KS1 Topic: Famous for more than five minutes Block B: Explorers

Develop historical knowledge and understanding of the lives and significance of Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong. Identify the kit needed for an expedition and compare the equipment taken by Columbus and Armstrong on their voyages. Discover navigation techniques and learn about the materials used by Columbus and Armstrong. Identify the properties of a range of materials for your own expedition. Go on to describe your own ‘expeditions’ using a range of media.

Block B: Explorers
[7 sessions] / Main outcomes: History and Geography
Other outcomes: Science, Art and English
By the end of this block you will have achieved the following outcomes: / Children will:
·  To learn about the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements.
·  To compare aspects of life, identifying similarities and differences between different periods.
·  To use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of their school and its grounds.
·  To name and locate the world’s seven continents and five oceans.
·  To use aerial photographs and plan perspectives to recognise landmarks and basic human and physical features.
·  To identify, name, compare and describe the simple physical properties and suitability of a variety of everyday materials, for particular uses.
·  To use a range of materials creatively to design and make products.
·  To write for different purposes.
·  To segment spoken words into phonemes and represent these by graphemes, spelling many correctly.
·  To participate in role-play.
Session 1 History and Geography
What do explorers do?
Go on a playground expedition with ‘Explorer Bear’ before learning about significant explorers. / Children will:
·  Plan and go on a school grounds expedition with ‘Explorer Bear’.
·  Locate some school grounds ‘landmarks’ in person and on a simple map.
·  Order some significant explorers on a timeline.
·  Label the 7 continents and 5 oceans on a map.
·  Stick images of significant explorers onto the continent they explored on a map.
Session 2 History and English
What do explorers take with them?
Identify what kit you need for a successful expedition and start to compare the equipment taken by Columbus and Armstrong on their voyages. / Children will:
·  Identify items needed to go on a successful expedition.
·  Select time-appropriate items for ‘Explorer Bear’ to take on Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong’s voyages.
·  Write a kit list for Columbus’s and Armstrong’s expeditions.
Session 3 History and Geography
Finding your way: Mapping and navigation for explorers
Discover some navigation ‘techniques’ and have a go at navigating some simple journeys. / Children will:
·  Find their school on aerial photographs and modern maps.
·  Follow the journeys of Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong on maps.
·  Have a go at ‘dead reckoning’ and spaceship navigation.
·  Describe and follow journeys using compass directions and locational and directional language.
Session 4 History and Science
What materials are good to make an explorer’s mode of transport?
Learn about the materials used by Columbus and Armstrong; test and identify the properties of a range of possible materials to make a boat; recommend material for ‘Explorer Bear’ to join Columbus on his voyage. / Children will:
·  Know details about the boat Christopher Columbus used in his voyages.
·  Be able to identify possible dangers Christopher Columbus faced on his voyages.
·  Identify and compare the materials used in expedition transport for different eras.
·  Test a range of possible boat materials for specific properties.
·  Recommend a suitable material to make a boat for ‘Explorer Bear’.
Session 5 History and Science
What materials are good to make an explorer’s clothing?
Learn about the materials used for clothing and equipment for expeditions in different eras; carry out some simple tests; recommend clothing materials to ‘Explorer Bear’ so that he can join Armstrong on his space voyage. / Children will:
·  Begin to develop knowledge and understanding of Columbus and Armstrong
·  Learn about dangers of exploration for Columbus and Armstrong
·  Identify and compare the materials used for clothing and equipment used for expeditions in different eras
·  Carry out some simple tests on a range of possible clothing materials to identify their properties
·  Recommend clothing materials to an ‘explorer bear’ so that he can join Armstrong on his expedition
Session 6 History, Art and English
We have take-off/launch: Going on a historic expedition
Build large scale ‘craft’ from junk to travel to the moon or the Caribbean; role-play a Columbus or Armstrong expedition team briefing and historic journey. / Children will:
·  Build a 15th Century sailing ship, and a spaceship, from junk.
·  Take part in a team briefing, prior to departure with Columbus and Armstrong, to discuss risks and to check all the equipment is ready.
·  Recap on information they have previously learnt about Columbus and Armstrong’s historic journeys.
·  Re-enact Columbus’ or Armstrong’s historic journey.
·  Create a spaceship.
Session 7 Geography, English and Art
Finding new lands: Comparing home and away
Create travel scrapbooks to compare your local area to the Caribbean or the moon; Finally send a postcard home describing the Caribbean and moon destinations. / Children will:
·  Make a simple 8 page book.
·  Create travel scrapbooks to compare their local area to the Caribbean or moon.
·  Send a postcard home describing the Caribbean and moon.


Session 1

Provided: Explorer timeline; World maps (A3) & explorer images/info.

You will need: ‘Explorer bears’ and a backpack; Map of your school grounds; Glue; Scissors.

Session 2

Provided: Images of items from expeditions; Scenario cards & equipment options; Space PowerPoint.

You will need: Rucksack and two boxes.

Session 3

Provided: Flag template; ‘Maps’ for Columbus and Armstrong trips; Navigation PowerPoint.

You will need: School grounds map; Compass; Metre sticks/measuring tapes; Recording devices.

Session 4


You will need: Images of ‘ships’ / spot the difference; Health and safety cards; Images of boats made from diff materials; ‘Transport through eras’ images; ‘Boats’ made from diff materials/water.

Session 5

Provided: Images of clothing/spot the difference; Health and safety cards; Clothing images from different eras.

You will need: Various materials for testing.

Session 6

Provided: Images of Columbus & Armstrong’s ships; Risk assessment forms; Equipment images.

You will need: Modelling boxes, etc. and fixings (glue, tape, rope).

Session 7

Provided: Instructions for making an 8 page book; Images of Caribbean, moon & local areas.

You will need: Paper, glue and scissors; Writing materials and A6 card.

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