IA-1. Contemporary perspectives/approaches used by psychologists to understand behavior and mental processes in context

IA-2. Major subfields and career opportunities that comprise psychology

IA-3. Research strategies/methods used by psychologists to explore behavior and mental processes

IA-4. Purpose and basic concepts of statistics

IA-5. Ethical issues in research with human and other animals that are important to


IA-6. The history of the development of psychology as an empirical science

Define empiricism

Names: Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Galileo, Descartes, Bacon, Locke, Broca, Galen, Wundt, Ebbinghaus, (Wertheimer, Koffka, Kohler = Gestaltists) Titchener, Darwin, James, Watson, G. Stanley Hall, Mary Calkins (first APA Pres), Beverly Inez Prosser (first African American woman PhD), Washburn.

Ideas: human time line...arrange kids in order of key people,

research project,

web search,

game board,

timeline on Myers’ web site

chart of names and contributions

draw an image(find visuals) representing what they thought

clip them to a clothesline timeline in the classroom

speed dating – go from person to person – rotate

the dating game – put three figures up front and have them ask questions

story boards – one per figure – kids work in groups –

pinterest site….set up a an account for Freud, Darwin, etc.

fakebook.com -

cell phone- contacts – what apps would they have? – missed calls – wall art – text messages


tweets (what would Darwin, Socrates, etc. tweet?)

Approaches: explaining WHY organisms act/feel the way they do

Ideas: develop a (celebrity) scenario that makes sense to your kids and ask them to explain the behavior from each of these approaches, arrange kids in groups, charts

1. Biological – genetic, brain structure, neural, neurochemical, endocrine

2. Behavioral – learning, conditioned, rewarded/punished, observed, modeled, environment – look at behaviors

3. Cognitive – thoughts, the way you think, how you frame your world

4. Humanistic – you choose to, free will, free choice – if it is to be, it is up to me…people are good

5. Psychodynamic/psychoanalytic – psychoanalytic – FREUD – unconscious motivations – childhood experiences

6. Sociocultural – multicultural – global perspective v. whitey – anthropology studies

7. Evolutionary/Sociobiological–adaptation, survival of the fittest – amalgam of bio and behaviorism


1. Clinical psych – diagnose and treat severe disorders

2. Counseling psych – less severe disorders – anxiety, low-level depression, phobias

3. School psych – test administration – severe cases –

4. Industrial Organization psych – workplace/human – human factors

5. Experimental psych – university – mice – details

6. Social psych – prejudice and stereotypes – group behavior

7. Developmental psych – geriatric

8. Psychometric psych – test designers – statistics –

9. Forensic psych – CSI – military operations

10. Sports psych

ciccarelli has graphs and a 13-page appendix B on careers and subfields!

Myers also has an appendix

Ideas: classified ads in The Monitor, Many Faces of Psychology (DVD)Worth publishers, writing assignment “What field of psych would I (not)go in to?”

Small groups – make up a disaster then discuss how 10ish of these folks would help out in that case.

Research Methods

Three types – descriptive (non-experimental), correlational, experimental

Case Study– Freud – single person or small defined group (Walton HS Girls Volleyball team)

Naturalistic observation

Survey –

Ex Post Facto

Correlation – correlation does not imply causation

Longitudinal/cross sectional – twin

Experiment – cause-effect

  • Hypothesis
  • Operational definitions (a recipe!)



This stuff doesn’t stick well…go slowly!

  • Experimental v. control group
  • Placebo
  • Single and double blind studies
  • Counterbalancing
  • Confounding/extraneous variables
  • Random assignment
  • Random sampling

Ethics – hey Justin – stop and have a class discussion here!

Animals v. Humans

Don’t head tap kids with bananas!

Informed consent

Freedom from coercion


Protection from harm



Right to withdraw from experiment

See OTHER MATERIALS folder for charts, ethics readings and activity.

Top Ten Most Unethical Experiments in Psychology (read and edit/review first!)