3 Ways For Creating A Content Marketing Strategy For Small Businesses

Having a content marketing strategy is important for any business, but more especially for small businesses. Small businesses often find it harder when it comes to planning and launching marketing campaigns. They have less revenue than larger corporations, and therefore find it harder than companies with larger budgets. Small businesses are often limited in resources and experienced team members for such campaigns.

But marketing for your small business doesn’t have to be a challenge.

Here are 4 ways to create a content marketing strategy for your small business

1. Research

This is the most important stage of any marketing campaign. It determines your strategy by gathering all the necessary information you need for a successful campaign. Without the right information, you won’t be able to create the kind of strategy you need. Here are the kinds of things you need to consider:

Determine who your audience is. What kind of content to your ideal buyers like to purchase? What are their needs? What kind of content attracts the most? This will help you to determine the types of content strategies you will need in your plan.

Your competition. Have a look at what your competitors are doing. What works for them? Are they doing nothing? If so, this could be of an advantage for you and your business. How could you improve on their strategies? What can you learn from their areas us success?

Social media platforms. What kind of social media platforms are popular for your target audience? Determining this will give you an idea of where your target audience likes to hang out and the kind of social content that attracts them.

2. Determine your objective

By knowing the objective and outcome you want from your strategy will help you to get the results you want. What kind of goals do you have? Do you want a certain number of clicks or likes on social media? To make a certain amount of revenue?

What are use using the campaign for? Is it just to increase your social presence or do you want it to increase your SEO ranking?

3. Create and document your strategy

Now you’ve determined your objectives. It’s time to get down to business and plan out the steps of your campaign. Having a clear, outlined plan in place will help you to keep track and stay on task.

Determine the:

Course: There are many different ways to plan our content strategy. But by determining the course of your strategy from start to finish will help you keep track of everything.

The phases: if you’re just getting started with your content strategy the best thing to do is to market out in phases. Putting everything into one document or an editorial calendar is the best way to keep track of all your tasks, product launches, social campaigns, advertising, etc.