to write in complete sentences.

2.  If you are done early here are you extension activities.

a.  Achieve 3000 HW: 1. “China and Japan: Can Animals Sense Trouble?” 2. “Empires and Nation- States: Hoop Dreams From Africa”

b.  Typing Club

c.  Read a book silently

SLA Plan for the day (6A only):

1.  Actividad 1: Hacer organizador gráfico en google classroom

a.  En la primera columna escribe tres palabras que te describen como persona

b.  En la segunda columna escribe tres palabras que crees que otros utilizarían para describirte

c.  Ejemplo : Ms. Bautista

i.  Como yo me describo Como otros me describen

Trabajadora / Independiente

2. Leé el tercer capítulo del libro independientemente

a.Toma notas en los márgenes del libro

b. circula palabras que no conozcas

c. Contesta todas las preguntas de comprensión en oraciones completas

3. Si terminas temprano trabaja en tus articulos de Achieve 3000 en español

a.  “Al infinito y más allá”

b.  “¡ Guarda esas sobras!

I trust that you all will do wonderfully. See you all on Thursday!

-Ms. Bautista