GPS Case Study

  1. Install the Payroll to a new directory (GPSRT) for the month of July 2015.
  2. RathnapuraEducation officehas to prepare pay sheets for Rathnapura Central College and RathnapuraMahaVidyalaya.
  3. All these offices have two votes of 811-80-1-0(Primary Education)and 811-81-1-0(for Secondary Education)
  4. Each sub office have two section called Primary and secondary.
  5. All these officers are received Rs. 7,800/= as cost of living allowance.
  6. Stamp duty of Rs. 25/= should be deducted from all officers who are entitled to have gross salary more than or equal Rs. 25,000/=
  7. All the officers in the RathnapuraMahaVidyalayaare members of the National Insurance Trust Fund,D.R.WijewardeneMawatha, Colombo10.
  8. Mr.A.R.WarnasuriyaTeacher - Section Head of Rathnapura Central College(Employee No.3) under vote 811-80-1-0 and his basic salary is Rs.35,500.00 per month. And he is contributing 7% of his basis salary for Widows & Orphanages Fund. He has requested to send his balance salary to Seylan Bank – Rathnapura. (Acc.No. 987654123).
  9. His other allowances, deductions and remittances are as follows;
  1. He is receivingRs.4,900/= per month as Acting allowances and Rs.4,250/= permonth as travelling allowance.
  2. He requested to remit to Rs. 850/= per month to Seylan Bank – Colombo 04. (Acc No. 997967200) for 20 months.
  3. Mr.A.R.Warnasuriya’s Loan particulars on 1st of July 2015 are as follows.

a)Distress Loan balance is Rs.125,000/= and installment is 1500/= per month ( Initial Loan amount was RS.180,000).

b)Special Advance balance Rs. 1,500/= and a installment is 250/= per month.( Initial amount is RS 2,500)

c)Vehicle loan balance is Rs.285,500/= and installment is Rs.3,250/= per month.(Initial Amount is Rs.400,000)

  1. He applied and received Festival Advance of Rs.5,000/= on 3rdJuly 2015.
  2. Second Distress loan Rs.75,000/= was taken on 12thNovember and now total installment is Rs.1,800/=
  3. Mr.D.L.AmarasinghePrincipal of RathnapuraMahaVidyalaya(Emp No.1) who Salary draws under the vote 811- 81-1-0
  1. Basic salary is Rs.47,500/= and contribution for widows & Orphans Fund is 7%.
  2. Salary arrears for six months is Rs. 18,500/= and W & OP also should be deducted on this amount.
  3. Membership fees for Principals’ union is Rs.285 /= per month .
  4. Telephone bill over the approved limit, Water bill and House rent are 675/=, 155/=, and 5% on basis salary respectively.
  5. Loan particulars are as follows.

a)Festival Advance (Rs.5,000/=) balance is Rs.1,500/= and monthly installment is Rs. 500/=.

b)Special Advance (Rs.2,500/=) balance is Rs.500/= and monthly installment is Rs. 250/=.

c)Property Loan (500,000) balance is Rs. 250,500/= and Monthly installment is Rs. 2,750/=.

  1. Mrs. A.P. R.Perera who is the Vise Principal of Rathnapura Central College, draws salary under vote 811-80-1-0 and his Basic salary is Rs.35,500/= per month. He is also a member of Widows & Orphans Fund (7%)
  1. His salary remits to People’s Bank, Udawalawa. (Acc.No.15657895612).
  2. Monthly house rent is 10% of his basic salary.
  3. Monthly remittance to the Lady Lahore Loan Fund is Rs. 975/=
  4. Telephone bill is exceeded by Rs. 175/= and water bill is Rs.145/= for this month .
  5. His loan particulars are as follows.

a)Distress Loan balance is Rs.45,000/= and monthly installment is Rs.750/=.

b)Motor Vehicle is Rs.175,750/= and monthly installment is Rs.1,025/=.

c)He has taken balance amount of the Distress Loan Rs.55,000/= on 12th of last month. And monthly installment only for this loan is Rs. 920/=.

d)He obtained government sponsored property loan from Peoples’ Bank Rathnapura on 03rdJuly 2015

Loan amount Rs. 1,250,000 and repayment period is 200 month. His Monthly installment for the month of Decemberis Rs. 2,500 and he pays is Rs. 3,500 as interest. Government is bearing interest amount of Rs. 5,000 for his loan.

  1. Mr. H. K. P. Wanigasekara, clerk who draws salary under vote 811-81-1-0 working at Rathnapura Central College, Basic Salary Rs. 28,500/= and Contributed to W & OP 6%.
  1. He ask to remit Rs.1,500/= per month out of his salary up to Rs.50,000/= to the National Savings bank, Rathnapura Branch, (Acc. No is 456123963)
  2. His salary advance for this month is Rs. 3000/=.
  3. His six month salary increment arrears is Rs. 1800/=
  4. He worked for 45 OT hours for this month and attended two Sundaysfor official duties at the school.
  5. All clerk working in the school are entitled to receive Rs. 2,500/= as special allowance.
  1. Miss. Nishanthiperera is a Computer operator at RathnapuraMahaVidyalaya– Accounts section- draws salary under vote 811-81-1-0. Her basic salary is Rs. 22,750/= per month and contributes 8% of her total earning as EPF. Government contributes 12% of her total earning.
  1. She is a member public Service Mutual Provident Association . The monthly payments are Rs. 585/=.
  2. She sends Rs. 1,450/= per month to Singer Sri Lanka, Rathnapura Brach, for another 25 months.
  3. She worked for 40 OT hours of this month.
  4. Rs.750/= per month should remit to National Insurance Corporation, Union Place, Colombo 02 up to Rs.75,000/=. (reference number– 4562345).
  5. Her language allowance is Rs.500/= per month.