APRIL 2, 2012

7:00 PM

Mayor Baze called to order the regular meeting of the Goldendale City Council followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


7:02:00 PM

PRESENT:Council Member Lucille Bevis

Council Member Len Crawford

Council Member Andy Halm

Council Member Gary Hoctor

Council Member Mindy Jackson

Council Member Steve Johnston

Council Member Guy Theriault

Mayor Clinton Baze

STAFF:City Administrator Larry Bellamy

Clerk-Treasurer Connie Byers

Public Works Director Keith Grundei

Public Safety Director Rick Johnson



7:02:17 PM

CDBG Planning-Only Grant

Naomi Fisher thinks the grant is a good thing but has concerns about what will happen to the trees in front of the library.

Margie Lord stated that she hoped we will be able to save the trees.

Nancy Baron stated that a number of people have said one of the reasons they moved here was because of our library. They have also commented on the beautiful street and wonderful trees. She encouraged council to do their best to not destroy the trees on the library side of the street.

7:06:52 PM

With no further comments the hearing was closed.


It was moved by Council Member Gary Hoctor, seconded by Council Member Steve Johnston, to approve the agenda and consent agenda.

7:07:11 PM

AYES:Council Member Lucille Bevis

Council Member Len Crawford

Council Member Andy Halm

Council Member Gary Hoctor

Council Member Mindy Jackson

Council Member Steve Johnston

Council Member Guy Theriault




7:07:29 PM

Kevin Barry – Solid Waste Interlocal Agreement

A copy of the summary of changes to the Solid Waste Management Plan was given to each Council Member. Kevin explained the proposed changes are minor. Mostly dates, numbers and boosting some of wording around solid waste. The solid waste system itself has no proposed changes.

Kevin informed council there are two other options for the city. We can write our own plan, or have our own complete solid waste system which could cost the city up to $50.00 a ton in tipping fees.

Len asked if the city decides they don’t want to do business with Allied Waste, are there any repercussions. Kevin stated the contract can be terminated at any time. Len explained it says in the contract that no amendment, supplement or termination shall be adopted or put into effect if it impairs any obligation the county has to a vendor. Kevin said there is also wording that says you don’t promise any tonnage to the county. Len questioned how aggressive is the city, county and Allied Waste going to be in recycling. Kevin stated that they will not do it for the city. If the city wants to encourage recycling that is up to the city. Recycling is not a simple thing because we have free tipping fee and the cost is more to recycle than to dispose. The garbage to be disposed just goes to Roosevelt whereas the recycling goes to Roosevelt then to Seattle.

7:29:56 PM

Luke Dewitt – Softball League

Luke informed the council that he is in the process of forming a Goldendale Intramural Softball League and asked for some guidance. It was suggested that he go through the process of becoming a non profit organization. Len also suggested that Luke look at the Brush Prairie website as they have had a softball league for years.


7:38:42 PM

Intergovernmental Agreement with Klickitat County Regarding Solid Waste Disposal

It was moved by Council Member Gary Hoctor, seconded by Council Member Steve Johnston, to authorize the Mayor to execute an interlocal agreement with Klickitat County regarding solid waste disposal.

Len asked if we have had all the discussion we need on this matter. There are some unanswered questions. Do we want to commit to 20 years? Gary stated that if we don’t enter into this agreement, we would have to haul our waste outside of our county. This doesn’t have to do with how the garbage is collected; it’s just the agreement for us to dispose of it.

7:41:22 PM

AYES:Council Member Lucille Bevis

Council Member Andy Halm

Council Member Gary Hoctor

Council Member Mindy Jackson

Council Member Steve Johnston

Council Member Guy Theriault

NAYS:Council Member Len Crawford.


7:41:26 PM

Public Property Use Agreement with Farmers Market

Tom Ireland stated that after some research the Farmers Market would like to enter into an agreement with the city to trade out the fees of the park for working on the kitchen. The cost is about $1,500.00 for cabinets and moving the sink area which does not include the electrical, plumbing, or hot water heater. They also have a donation for a stove and refrigerator. The value of the refrigerator is about $250.00 and Tom didn’t remember the value of the stove.

