AS-300 AND LE-300

Aug 12 – May 13

Instructor note: These assignments will require you to employ additional research techniques and sources. Rarely will anything in life just be handed to you, and the good student looks “beyond the horizon” to find whatever will assist them in accomplishing the task at hand. These assignments are designed to make you think; to help prepare you for speaking and writing opportunities you’ll encounter for the rest of your life; and to help you discover additional sources of knowledge to help you in your academic endeavors.

Web Sites: Here are some useful web sites that you can use for your research assignments, or just to get smart about air-related topics. They are hyperlinked to additional troves of data:

1. http://www.airforcehistory.hq.af.mil/ This takes you to the official Air Force Historian’s site, and then hyperlinks you to personalities, topics, and organizations. Click on either “Subjects of Interest” or “Links” once you access this page.

2. http://www.thehistorynet.com/ A good all-around site for any history-related topic. Take their daily quiz and see how much you know!

3. http://www.bensguide.gpo.gov/ Very helpful school site tied in to the Govt Printing Office

4. http://www.spacekids.com/ Space facts and fun information.

5. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/kids/flight Click here to meet barnstorming pilots, airmail carriers, and pilots (especially good for Ch 2 studies)

6. http://www.flight100.org.index.cfm Shows the evolution of flight.

7. Air War College Webpages. This is where the senior USAF officers go for information.

1. To begin, go to the web page http://tuvok.au.af.mil/au/awc/awchome.htm

2. From there, click on “Gateway to the Internet”

3. This puts you on the page http://tuvok.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/awcgate/htm.

4. From there you have the world at your fingertips. I suggest you click on the first green bullet “References, Online and Off.” This gives you access to Military Journals, Publications and other libraries. Also try the fourth bullet, “Military Theory and History,” as well as Bullet 15, which is a Biographies web access.

5. If you go to the Biographies entry, click on “American Airpower Biography” and see what air pioneers are listed. Good stuff!!

8. BOOKS: We have some excellent air-related and historical books available for research as well; check the Instructor Office, on the white bookshelf.

Assignment 1: Discuss on 15 Aug

Complete a periodic goals worksheet. I’ll hand out a sheet that sketches your life in time increments. You’ll fill out who and “where” you are now; where you want to be in 5 years; where you envision yourself in 10 years; and so on. We will keep these on file and update them every term that you have JROTC.

Maximum page limit: 1 (handout from SASI)

DUE: Class work, 22 Aug POINTS: 50

Assignment 2: Discuss on 15 Aug

Book Review: “Chew on This.” Each class is required to do some sort of discussion or activity about your summer reading assignment. We will have you write a second “goals sheet” that has you answer some questions about the book, then have you come up with a healthy goal that you can monitor over the course of the year.

Maximum page limit: 1 page

DUE: Class, 23 Aug Value: 25 points

Assignments 3 and 4: Writing Assignments (Practical Writing Exercises); planned discussion dates of 20 Aug and early Sep

Each department will be conducting school-directed writing activities over the course of the year. You’ll create a writing piece and take it from a rough draft stage, through peer review, to finished product over the course of a week. One topic will deal with Leadership, and the other with health-related choices.


3: On-Demand writing assignment 1, 12-20 Nov Value: 50 points

4: On-Demand or Open Response 2, 7-14 Jan Value: 50 points

Assignment 5: Planned discussion date of mid-Nov

Rocket Building. This will be an on-going class project, to provide hands-on learning as we discuss space travel and rocket propulsion characteristics during class. Students will be broken into teams and construct a rocket. Launches will occur throughout the semester. The assignment is to promote teamwork and demonstrate knowledge of rocket dynamics. Additionally, this semester the launches will be in conjunction with other curriculum/disciplines throughout the school, as part of an integrated project. Cadets launching two successful rocket events will earn the JROTC Model Rocket Badge.

DUE: Nov-Dec timeframe POINTS: 50

Assignment 6: Planned discussion dates of mid-Oct, early Jan and mid-Feb

Research and present a talk on a famous space pioneer. The student will research classroom and other sources and will write (then orally present) a report on a famous military or civilian space traveler (or spacecraft). A Bibliography is required; no Bibliography guarantees a poor or failing grade (D or F). Many famous pioneers and systems are found in the text; others will require additional research -- from the Instructors’ collection, the library, or Internet.

Page limit: 4 pages (double-spaced, typed)

DUE: 6 Mar (homework) POINTS: 200

Assignment 7: Planned discussion date of 24 Apr

Write your own resume. “Selling yourself” to school admissions directors and future employers is a must. We’ll work on beginning this process by having the cadets write a resume, which will be kept on file and periodically updated. If students seek post-academic employment, or wish to “compete” for certain Cadet functions or trips, their resumes will be used to help them meet their goals. The resume format will be handed out in class and will follow the format found in the Tongue and Quill.

DUE: Class work, 1-2 May POINTS: 50


1.  The remainder of your AS-III grade will consist of quizzes, class work, and the final exam.

2.  This is ONLY the Academic (AS-III) portion of your JROTC grade. The ASI will have grading criteria for the Leadership (LE-III) section as well, to include a major grade for turning in your entire uniform on time in May.