The Allenstown School District is committed to graduating all its students prepared for success as effective communicators; problem solvers; community contributors; and life-long, self-directed learners. - District Mission Statement Adopted August, 2001




WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 2014 ~ 6:00 P.M.


Present: Carl Schaefer, Thomas Irzyk, Deb Bulkley, Anthony Blinn, Gail Paludi, Mark Dangora, Jodi Moore, Mary Rubega, Michelle, Kelly, Jackie Perry,

1.  Call to Order – Mr. Irzyk called the meeting to order at 6:07 PM

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting – April 9, 2014 and April 14, 2014
The board tabled approval of these minutes until the June meeting.

3. Immediate Business

A. Students of the Month; Merit Students – Elisabeth Valley, Student of the Month for May is ill so her presentation to the board has been postponed until the June meeting.

B. Student Honor: Fourth Grader, Cooper Gilman, had his editorial published and was scheduled to present it to the School Board but, due to illness, presentation is postponed until June meeting.

C. Elissa Bell Memorial – Mr. Blinn – The Bell family are not able to be present at rescheduled meeting. Elissa was a student who passed away more than a year ago as she ended her high school career. Family and district have worked together to create memorial. PA is doing a separate memorial. Staff were polled for ideas. Last June, board voted to give an award at recognition night. Basic criteria:

- longest tenured student who:

- promotes social interaction among all students

- enjoys reading and music

Student will receive plaque and gift card and a plaque will be added to those in the hallway at ARD. Family were invited to recognition night to present award and are available.

Mr. Schaefer makes a motion to approve the award and presentation.

Mrs. Moore. Seconds the motion.

Motion carries unanimously

D. Citizens’ Comments – no citizen comments were offered.

E. Agenda Review – there was no review of the agenda.

F. Gifts and Donations – There were gifts and donations to the Merit Club in the amount of $1554 and to the Drama Club (for program advertising) in the amount of $235.

Mr. Schaefer makes a motion to accept these gifts and donations.

Mrs. Moore. Seconds the motion.

Motion carries unanimously

G. Parent Request – moved to non-public session.

H. Administrator’s Report – Ms. Bulkley, Mr. Dangora, Mr. Blinn

  1. May Newsletter went out successfully.
  2. Allenstown Voter Appreciation dessert was successful with attendance by about 150 people.
  3. Night custodian at AES was let go on April 17. NH Cleaning Company has taken over night cleaning and there is improvement already.
  4. AES Good Behavior Reward on April 30 - Each grade selected a board game and friends and staff participated.
  5. Parent Forum was attended by small number of parents re: Health Curriculum and lead by Mr. Gilligan. Parents were informed of curriculum and option to opt out of this particular unit.
  6. ARD Student of the Month is Elisabeth Valley. She is ill so plans to attend June meeting. June will have two students of the month so there will be three to present in June.
  7. Tabletop Safety Meeting was attended by Admin and some staff and discussed improvements to safety plan in the event of a live shooter. On June 26, the town will stage a live event as a safety drill.
  8. Three events were held to aid transition of students from AES to ARD. There will be step up date on June 11 for students and June 12 for parents.
  9. PA has started transition activity for 8th graders. PA performed math assessment and admin is pleased with the scores. Admin would like to offer an algebra class within in the next two years.
  10. May is Assessment Month. We have completed NECAP, NEWA assessments and are finished.
  11. CSI: Neverland on stage May 23. AES and ARD will watch show at school in AM on Friday and then the open performance at 6:30 pm.
  12. Fall Schedule and updated floor plan distributed to board for review. Next school year will be in trimester versus quarters. Will swap PD day for PT CONFERENCE day to fit better with trimester.
  13. Hot Tips for a Cool New Year - cheat sheet for move of fifth grade to ARD. Will present all this information to staff at end of next week.
  14. ARD Fall Schedule - five minute earlier start time to accommodate homeroom.
  15. Marilyn Brison honored as the Wellness Hero by the Department of Education.

xvi.  AES and Allenstown library were awarded a grant which will pay for two author visits and free books for students.

I. 13-14 Budget/Technology Discussion

- Changes in Technology budgeting discussed including:

- additional cameras

- facing church parking lot at ARD

- dumpster area at ARD

- alleyway to parking lot at AES

- better coverage of parking lot at AES

- vendor will provide camera and charge $30/month per additional camera

- speaker added to ARD for announcement/bell to be heard on playground

- Chrome Books purchased to be used for Better Balance Assessment. Cart capacity is 32.

