Project VOLT / 2012

Colorado Space Grant Consortium


FALL 2012


Team SPIRIT of the Koala

Project VOLT

Written by:

Anthony Anglin, Starteya Pais, Colin Harkins, Thomas Jefferies, Dustin Fishelman, Joao Mansur, Andrew Trujillo, Dylan Cooper


Revision A/B

1.0: Mission Overview

The mission of Project VOLT is to prove the feasibility of using the flow of atmosphere across the surface of the BalloonSat during flight to generate current by allowing the structure to rotate independently of the tube attached to the flight string. Team SPIRIT of the Koala, expects to discover that using the spin of the structure with magnets rotating through coils of wire on the inside will generate current and voltage. This is passed of the premise of Faraday’s laws, known as the electromagnetic induction. Faraday proved that when a bar magnet lays stationary with respect to the loop, there is no current, but when motion occurs current is induced. (ε =−dΦB/dt) This shows that the current produced in the coil of wire is proportional to the negative of the rate of change of magnetic flux. Since this is a law, it is known that when the magnet moves through the wire there will be current, when the magnet passes through the loop during flight, there must be evidence of current. During the flight, we predict a variation in the levels of current that will be generated; this is due to the fact that in the beginning of the flight there is more wind and turbulence while being closer to the ground. As the flight ascends, the amount of wind decreases with altitude and the spin will decrease. To diminish this problem, Team SPIRIT of the Koala will create several different types of fins made out of foam core. Each set will be tested individually in both the wind tunnel and spun by hand to determine which of the designs created will allow for the most spin and create the most current. The reason for conducting this mission is to determine the feasibility of using wind to power experiments in future BalloonSats. A major flaw too many BalloonSat experiments is the amount of voltage needed to run the entire project. If using spin to generate current concludes to be very efficient, the idea could be used on others instead of using batteries. It can also be applied to RocketSats, because the rocket spins will launching and this could be used to power experiments on that as well. At the end of the mission, the data collected on the Arduino inside the BalloonSat will be compared to the amount of voltage drained from the batteries used to run the experiment, this will be done by placing a voltage/current sensor up against the batteries ends and saving the data to a computer. From this data, we will be able to conclude if the amount of spin obtained was enough to run our project. Team SPIRIT of the Koala hopes to prove that a least a little amount of current will be generated, which will give hope for future experiments of this kind and with the data collected, can be repeated and improved to ensure that in the future much more current is created by the spin of the BalloonSat, and that it will eventually be able to power its own experiments. A GO PRO will also be part of the experiment to enhance the amount of outside interest in BalloonSats, especially for outreach programs. It will assist in displaying our experiment at the design expo, demonstrating what the flight experience was like.

1.) "Faraday's Laws and Magnetic Induction."MIT Physics Notes. MIT, n.d. Web. <>.

2.)"Faraday's Laws."Hyper-Physics. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. <>.

2.0: Requirements Flow Down

This Requirements flow down chart will guide us in project development. It is used to keep our project on track and for us to verify each requirement as traceable, necessary, verifiable, attainable, and clear. Our level zero requirements are derived from the RFP requirements and our mission statement. These primary systems are labeled A-E with their corresponding sub-systems.

3.0: Design Overview

3.01: Design Plan

Project Volt’s structure will accommodate for all necessary systems. Team SOK will build a prototype balloonsat that will be used for all ground testing. At this moment all materials have been purchased or received. If we need more structural materials they are available at the Gateway Store. Team SOK will adhere to the schedule and complete all tasks to ensure a successful flight. During the testing process if we find that a redesign is necessary we will address it quickly and effectively. Since the primary objectives of generating rotational velocity relies upon our fin design, we will perform multiple tests and try different designs to ensure this system works on the ground before flight. We understand that this has been a primary objective of previous flights and they have failed. By thoroughly testing this system we will ensure completion of this objective. Following recovery of our balloonsat we will collect and analyze all data recorded from the flight. We will correlate our power from our generator with the power drawn from our Arduino systems.

3.02: Structure

The mission is going to be completed by building a 16x16x16 cm cube made out of foam core. It will be held together with hot glue and aluminum tape. Fins will be glued to the outside of the structure, one four for each side of the cube. The design of the fins has not been determined yet, because that is part of our testing experiment, to see which design will create the most spin. The inside of the cube will be lined with one or two layers of thermal insulation to ensure the BalloonSat is kept warm during flight. Through the top and bottom will be a hole, each filled with a ceramic stainless steel bearing. The flight tube will go through the middle of the BalloonSat and be held in place by a string tied in a figure eight knot.

3.03: Camera and GO PRO

Two holes will be cut opposite of each other to allow the camera and GO PRO the ability to see outside of the BalloonSat, both cameras will have a switch, the GO PRO will be connected to a 32GB SD card and the Canon will be connected to a 2 GB SD card to record the pictures and video of the flight.

3.04: Generating Current

Inside the cube, magnets will be placed towards the top and will be glued perpendicular to the flight tube. The magnets need to be as far away from the flight data as possible to ensure they will not disturb the programming. On two sides of the BalloonSat, separate coils of wire will be hanging from the roof parallel to the flight tube. These will be placed a certain distance from the magnets, to ensure that the magnets can rotate freely through the coils of wire. Each end of the wires will fall down to the bottom and be attached to a current/ voltage sensor.

