Name :

Enrolment Number :

Course Code CST-101

Course Title Foundation in Information Technology

Assignment Code BIT/CST-101/

Submission date 25/10/2006

Question 1: Compare and contrast the following terms giving their applications, cost, speed, size, advantages/disadvantages wherever applicable:

(a) Microcomputer and Minicomputer

(b)  Random Access Memory and Read Only Memory

(c)  Interrupt Driven I/O and Direct Memory Access

(d)  Linker and Loader

(e)  Macintosh and Windows Operating Systems

Question 2:

Create a script called nzdir that lists the directories those contain the files of specified size in the given directory (except the current directory). nzdir has two input arguments directory_path and size_of_file. It searches through the given directory and list the name of all its sub-directories, which contains any file equal to or greater than the size_of_file specified.

Question 3:

Explain different steps involved in testing process. Design test cases and test reports to explain how to the test case and test reports are used in unit and integrated testing.

Name :

Enrolment Number :

Course Code CST-101

Course Title Foundation in Information Technology

Assignment Code BIT/CST-101/Project/2004

Submission date 25/10/2006

This is a Project Assignment. There are two questions in this project assignment. Answer all the questions. Each question carries equal weightage. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance explanations if needed. Please go through the guidelines regarding submission of assignments given in your starter kit.

Question 1:

“Delhi Cooperative Bank” having 4 branches in Delhi that performs all its operations through computers. Design the configuration of computer systems for different transactions in bank (e.g. Deposit, withdrawal of cash and cheque). What should be the configuration of the network? Identify the requirements of the applications, which are to be executed, keeping the future in mind. You must include specifications for the following components configuration. Give reasons of your selection, along with discussions of the merits and demerits of various available alternatives.

·  Processor

·  Memory including Cache

·  Motherboard/ Bus

·  Backup storage devices

·  Display devices

·  Printers

·  Communication with other computers

·  Multimedia hardware components

·  Power supply

·  Any other component or specific requirements

Question 2:

Write a report on “Development of software products in India for India by Indians”.

Question 3:

Develop a script called manfile that will be used to manage the files by allowing

them to be copied, moved or removed with interactive input from the user. It has the

following three possible command usage formats:

·  manfile -c filename

·  manfile -m filename

·  manfile -r filename

Where filename is only one file name. For each file to be copied or moved the script will prompt the user for the name of the new file. While the user is prompted for confirmation before a file is removed. Your script should check for invalid command lines and, if an error occurs, print out a message showing the correct usage formats.