Supply of IT Equipments

For E Rozgar LAB

Tender # CIIT/IT-Pro/112

COMSATS Institute of Information Technology

Kamra Road Attock


Tender Document Price : Rs. 2000/-

Instructions to the bidders

Bidding method to follow is “Single Stage-Two Envelopes” as prescribed by PPRA rules. The potential bidders are required to strictly comply with following instructions for participating in tender competition:-

Preparation of Technical Bid:

Prescribed format, pattern, documentation and order of technical bid (separate sealed) would be as follows;

1. / Brief Profile of Bidder Firm/Company / Mention Company Introduction + Type of Business + Offices & Services in Pakistan + NTN & GST Registration Number with Copy of NTN & GST Certificates + Professional Staff (Administrative & Technical) + Verifiable Office addresses, Telephone & Cell No., E-mail address for Contacts.
2. / Detail of Similar Experience / Provide list of at least 03 x similar contracts of value of over Rs. 2 Million in-hand/ performed by the bidder so far clearly mentioning for each contract, the name of organization, complete address, year of contract, contract value, date of contract award and date of contract completion.
3. / Detail of Items & Specifications / Provide detail of items, brands, country of origin with complete specification being offered without mentioning prices on company letter head (duly signed and stamped beneath by the bidder.
4. / Quality, Reputation & Reliability of Brand, Manufacturer & Country of Origin of Product / Provide supported brochures of quoted items for better understanding of brand, make and specification, country of origin and reputation of brand & manufacturer in relevant business market.
5. / Bidder’s Corporate Status or Affiliation of Bidder with Products Manufacturer / Specify and mention clearly on bid whether the bidder firm is;
·  Manufacturer
·  Business Partner of Manufacturer
·  Sole Distributor of Manufacturer
·  Authorized Distributor/Agent
·  Any other affiliation
(Provide certificate/letter issued from manufacturer as supporting document to certify affiliation with manufacturer)
6. / Technical Resources & Services Support / Mention in detail the in-house resources, facilities and technical support available from the bidder for installation, up-gradation, configuration, commissioning and after sales services of equipment/availability of spare parts.
7. / Warranty/Guarantee Terms / The bidder shall offer comprehensive 03 years warranty/guarantee or standard warranty terms of manufacturer (after sales free parts & service and maintenance)
8. / Project Implementation (Maximum 04-06 weeks) / Delivery + Installation + Testing & Execution + Operation & Commissioning ( Provide comprehensive plan for all tasks to be accomplished within 04-06 weeks)
9. / Bid Validity / 90 Days from the date of opening technical tenders

Preparation of Financial Bid:

Prescribed format, pattern, documentation and order of financial bid (separate sealed) would be as follows;

1. / Bid Prices / Each offered item to be entered separately (with unit & total cost) inclusive of taxes, delivery, installation/testing/execution charges etc. (as and where applicable) as per Bill of Quantity (BOQ), on company letter head (duly signed and stamped beneath by the bidder firm/company or authorized person)
2. / Bid Validity / 90 Days from the date of opening financial tenders
3. / Amount of Earnest Money / 2% of Bid amount
4. / Form of Earnest Money / Either a pay order or bank draft from the scheduled bank in favor of the CIIT Attock shall be attached by the bidder
5. / General Information / Mention NTN & GST Registration Number with Copy of NTN & GST Certificates + Verifiable Office addresses, Telephone & Cell No., E-mail address for Contacts

Sealing, Submission & Opening of Bid:

1. / Sealing of Bids / Technical Bid (Separate Envelope):
Technical bids to be sealed and covered in envelope separate to financial bids.
Financial Bid (Separate Envelope):
Financial bids to be sealed and covered in envelope separate to financial bids.
2. / Title of Bid Envelopes / Technical Bid Envelope:
Title: Technical Bid
Tender No: Tender # CIIT/IT-Pro(Tec)/112
Due Date: 22-December -2017
Bid Mode: Single Stage-Two Envelopes
Financial Bid Envelope:
Title: Financial Bid
Tender No: Tender # CIIT/IT-Pro(Tec)/112
Due Date: 22nd December -2017
Bid Mode: Single Stage-Two Envelopes
3. / Bid Submission
(Separate Sealed Technical & Financial Bids) / Bid Submission/Closing Date: 22nd December -2017
Submission/Closing Time: 1100 hrs
4. / Bid Opening / Technical Bid Opening:
Bid Opening Date: 22nd December -2017
Bid Opening Time: 1130 hrs
Financial Bid Opening:
Financial bids of technically qualified bidders only will be opened later
5. / Bid Submission Venue / Procurement Office,
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Kamra Road Attock
6. / Bid Opening Venue / Procurement Office,
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Kamra Road Attock
7. / Bid Announcement / Public announcement of bids shall be made after being opened by authorized officials of CIIT in presence of participating bidders or their deputed representative who like to be present at the designated date, time & venue.

