Hinchingbrooke SchoolYear 7 ‘About me’ Unit 7.1

ICT Department

About this unit
In this unit pupils are given an introduction to ICT at Hinchingbrooke School. They learn about the rules and expectations in this subject and they are introduced to the school network. They become accustomed to logging on, accessing files from a shared area, printing and saving in their own area.
The main part of the unit is based on Unit 7.1 Key Stage 3 Strategy material. Pupils create a multimedia presentation using text, images and sound. The use of ‘Pat’s Poor Presentation’ as an example of what not to do is incorporated at each stage. IN creating their pages, pupils are expected to be sensitive to the needs of their audience.
The unit gives pupils the opportunity to learn about a variety of general topics, such as rules for working with ICT, saving and printing, respecting other people’s work and keeping drafts for assessment portfolios. It also prepares pupils for working in a networked ICT room and encourages them to get used to more than one program at a time. The unit is expected to take 5 (6) 60-minute lessons.
A further lesson will be used as an assessment where pupils are given text to use to create a presentation for adults who have never used computers, which explains the use of Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Databases, Presentations, and the Internet. /
At the end of this unitMost pupils will: Use a multimedia presentation package to organise, refine and present a set of linked multimedia pages, which incorporate images, sounds and text. Some pupils will not have made so much progress and will: use a multimedia package to assemble images, sound and text on a multimedia page.
Some pupils will have progressed further and will: use a multimedia package to organise, refine, and present a set of linked multimedia pages, which incorporates images, sound and text; and show that they can modify a presentation to math the needs of different audience.
Where the unit fits in
This unit is designed a bridging unit. It builds on the skills pupils have learned in Key Stage 2 and enables teachers to assess pupils’ abilities and prior learning. /
Resources include:
  • MS PowerPoint
  • MS Word
  • Digital Camera and scanner
  • Headphones
  • Projector and whiteboard
  • Microphone
Material from Unit 7.1 Key Stage 3 strategy Assessment task
Learning Objectives
Pupils should learn / Possible teaching activities / Learning outcomes / Points to note
Lesson 1
  • To consider what is ‘Useful information’?
  • To work on a specific task for an extended period
/ Starter – Show Pat’s Poor presentation 7.1T1a. Pupils should watch and note down 5 things they found out about Pat and 5 things they would like to know. Explain they are going to produce a presentation about themselves – discuss PURPOSE AND AUDIENCE. Brainstorm possible slide headings. Pupils then plan working in pairs and considering these questions:
What would pupils want to know about me?
Why would this information be useful to them?
In what order should I present the information? Will it be easy to understand? Pupils word processed a list of points about them selves during the previous lesson, this lesson they should amend/ add to the list.
After demonstration showing how to copy and paste to Ppt – pupils then start adding slides and information – no formation allowed at this stage.
Plenary – What do we mean by ‘Useful Information’?
Homework – Print off hand out version so far – take home to proof read / add / amend. (Students can bring personal photos for scanning next lesson?). /
  • Will be able to copy and paste text from word to PowerPoint
  • Will be able to ad new slides, change the slide layout and ad text using bullet points.
  • Will show in their work that they understand the need to consider the question ‘What is useful information’?
  • Work will be consistently set out and accurate.
/ Literacy
NB at some point in this lesson pictures should be taken of the students so they can be loaded ready for next lesson (unless we use pictures taken for Mogle).
Keywords: Purpose and Audience
Lesson 2
  • To consider how images can enhance a presentation
/ Starter – Use activity cards or show Presentation 7.1T2b. Discuss appropriateness of images for given situations. Discuss ways of adding images to presentation – scanner, digital camera, clipart etc. Explain other considerations i.e. file formats – Bitmap versus Vector images – show 7.1T2C.Demonstrate how to add and manipulate images including photos from shared area, clipart and downloaded clips form the internet. Students to illustrate their own presentations.
Plenary – look at Pat’s Poor Presentation stage 2 7.1T2d – ask pupils to comment critically on their use of images.