- HP5400 switch is for new computer labs

- switch is POE

- wireless access point licenses - current capacity is used

- replacement laptops that are five or more years older still running XP system

- Windows 7 machines for offices

All reviewed the list of items as presented by the administration,

Autism Room prep – ARD: $3,685.00

Autism Room equipment – ARD: $9,499.00

Playground mulch & installation – AES: $20,000.00 (not to exceed)

Tables for computer lab – AES: $2,770.00

Tables for computer lab – ARD: $2,770.00

Grs. 5/6 Go Math Program – ARD: $4,500.00

Electrical upgrades – AES: $2,100.00

Electrical upgrades – ARD: $2,000.00

Heating repairs – AES: $2,528.00

Heating repairs – ARD: $1,556.00

Playground equipment – AES: $3,212.00

Replace gym lights – ARD: $5,400.00

Radios – ARD: $1,950.00

Security cameras – AES: $360.00

Security cameras – ARD: $360.00

Outside speakers – ARD: $398.00

MMS Discipline module: $1,000.00

Chromebooks – ARD: $9,280.00

Wireless access points – ARD: $835.00

Eno Boards w/projectors – AES: $12,000.00

LED projectors – ARD: $1,050.00

Document cameras & cables – ARD: $720.00

Replacement laptops – ARD: $10,400.00

Access point licensing – ARD: $1,200.00

Windows 7 licenses (desktops, office) $5,500.00

Replacement pens for Eno Boards – ARD: $5,500.00

Upgrade office space – ARD: $7,800.00

Office furniture – ARD: $1,300.00

Install window glass – ARD $1,808.00

Gym & locker room benches – ARD: $3,657.00

Nurse’s Office chair – AES: $254.15

Asset Management System $1,295.00

Hold for second bid: Roof repair to AES autism room and HP5400 switch.

To be considered with bids: stairwell treads at ARD, entrance rugs at both AES and ARD, painting at AES, and baseboards at AES.

Mr. Schaefer moved the above expenditures. Mrs. Moore seconded.

Mr. Schaeffer-yes, Mrs. Moore-yes, Mr. Irzyk-yes.

J. Peer Recognition - would like to have nominations to review by June 6.

5. New Business

I.  - Agenda Prep - nothing offered

6. Non-Public Session – (NH RSA 91-A:3, II., a, b, c, d, e, i or j)

At 7:40 P.M, a motion was made by Mr. Schaefer and seconded by Mrs. Moore to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A: 3, II (c).

Mr. Schaeffer-yes, Mrs. Moore-yes, Mr. Irzyk-yes.

*A student matter was discussed.

A motion to come out of non-public at 8:25 P. M. was made by Mr. Schaefer and seconded by Mrs. Moore.

Mr. Schaeffer-yes, Mrs. Moore-yes, Mr. Irzyk-yes.

At 9:40 P.M, a motion was made by Mr. Schaefer and seconded by Mrs. Moore to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A, II (c).

Mr. Schaefer-yes, Mrs. Moore-yes, Mr. Irzyk-yes

*A personnel matter was discussed.

At 9:52 PM, a motion was made by Mr. Schaefer and seconded by Mrs. Moore to come out of non-public session.

Mr. Schaeffer-yes, Mrs. Moore-yes, Mr. Irzyk-yes.

A motion was made by Mr. Schaefer and seconded by Mrs. Moore to approve the nomination of Mrs. Kathleen Murphy as the SPED Coordinator for the Allenstown School District.

Mr. Schaefer-yes, Mrs. Moore-yes, Mr. Irzyk-yes

At 10:00 P.M., A motion was made by Mr. Schaefer and seconded by Mrs. Moore to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A, II (c).

Mr. Schaefer-yes, Mrs. Moore-yes, Mr. Irzyk-yes.

*A student matter was discussed.

A motion was made by Jodi Moore and seconded by Carl Schaefer to come out of non-public session at 10:05 P.M.

Mr. Schaefer-yes, Mrs. Moore-yes, Mr. Irzyk-yes.

A motion was made by Mr. Schaefer and seconded by Mrs. Moore to seal the minutes of the third non-public session indefinitely.

Mr. Schaefer-yes, Mrs. Moore-yes, Mr. Irzyk-yes.

The minutes of the third non-public session will be sealed indefinitely.

A motion was made by Mr. Schaefer and seconded by Mrs. Moore to adjourn the meeting.

All in favor-yes.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:06 P.M.

Next Scheduled Meeting: June 11, 2014 – Allenstown Elementary School ~ 6:00 P.M.

The Board may enter a non-public session during this meeting pursuant to a motion properly made and seconded in accord with NH RSA 91-A:3, II., a, b, c, d, e, i or j.