Bids Evaluation Criteria:

Bids will be evaluated in fair, transparent and non-discriminatory manner. For the purpose of determining the lowest evaluated bid, following mandatory scales of evaluation shall be taken into consideration for technical and financial bids;

Technical Bid Evaluation:

Technical bids will be scrutinized, examined and evaluated on following setout evaluation standard;

S # / Parameter / Mandatory Requirement / Scale of Evaluation
1. / Company Profile / Complete Introduction+ Type of Business + Offices & Services in Pakistan + NTN & GST Registration Number with Copy of NTN & GST Certificates + Professional Staff (Administrative & Technical) + Verifiable Office addresses, Telephone & Cell No., E-mail address for Contacts. / Mandatory
2. / Technical Compliance Sheet / Provide Technical Compliance Sheet in Tabulated Form specifying the compliance of each and every quoted item with minimum specification of required items mentioned in Bill of Quantity (BOQ) of this document. / 40 Marks
3. / Quality, Reputation & Reliability of Brand, Manufacturer & Country of Origin of Product / Provide supported brochures and informative material of quoted items for better understanding of reputation/recognition of brand, manufacturer, country of origin and quality standard in relevant business market
European/UK/USA :05
Korea : 04
China & others :03 / 15 Marks
4. / Warranty/
Guarantee / Comprehensive 03 years warranty/guarantee or standard warranty terms of manufacturer (after sales free parts & service/maintenance) / 10 Marks
5. / Technical Resources & Services Support / Mention in detail the in-house resources, facilities and technical support available from the bidder for installation, up-gradation, configuration, commissioning and after sales services of equipment/availability of spare parts. / 10 Marks
6. / Project Implementation Plan / Delivery + Installation + Testing & Execution + Operation
( Provide comprehensive plan for all tasks to be accomplished within 04-06 weeks) / 10 Marks
7. / Similar Experience of Bidder / Provide list of similar contracts of value of Rs. 02 million or above in-hand/ performed by the bidder so far clearly mentioning for each contract, the name of organization, complete address, year of contract, contract value, date of contract award and date of contract completion. / 05 Marks
8. / Bidder’s Corporate Status or Affiliation of Bidder with Products Manufacturer / Specify and mention clearly on bid whether the bidder firm is;
·  Manufacturer
·  Business Partner of Manufacturer
·  Sole Distributor of Manufacturer
·  Authorized Distributor/Agent
·  Any other affiliation
(Provide Certificate/Letter issued from Manufacturer as supporting document to certify affiliation with Manufacturer) / 10 Marks
Total Marks: / 100
Minimum Qualifying Marks: / 70

Financial Bid Evaluation:

After evaluation/marking of bidders in technical evaluation process, financial bids of technically qualified bidders only will be opened and preliminary scrutinized for following necessary parameters;

S # / Parameter / Mandatory Requirement
1. / Bid Prices & Entries / Each offered item to be entered separately (with unit & total cost) inclusive of taxes, delivery, installation/testing/operational training and commissioning charges etc. (as and where applicable) as per Bill of Quantity (BOQ), on company letter head (duly signed and stamped beneath by the bidder firm/company or authorized person)
2. / Bid Validity / 90 Days from the date of opening financial tenders
3. / Amount of Earnest Money / 2% of the Total Value
4. / Form of Earnest Money / Either a pay order or bank draft from the scheduled bank in favor of the CIIT Attock shall be attached by the bidder
5. / Registration of Firm / NTN & GST Registration Certificates shall be attached by the bidder

After initial scrutiny of above factors of financial bids, comparative statement of prices will be prepared.