Larry wanted to clarify a couple of things. The interior remodeling will cost $1,500.00 and also the stove and refrigerator have a tradable value. You said you would like a credit for next year for what tradable fees are not used this year? The reason this is being pointed out is that maybe there should be a two year agreement in this case.

Tom stated that the two year agreement would be fine with them but they want the city to be responsible for the plumbing changes and the electrical. He also informed council that these improvements would be owned by the city but they request that there be a protocol for the users to help prolong the life of the remodeling.

It was moved by Council Member Gary Hoctor, seconded by Council Member Steve Johnston, to authorize the Mayor to enter into a two year agreement with the Farmers Market to trade rent for improvement with additional agreements for use.

7:50:10 PM

AYES:Council Member Lucille Bevis

Council Member Len Crawford

Council Member Andy Halm

Council Member Gary Hoctor

Council Member Mindy Jackson

Council Member Steve Johnston

Council Member Guy Theriault



7:54:06 PM

Public Property Use Agreement with Bluegrass Festival

Gina McCabe stated that they are requesting that the park rental be waived and that the chamber keep the camping fees. She went on to say that this year there will be four micro breweries along with the wineries.

It was moved by Council Member Gary Hoctor, seconded by Council Member Steve Johnston, to approve the application for exclusive use of Ekone Park for the 2012 Bluegrass Festival, June 15th thru 17th , allowing for a one time blanket vendor’s permit for the entire event, allow the consumption of alcoholic beverages during the event subject to compliance with regulations of the Washington State Liquor Control Board, and waive the transmittal of any fees to the city collected from vendor or camping charges.

8:10:43 PM

AYES:Council Member Lucille Bevis

Council Member Len Crawford

Council Member Andy Halm

Council Member Gary Hoctor

Council Member Mindy Jackson

Council Member Steve Johnston

Council Member Guy Theriault



8:10:50 PM

Pioneer Surveying & Engineering, Inc. Proposal & Contract for a preliminary engineering report for the West Columbus Neighborhood Improvement Project.

Larry informed council the proposed funding packet includes one million dollars from CDBG, seven hundred fifty thousand dollars from Rural Development, and two hundred fifty thousand dollars from the cities various funds. To move forward on the Rural Development funding we need to put together a preliminary engineering report. It is recommended that the city inter into a contract with Pioneer Surveying to prepare this report.

It was moved by Council Member Steve Johnston, seconded by Council Member Gary Hoctor, to authorize the Mayor to execute a contract with Pioneer Surveying and Engineering to prepare a preliminary engineering report as required by United State Rural Development in an amount not to exceed $20,118.75.

8:13:00 PM

AYES:Council Member Lucille Bevis

Council Member Len Crawford

Council Member Andy Halm

Council Member Gary Hoctor

Council Member Mindy Jackson

Council Member Steve Johnston

Council Member Guy Theriault




8:13:05 PM

Larry stated that on the 18th there will be a legislators evening followed by the town hall meeting.

Lucille informed council that the new job description has been reviewed for the new director for public safety for the county.

Steve thanked the council and the Mayor for showing flexibility and generosity to allow him to escape for as long as he did.

Mindy stated that along with clean up day, the Health Fair is the same day at the hospital.

Mayor Baze then read a proclamation declaring April as the official sexual assault awareness month.


8:18:41 PM

Terry Luth stated that he thinks our solid waste collections program needs to be reviewed. We are way behind the times here in Goldendale.


It was moved by Council Member Steve Johnston, seconded by Council Member Gary Hoctor, to adjourn the meeting.

8:21:09 PM

AYES:Council Member Lucille Bevis

Council Member Len Crawford

Council Member Andy Halm

Council Member Gary Hoctor

Council Member Mindy Jackson

Council Member Steve Johnston

Council Member Guy Theriault




Clinton Baze, Mayor


Connie Byers, Clerk-Treasurer