Cyngor Cymuned Llywel Community Council

Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday,

16thMarch 2017

at 7.30 in the Committee Room of Trecastle Community Centre

  1. Members Present :

Bernard Attkins (chairman), Dave Howells, Caroline Morgan, Mrs J Davies (clerk)

  1. Apologies:

Kerry Baverstock, Sheila Davies,Cllr Evan Morgan,Wynne Pugh, Gareth Davies PCSO Jason Hawkins,

  1. Approval of minutes: The minutes for the 16th January 2017 meeting were accepted as a true record of the business of the meeting and were therefore signed by the chairman. Proposed by CllrDave Howellsand seconded by CllrCaroline Morgan.
  1. PCSO Jason Hawkins-

Messaged passed on via Cllr Dave Howells speed awareness to be kept up.

  1. Planning :– none
  1. Highways: Clerk correspondence Mr C Richards Abercrave depot met with Cllr Gareth Davies. Job logged.
  1. Hall Transfer - no further update.
  1. Rospa- £72.00 all present agreed payment. Cllr Dave Howells asked if possible to have inspection a little later. Clerk to ask.
  1. Buses – clerk received a letter from Chris Davies supporting issue and support. Email from Kirsty Williams has met with Mr John Forsey Powys Transport Officer will arrange a meeting with him andCllr Dave Howells .
  1. Election packs – clerk handed out to all present.
  1. Clerks wages - all present agreed the clerks wages .
  1. Correspondence –
  1. Boundary Commission for Wales – The 2018 review of parliamentary constituencies in Wales secondary consultation period 28th February to 27th March.
  2. Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales – presentation on the review of the electoral arrangements for the county of Powys – Brecon 6.30pm 9th March 2017. 12 week consultation 8th March to 31st May 2017Draft Powys Well- being assessment 2017 –
  1. Any other Business:
  1. Chair noted footpath above TyHenry farm by the sheep folds eroded big ruts in need of attention. Clerk to write to BBNP as very dangerous.
  2. Trecastle YFC thanked Community Council for their kind donation.
  3. Tree fallen by clos esgob clerk to write to Powys CC to please remove.

Next meeting: The next meeting will be held on theApril2017. The meeting closed at8.35pm.

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Cllr Bernard Attkins
