Minnesota Library Trustees and Advocates Spring Meeting

Best Western Plus Capitol Ridge, St. Paul, Minnesota

March 2, 2015

Present: Amy Wilde, president; Karen Lee; Paul Bursik; Marge McPeak; Jane Brissett, secretary.

Amy called the meeting to order at 6:40 pm.

A quorum was not present. Votes could not be taken, including a vote to approve minutes from the October 2014 meeting. Those minutes will be put to the membership for a vote at the fall 2015 meeting.

Introductions were made.

Amy reported that MLTA has about $320 in its treasury. She reported that reprinting of MLTA brochures will cost $189, which is well under budget. They will be printed this spring and Minitex will distribute them to all state library systems. Amy suggested that the remainder of the funds help defray expenses for the Minnesota Library Association conference in St. Paul in October.

Amy also said she has not come up with a way to easily do an online tutorial for new library trustees. Paul offered an MLA document that discusses how board members can interact with legislators.

Amy asked for volunteers to perform the task of MLTA secretary, as Jane can no longer serve. There being no volunteers, those present were requested to ask others.

For the fall meeting, Karen suggested a workshop about how to work with legislators and Paul put forward the idea of asking a legislator to speak. Karen will ask Speaker of the House Kurt Daudt, who is a former library trustee, to do it. If he isn’t able, Amy will ask Rep. Dean Urdahl, chairman of the Legacy Finance Committee.

By consensus those in attendance agreed MLTA should offer a stipend to the legislator who speaks to the fall meeting from the remaining funds in the budget.

The meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Jane Brissett, secretary