/ Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
Policies and Procedures
Animal Resource Facility
Standard Operating Procedures

Animal Care and Handling Videotapes Training Form

Printed Name ______Date ______

Creighton University requires all Investigators and staff who perform procedures or handle live animals in any teaching, testing or research protocol to complete Animal Care and Handling Species-Specific Training to comply with Creighton University’s IACUC assurances and federal regulations. This is in accordance to USDA Regulations: 9 CFR 2.32.

If an individual who does not have prior species-specific animal handling training or experience, the investigator may want to have them watch some of the below training videos. If you feel any are applicable to the training you desire your personnel to have, please mark the videos you would like for them to view. Then please contact the Research and Compliance Training Coordinator and schedule a time to watch these videos. After viewing the videos the Research and Compliance Training Coordinator will sign this form and add the training to the Research and Compliance Training Database.

Please check boxes for all videos viewed in the Animal Resource Facility.

Base Module

The Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals

Lata Series Species Modules

The Humane Care and Use of the Mouse, Rat & Hamster
The Humane Care and Use of the Guinea Pig and Rabbit
The Humane Care and Use of the Dog and Cat
The Humane Care and Use of Fish
The Humane Care and Use of Swine

Techniques Modules

Aseptic Surgery of Rodents
Anesthesia and Analgesia of Rodents
Necropsy of Rodents
Sanitation – Practices and Procedures

Supplementary Modules

Training in Basic Biomethodology for Laboratory Mice
NIH Training in Survival Rodent Surgery
Anesthesia of Rats
Microisolator System in the Conventional Colony
Humane Principles and Procedures in Animal Research
Alternatives in Animal Research
The Challenges of Animals in Research
Resources Today for the Research of Tomorrow
Practical Methodology: Humane Handling and Laboratory Techniques for the Mouse
Practical Methodology: Humane Handling and Laboratory Techniques for the Rat
Practical Methodology: Humane Handling and Laboratory Techniques for the Hamster
Practical Methodology: Humane Handling and Laboratory Techniques for the Guinea Pig
Practical Methodology: Humane Handling and Laboratory Techniques for the Rabbit
Restraint and Handling of the Dog
Working with the Laboratory Dog

Mary Ritterbush, Research and Compliance Education Coordinator

Revised April 2014