Brookside Elementary PTA 6.12.15

Brookside PTA

Executive Board Meeting

3/8/16 @ 8:00pm @ Shoreline Center


Annthea Vining (President)
Hillary Bendiksen (Secretary)
Leslie Eck (PR/Communication)
Katie Thiel (Community Outreach)
Berit Martin (Staff Support/Hospitality)
Correne Dean (Membership) / Stephanie Selin (Ways and Means)
Deci Evans (Ways and Means)
Jesse Donovan (Student Events)
Myrna Habermann (Arts and Culture)
Kathy Griffard (Arts and Culture)
Saul Clifasefi (Student Enrichment)

The meeting convened at: 8:05pm. A quorum was present.

1.  President (Annthea)

a.  Minutes – February 9, 2016 General Membership Meeting minutes were presented.

Moved and seconded to approve minutes. APPROVED.

2.  Grants Committee update (Saul)

a.  Looking for 4-5 people total including Carrie Misener & Alison Novak.

b.  Participation would be a nice entry into the PTA and way of getting involved.

c.  Idea to have submission date be April 1st. Carrie Misener will help get word out to teachers to submit by deadline.

3.  Nominations Committee update (Annthea)

a.  Committee is working hard to fill positions.

b.  Two potential Treasurer nominees.

c.  Aurora Belli will fulfill auditor position.

d.  The following positions are vacant/do not have a nominee at this time:

1.  Ways & Means Co-Chair (would join Stephanie Selin)

2.  Community Resources Co-Chair (would join Katie Thiel)

3.  Student Events Co-Chair (would join Jesse Donovan)

4.  Membership Co-Chair (would join Correne Dean)

5.  Enrichment could use a co-chair

4.  Volunteer Needs (Annthea)

a.  Movie Night – 3/18/16. Jesse Donovan has 4 volunteer and would like 3 additional volunteers. Peanuts movie has been selected.

5.  Adjournment 8:18

Next Executive Board Meeting: April 12th @ Annthea’s home

Next General Membership Meeting: May 10th @ the Brookside Library

Annual Board Retreat: June 4th (time and location TBD)

President Note: This meeting was held in conjunction with the Auction Committee Meeting chaired by Deci Evans. The agenda was minimized to allow the Executive Board to assist in auction efforts and to familiarize the Board with the event’s details.

Minutes by: Hillary Bendiksen, PTA Secretary