Pupil Council Minutes

Friday 22nd February

Period 5


(Pupil Councillors names appear here – not for use on the school website)

1.  LGBT Accreditation

Congratulations to our school for getting our Charter Mark from LGBT Youth Scotland. We are the first school in Scotland (in fact in the UK) to achieve this.

Miss Higgins discussed the work of the Anti-Bullying Committee. It would be good to get pupil representatives from all year groups.

2.  Core PE funding – Health and Wellbeing

3.  Outdoor Learning

Two new round picnic benches are outside. Mrs Canning hopes to get more in order to create an outdoor classroom.

4.  Pupil Responsibility (In school and excursions)

·  Pupil behaviour and responsibility within the school discussed

·  All pupils need to take responsibility for this

·  Pupils feel everyone is suffering because of the behaviour of others

·  Different places to sit depending on year group

·  Is it possible to use the hall?

·  More discipline, individual pupils punished

·  Pupils need to stand up to the pupils that are mis-behaving, and not to be encouraging them

·  Hall/corridor monitors introduced (more staff and senior pupils)

·  More clubs introduced at lunchtime

·  Most pupils just want somewhere to sit/stand with their friends

5.  Uniform

Some pupils would still like to change certain aspects of the school uniform

·  Would like to be able to accessorise

·  We discussed the issue of wearing jeans. No jeans are allowed. If they are allowed pupils will wear too many different styles

·  No hoodies allowed in class. Can be worn outside, but must be taken off inside the building

·  Uniform is to be kept simple

6.  AOCB

Lockers – Is it possible to get more lockers for pupils

Pupils encouraged to set their own agenda for future meetings. Agenda items to be given to Mrs Canning, Mr McKenna or Miss Higgins.

Merit treats – need to ensure we keep a balance on the merit treats given to all year groups

Exam pack