Biographical Sketch-Louis J. Thibodeaux

Louis Joseph Thibodeaux is 1962 LSU PETE graduate. Currently he serves as Emeritus Professor of Environmental Science in the Env. Sci. Dept., School of Coast and Environment. Also active as Adjunct Professor in Biological Agricultural Engineering. Retired 2014 as the Jesse Coates Professor in the Cain Department of Chemical Engineering at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.

As a graduate student he held a fellowship from the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (Pulp & Paper Industry.) and PhD Advisor was Professor Jesse Coates. He worked in the nuclear and hazardous waste field for chemical and paper companies. In 1968 he joined U. of Arkansas for 17 years. In 1984 he returned to LSU as the Director of the US EPAgency funded Center for Hazardous Waste Research. After 11 years he returned to fulltime teaching and research.

For 49+ years his research has been focused on processes that drive the mobility of both anthropogenic and geo-chemicals in the natural environment. The 1st edition of the textbook entitled Environmental Chemodynamics [EC]appeared in 1979, published by John Wiley; the 2nd appeared in 1996. Both received worldwide adoptions and formed the basis of college and university-level environmental courses in diverse academic units such as chemistry, chemical engineering, civil-environmental engineering, environmental science, geosciences, public health, etc.

EC research focuses on the chemical, physical and biological processes that drive the behavior of anthropogenic and natural chemicals in earth systems. Both experimental transport and theoretical modeling studies support the research activities in the EC laboratories. Current work is being focused on the environmental chemodynamics of spilled oil in marine water and oxygen transport in the Gulf of Mexico. These projects are typical of the one used in producing approx. 200 journal articles and authored or contributed to 33 books as well as mentoring 58 graduate students.