Criteria for Contract Award/Final Grading:

For final grading of bidders towards contract award, aggregate substance of technical & financial bids will be calculated as per final grading formula to ascertain lowest evaluated bid for placement of turnkey procurement contract.

Technical Marks : 70

Financial Marks : 30


1.  No offer of a supplier/firm will be considered for tender competition if:-

a.  The bid is not prepared and submitted by following the instructions given in the tender document.

b.  The bid is incomplete

c.  Received without earnest money and/or found with less amount of earnest money than required financial extent.

d.  Received later than the date and time fixed for tender submission

e.  Submitted to other than the venue specified in the terms and conditions of this tender notice/tender documents.

f.  The tender is unsigned/ unstamped

g.  The offer is ambiguous

h.  The tender is submitted with wrong pattern/method of bidding

i.  The tender is not properly covered and sealed

j.  The offer is conditional

k.  The offer is from a firm which is black listed, by any Govt. Office.

l.  The offer is received by telephone/telex/fax/telegram.

m.  Any unsigned/ ambiguous erasing, cutting/overwriting etc. is made

2. The potential bidders needing any clarification regarding bidding procedure and/or terms & conditions of tender, may raise their query (in written) and seek guidance prior to tenders closing date.

3. Withdrawal of bid during validity period or tenders evaluation process is strictly prohibited.

5. The contractor will be legally bound and obligated towards terms & conditions of contract be those specified and established in Supply Order/Contract Agreement and determined latter by the CIIT in lieu of performance and execution of contract and/or liquidate damages subject to exception of circumstances invoked and enforced by the situation of “Force Majure”.

6. CIIT is authorized to vary quantities at the time of supply order placement or as decided latterly according to its requirement.

7. Bidding procedure is subject to compliance with PPRA rules/CIIT policy and decisions of the Purchase Committee (PC), the competent fora of CIIT, would stand valid, be enforced and implemented to whole procurement process and performance of contract by the selected supplier.

8. Payment will be made after complete order delivery on contractual terms & conditions, inspection and stock taking of goods by the CIIT through crossed cheque on credit terms. No advance/interim payment (subject to CIIT policy) will be allowed. Taxes/duties as levied by prevalent Govt. rules & regulations will be deducted at source.

9. CIIT reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders as a whole or in part as specified by PPRA Rule 33 (1). The decision in this regard will be firm, final and binding on all bidders.

Incharge Procurement

COMSATS Institute of Information Technology

Kamra Road Attock

Renovation of E-Rozgar Computer Lab in Math Deptt Permanent Campus CIIT Attock.

