Wednesday 24 May 2006

Dear Councillor

A meeting of the Southborough Town Council will be held at the Council Offices, 137 London Road, Southborough on Thursday 1 June 2006 at 7.00 p.m. at which your attendance is required.




Members who have a prejudicial or personal interest within the meaning of The Parish Council (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2001 in any matter appearing on the agenda are invited to declare that interest at this stage and sign the attached form accordingly.


Members of the public are invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern.


a)The minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on 30 March 2006 need to be agreed and signed as a correct record.

b)The minutes of the Annual Council Meeting held on 11 May 2006 need to be agreed and signed as a correct record.


To receive a report from the Mayor & Deputy Mayor on their recent engagements.


To approve the proceedings of the following committees:-

Planning and Transportation – 3 and 18 April and 2 and 15 May

Parks and Cemetery – 8 May 2006

Development Board – 9 May 2006

Finance and General Purposes – 13 April and 18 May 2006

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7.APPOINTMENT TO COMMITTEE –To discuss the appointment of an additional member for the Planning Commmittee.


To receive the report from the KAPC Representatives


Councillor O’Sullivan proposed the following motion:-

Southborough Town Council requests that Tunbridge Wells Borough Council reinstates at the earliest opportunity, the weekly collection of green bins across the borough area.

While recognising the importance of a strong recycling initiative, Southborough Town Council draws the attention of Tunbridge Wells Borough Council to the unacceptable sight and stench of decaying waste in bins and refuse sacks not collected for fortnightly periods.

If Tunbridge Wells Borough Council lacks the finances available for the restoration of this basic service; then Southborough Town Council requests that the fortnightly collection of brown bins in November, December, January and February be cancelled. (The volume of garden recycling being at its lowest during these months).

With the finances available from this saving, a weekly collection of green bins may commence again during May, June, July and August.

Councillor Knights proposed the following motions:-

Motion One

This Council accepts that Members may not be able to attend meetings for reasons such as ill health, work commitments, family demands, holidays and personal factors. In order to ensure that meetings are quorate and the work of the Council is shared out equitably it shall henceforth be policy that Members who know they are not going to attend a committee or Full Council shall notify the Town Clerk at least 24 hours before the scheduled start time of the meeting by using the answer machine if necessary.

Motion Two

In addition to the Members’ attendance and apologies for absence the minutes should henceforth record absences for which no apologies were notified.

Motion Three

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council now tabulate Members’ attendance at meetings and for a trial period of seven months such data will be kept by this Council from July 1 with an assessment being made at the Full Council on February 1 2007.

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It is proposed that during the consideration of the following items the public and press shall be temporarily excluded (Standing Order 76):-

a)Confidential Council and Committee Proceedings – To approve the following confidential minutes:-

-Council Meeting – 30 March 2006

-Development Board – 9 May 2006

-Parks and Cemetery –13 April 2006

-Finance and General Purposes – 13 April and 18 May

Brenda J Wickens

Town Clerk