3.04: Arduinos and Other Sensors

This sensor will be attached to an Arduino unit with a shield and micro SD card in order to record the data from the experiment and the Arduino will be powered by 9V batteries. A heater will be attached with a switch inside the cube as well that will also be powered by 9V batteries. Next to the heater will be another Arduino unit with a shield and micro SD card. This Arduino will have a relative humidity sensor, internal temperature sensor, pressure sensor, and attached to an external temperature sensor that will be placed on the outside of the BalloonSat.

3.05: Parts/Hardware Needed

Canon Camera (given by Space Grant), a GO PRO (bought by a team member), neodymium magnets (, voltage/current sensor (, coils of wire (Home Depot), Arduinos/Shields/SD cards (given by Space Grant), all other sensors (given by Space Grant).

3.06: Parts Ordered and Received

Ordered Parts: Neodymium magnets, Sealed ceramic stainless steel ball bearings, Current and voltage sensor

Order Status: Magnets: Ordered, received. Bearings: Ordered, received. Current Sensor: Ordered, received. Coil of wire and GO PRO have been purchased.

3.07: 3D and 2D Drawings

3.08: Flow Diagram

4.0: Management

Each team member will have about two jobs. For each position there is a lead with a backup. With the limited amount of time we have left until launch, we will try to finish multiple tests in the next two weeks. Our programming will be done very shortly, and wind experiments can begin. Team meetings have begun to occur about twice a week. Each team member will be working on their lead position vigorously. With the schedule made, Project VOLT will be tested and ready for launch on December 1st.

Name: / Position:
Andrew Trujillo / Researcher/ Solderer
Starteya Pais / Lead Researcher/ Secretary
Joao Mansur / Lead Solderer/ Coordinator
Thomas Jefferies / Team Leader/ Programmer
Colin Harkins / Lead Secretary/ Structural Design
Dustin Fishelman / Lead Budget Manager/ Structural Design
Anthony Anglin / Lead Coordinator/ Budget Manager
Dylan Cooper / Lead Programmer


October 28th – Testing Day + Team meeting

November 4th – Finalize programming + Team meeting

November 7th – Team meeting

November 13th – In-Class demo

November 14th – Team meeting

November 16th – Design Document Rev C

November 18th – Team meeting

November 25th – Finalize satellite and prep for launch

November 27th – LRR Slides Due (7:00 am)

November 28th – FINAL Team meeting

November 30th – Final Weigh-in

December 1st – Launch day

December 8th – ITLL Design Expo + Design Document Rev D Due + Extra Credit Video

December 11th – Final Presentations and Reports


6.0: Test Plan

To test the integrity of the satellite, we will have a variety of different simulations and tests under different conditions. These include drop tests, cooler tests, whip tests, imaging tests, mission simulation tests, experimental system tests, and tests looking at the effectiveness of different fin types and sizes.

6.01: Drop Test

A prototype version of the structure of our BalloonSat will be constructed with the same dimensions and weight. This prototype will include the insulation and to simulate mass will include rocks that are taped into place (to prevent damage because of the rocks moving around). These rocks will need to weigh a total of approximately 980 grams to properly simulate the mass of the components that will be housed inside the BalloonSat. Once this is completed a variety of different drop tests will be conducted from different heights available to us. All heights should be in excess of 10m and with additional force pushing the prototype toward the ground. This will simulate a worse case scenario landing. If the BalloonSat structure survives this, we can be sure that it will survive the landing and the balloon pop on launch day.

6.02: Cooler Test

With the same prototype as mentioned above a cooler test using dry ice will be conducted. During this test the dry ice will bring the BalloonSat down to temperatures similar to those at the coldest point during its fight. Inside the prototype there will be a single Arduino Uno with internal and external temperature sensors wired up to it and the heater, constructed out of ceramic resistors and 3 9 volt batteries. These will provide data on how close to flight temperatures we achieved with the dry ice, as well as how well the insulation kept the temperature up in the BalloonSat. To succeed we need to keep the internal temperature above -10 degrees Celsius.

6.03: Whip Test

To ensure the integrity of the flight string attachment point, we will need to conduct extensive whip tests simulating the forces that will be experienced after balloon pop. These tests will need to be so extensive because our entire experiment depends on this point. With a prototype box we will construct a working mock up of the flight tube and the bearings that let it rotate independently of the BalloonSat. Mass simulators will be put in place of all hardware. From this point we will connect the flight tube to a section of string in the same manner that it will be connected on launch day. The BalloonSat will be violently whipped around in an effort to simulate the extreme forces present when the balloon pops. Whether or not the fight tube and the rest of the structure attaching the bearings hold up will tell us whether or not we need to rethink the attachment points.

6.04: Imaging Tests

Imaging tests will be conducted inside of one of our prototype boxes. This will ensure the placement and that the software that controls the Canon camera. In addition to this, the imaging test will show us how long the batteries will last on both the Canon Camera and the GoPro.

6.05: Experimental Systems Test

The Experimental Systems test will be the test of the experimental structure. The flight tube will be mounted on the bearings with the magnets attached to the flight string. The system of coils will be constructed and there will be an Arduino located inside the BalloonSat prototype. The BalloonSat will be spun around the flight tube and it will also be tested in a wind tunnel at different wind speeds. The current and voltage produced by the generator will be written onto a 2GB SD card and stored. For the test in the wind tunnel this data will correspond to different wind speeds. This test will ensure that all of our coding for the experiment works properly and that the system actually functions to generate current. All of this will be done in the wind tunnel with a variety of different fin types and sizes. The data received from this test will tell us what type of fin to use during our flight