Supply of IT Equipments

Bill of Quantities

Sr No / Description / Unit / Quantity / Rate
(Rs) / Amount
11. / Multimedia Projector
Presentation and Multimedia
·  Type
DLP Projector
·  3D
·  3D Details
3D glasses sold separately
·  Portability
·  Micro display
Dark chips 3
·  Min Image Size
36.2 in
·  Max Image Size
303 in
·  Color Suppor
1.07 billion colors
·  Native Resolution
·  Max Resolution (Resized)
·  Display Resolution Abbreviation
·  High Definition
High Definition
·  HD Image Format
720 P
·  Max V-Sync Rate
85 HZ
·  Max H-Sync Rate
91.1 Hz
·  Native Aspect Ratio
16: 10
·  Brightness
4000 ANSI Lumens
·  Contrast Ratio
·  Min Screen Distance
4 ft
·  Max Screen Distance
39 ft / No / 01
12. / Multimedia Screen
1. Size 6*6 rotating
2. .6*8 manual / No / 01
13. / Biometric Machine+ Battery
·  Display: 4.3’’ TFT Touch Screen
·  Face capacity: 500 (1:N)
·  Fingerprint capacity: 2000
·  ID Card capacity: 10,000
·  Logs capacity: 120,000
·  Algorithm Version: ZKFace VX 7.0 & ZKFinger VX10.0
·  Communication: TCP/IP, RS232/485
·  USB-HOST: Two USB-Host
·  Time attendance Standard functions: Automatic Status Switch, Self-Service Query, Work Code, T9 input, 9 digit user ID, DST, Photo-ID, Scheduled-Bell
·  Access control interfaces for: 3rd Party Electric Lock, Door Sensor, Exit Button
·  Wiegand Signal: Output
·  Optional functions: ID/Mifare Card, SMS, GPRS, 3G, ADMS, Wi-Fi, 2000mAh backup battery
·  Power supply: DC 12V 3A
·  Verification Speed: ≤2 sec
·  Operating temp: 0 °C- 45 °C
·  Operating Humidity: 20%-80%
·  Dimension(W×H×D): 193.6 * 146.8 * 111 mm
·  Gross Weight: 1.49 kg / No / 01
14. / UPS
·  5 KVA
·  Long backup
·  48 volt
·  12V eight dry batteries 100 amp each
·  Power factor 0.9/0.8
·  Plan sine view / No / 01
15. / IP Camera
·  Image Sensor:
·  Min. Illumination:
·  Shutter time:
·  Angleofview:70°(4mm),43.3°(6mm),20.6°(12mm)@(2048×1536);79°(4mm),49°(6mm),23.2°(12mm)@(1920×1080)
·  Lens Mount:
·  Day& Night:
·  Wide Dynamic Range:
·  Digital noise reduction:
Compression Standard
·  Video Compression:
·  Video bit rate:
·  Dual Stream:
·  Max. Image Resolution:
·  Frame Rate
·  Image Settings:
·  BLC:
·  ROI:
·  Network Storage:
Built- inMicroSD/SDHC/SDXCslot,upto128G,
·  Alarm Trigger:
·  Protocols
·  System Compatibility:
·  Communication Interface:
·  Reset Button:
Wi-Fi Specification (-W)
·  Wireless Standards:
·  Frequency Range:
·  Channel Bandwidth:
·  Modulation Mode:
·  Security:
·  Transmit Power
·  Transmission Rate:
·  Wireless Range:
·  Power Supply:
·  Power Consumption:
·  Weather Proof:
·  IR Range:
·  PIR:
·  Weight:
500g(1.1lbs) / Nos / 03(02 internal and 01 outside
16. / 3 in one Printer
HP Laser Jet m127fn or equivalent / Nos / 01
17. / Access Point
Dual Frequency supported 2.4 GHZ and 5 GHz
IEEE 802.11ac 5GHz @ 80MHz channel
·  Data Rate
MCS9 - 1300 Mb/s
MCS0 - 97.5 Mb/s
·  Receiver Sensitivity
-67 dBm
-94 dBm
·  Transmit Power
25 dBm
IEEE 802.11n 5GHz @ 40MHz channel
·  Data Rate
MCS23 - 450 Mb/s
MCS16 - 45 Mb/s
·  Receiver Sensitivity
-77 dBm
-97 dBm
·  Transmit Power
27 dBm
29 dBm
IEEE 802.11n 5GHz @ 20MHz channel
·  Data Rate
MCS23 - 144 Mb/s
MCS16 - 14.4 Mb/s
·  Receiver Sensitivity
-80 dBm
-100 dBm
·  Transmit Power
27 dBm
29 dBm
IEEE 802.11n 2.4GHz @ 40MHz channel
·  Data Rate
MCS23 - 450 Mb/s
MCS16 - 45 Mb/s
·  Receiver Sensitivity
-82 dBm
-97 dBm
·  Transmit Power
20 dBm
20 dBm
IEEE 802.11n 2.4GHz @ 20MHz channel
·  Data Rate
MCS23 - 144 Mb/s
MCS16 - 14.4 Mb/s
·  Receiver Sensitivity
-84 dBm
-100 dBm
·  Transmit Power
20 dBm
20 dBm
IEEE 802.11a 5GHz
·  Data Rate
54 Mb/s
6 Mb/s
·  Receiver Sensitivity
-83 dBm
-100 dBm
·  Transmit Power
29 dBm
29 dBm
IEEE 802.11b/g 2.4 GHz
·  Data Rate
54 Mb/s
11 Mb/s
6 Mb/s
1 Mb/s
·  Receiver Sensitivity
-85 dBm
-99 dBm
-95 dBm
-100 dBm
·  Transmit power
20 dBm
20 dBm
20 dBm
26 dBm / Nos / 01
Sound System
Compete including Mic
Lecture Theater Sound System
(Amplifier 150 W,2 Speakers, 1 Wireless Mic, 1 Wired Mic / Nos / 01
Total Amount of Bid

Amount in Words: - Rupees