Homework – ask pupils to look in brochures, leaflets, magazines, select 3 examples were images have been used effectively – describe the example and say why you think it is effective. /
  • Will understand the notion of appropriate use of images
  • Will be able to insert images from a variety of sources
  • Will select images that illustrate their presentation effectively
  • Will be able to comment critically on Pat’s use of Images
  • Will annotate their work explaining reasons for use of images
/ Literacy
Keywords: Vector, Bitmap, Images, manipulate, crop
Resources: 7.1T2b, 7.1T2c, 7.1T2d
Learning Objectives
Pupils should learn / Possible teaching activities / Learning outcomes / Points to note
Lesson 3
  • To consider how text effects and use of colour can enhance a presentation
  • Some pupils will start creating a modified version of their presentation for a different audience
/ Starter – show Pat’s Poor presentation stage 3 7.1T3a. Ask pupils to write down 3 good and 3 bad things about the use of colour and text.
Show 7.1T3b Text and Colour – pupils should make notes about text characteristics, effect and use of colour.
Demonstrate and point out / discuss icons for adding colour, changing font style, size, bold, italic etc. Pupils then work on their presentations using these tools appropriately. Remind ‘Fitness for purpose’. Pupils should fill in grid evaluating their use of text and colour. More able pupils can start to make a second version, which should be fit, for a different audience i.e. an adult such as Head of Year.
Plenary – discuss and review guidelines for use of colour and text.
Homework – Write about how sound I used in 3 adverts on TV. /
  • Will start to be discerning in their use of colour and text effects
  • Will e able to apply different effects to their work
  • Will annotate their work explaining why effects have been used
  • Some pupils will create a second version which is appropriate for an adult audience
/ Literacy
Keywords: format, font, bold, italic, underline, upper/lower case, serif, sans serif.
Resources: 7.1T3a, 7.1T3b
Grid – Use of Text and Colour
Lesson 4
  • To consider how appropriate sounds and animations can be used effectively in a presentation
/ Starter – show 7.1T4a sound. Discuss reasons for including sound in a presentation – to illustrate an image, draw attention, provide interest, create atmosphere, and provide a voiceover.
What sort of sounds could be included? Recording, piece of music, sound effect on transition, real sound. Discuss need to be discerning in use of sound. Demonstrate the use of sound files from clipart, internet, slide transition, recording using a microphone. Limit amount of sound, which pupils can include. Get pupils to evaluate each others use of sound – emphasise that sound must be appropriate to PURPOSE AND AUDIENCE and must be recognized and interpreted correctly to be effective. Repeat with animation effects if it is felt appropriate –show animated gif files from clipart and internet and show how to add animation to slide transition. More able pupils will need to consider what sound is appropriate in their presentation to the Head of Year.
Plenary – Consider use of sound in some pupils presentations.
Homework – Write about how sound is used in 3 adverts on TV (See HW sheet). /
  • Pupils will be able to add sound and animation to their presentation.
  • They will understand the need to consider reasons for using sound and animation.
  • They will reflect critically on each other’s use of sound.
  • Will add annotation to print out describing sounds used. Important: what does the sound add to the presentation.
/ Literacy
Key words: transition, microphone, animation, atmosphere
Resources: 7.1T4a
Learning Objectives
Pupils should learn / Possible teaching activities / Learning outcomes / Points to note
Lesson 5
  • To evaluate each others presentations
  • Consider how to adapt o modify a presentation for a different audience showing ‘Fitness For Purpose’
/ View a selection of presentations on large screen. Pupils evaluate each others work using 7.1P6P
Show 7.1T5a Perfect Presentation – discuss guidelines for presenting to an adult audience – use 7.1P5b – pupils judge whether rules have been kept.
Show presentations developed for Head of Year y some pupils. /
  • Will show the ability to comment critically on each other’s work.
  • Will understand the difference between presenting to an adult audience and a 12 year old.
/ Literacy
Key words:
Resources: 7.1P6b, 7.1P5a
Lesson 6
  • Assessment
/ Assessment using assignment – Create a Presentation for Adults who have never used a computer before explaining to them about various computer applications using information provided. / Please find assessment in shared folder.


Hinchingbrooke School – C. J. W. Lucas 19/12/2018ICT - Year 7 About me. Unit 7.1 Page