Presentation of the lesson on the theme


in grade-2by


Samarkand region Urgut district

Sсhool №132

Grade: 2


Theme: I like cartoons.


Educational:To learn about cartoons; to learn to respect the others.

Developing:To enable students to talk about cartoons.

Socio-cultural:To raise awareness of cartoons.

Learning outcomes:

By the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to talk about the cartoon of Little Red Riding Hood.

Required equipment:Textbook, Workbook, a set of cards with written English words ( which are stuck on the posters), sunglasses, caps or hats and T-shirts, costumes of Red Riding Hood and the Wolf, the DVD of the book, the cartoon Little Red Riding Hood (from the Internet), pictures of Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf.

Procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment. (2min)

Teacher: “Stand up, please.” “Good morning”. “How are you?”

Students:“Good morning.We are great!”

Teacher: “OK. Sit down and open your books on page 90.” (Check that all students have their books and workbooks).” Today we are going to have a lesson about cartoons. But atfirst let us revise the words related to clothes which you leant in previous lessons.”

  1. Warm up. Play “I have got a T-shirt”

Objectives: to recycle the previous lessons’ vocabulary; to warm up

Time :7min

Aids: two pairs of sunglasses, two caps and two T-shirts, cards with the words related to colors or clothes.

Teacher:OK. Let me divide you into two groups. I will distribute you cards. You should read the words written on your card and stick your cards on the word “clothes” or “colors”according to the themes your words belong to.

OK. Now, pupils who have the words that belong to clothes stand in this row. Who have the words related to colors will stand in the second row. (Pupils stand in two lines in front of the table on which there are caps, sunglasses and T-shirts). When I say “Sunglasses” the first pupils in the rows must run to my table, take a pair of sunglasses, run back, put on sunglasses and say “I’ve got sunglasses”. Then s/he quickly take them off and give to the second person. The second pupil must put on the sunglasses and say“I’ve got sunglasses.” This continues till the last person in the row has got sunglasses. The last person keeps the sunglasses. The team which finishes first is the winner.

  1. Presenting the new theme

Activity 1.Chain Drill.

Time: 5min

Objectives: to practice talking about the cartoons which the students like.

Teacher: Ok. Now let us talk about cartoons. Do you like cartoons?

Pupils: Yes, we do.

Teacher: What cartoons do you know?

Pupils: Mickey Mouse, Zumrad and Qimmat, …

Teacher: Let’s do chain drill. Say what cartoons you like.

P1: I like ‘Tom and Jerry’. And you?

P2: I like ‘Mickey Mouse’. And you?

P3: I like ‘Zumrrad and Qimmat’. And you?

P4: …..

Activity 2a.Look , listen and repeat

Objectives: to introduce characters of a cartoon.

Time: 3min

Teacher:Well. Look at the pictures in activity 2a. This is the wolf and this is the Little Red Riding Hood. What are they doing? Yes, they are greeting. Now repeat after me “little red riding hood”, “wolf.”

Activity 2b. Match the words and their translations.

Objectives: to present new vocabulary, to practice working with the Wordlist.

Time: 5min


Pupils work in groups of four. In groups they should find the translations of the words in the table and match them. They find the translations in the Wordlist and then look for the cards on which the translations of the words are written. The cards are in the several parts of the classroom, so the learners have to go round and look for them. When they find the needed card, they bring it and stick it on their poster next to the meaning. The group which finishes first is the winner.

Activity 2c. Watch the cartoon.

Objectives: to prepare the pupils to act out the cartoon.

Time: 7min.

Aids : The cartoon “Little Red Riding Hood” (internet resource)

Teacher: Now, let’s watch the cartoon.

Activity 2c. Look and read.

Objectives: to practice reading for gist

Time : 3min

Teacher:Read the characters’ sentences in silence. Look at the pictures in the Workbook and guess the meaning of the new words.

  1. Consolidation of the new theme.

Activity 2d. Look and match.

Objectives: to consolidate the learnt material.

Time: 3min

Teacher: Open your Workbooks on page 77. Read the sentences and match them and the pictures.

1.Grandma, what big eyes you have got! 2. Grandma, what long ears you have got!

3. Grandma, what big teeth you have got!

Activity3. Work in pairs. Act out.

Objectives: to develop the learners’ speaking skills.

Time: 7min

Aids: The costumes of The Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood.

Pupils work in pairs. They practice the sentences of The Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood. When they are ready,ask three or four pairs to act out the scene where the Wolf is pretending like the grandmother.

5.Assessment. 1 min

According to the participation and knowledge of the pupils.

6. Homework. 2min

There is an activity for homework in your Workbook. There are some sentences of the cartoon. Pupils should put them in logical order.