Digital Video Editing

Making a Television News Report

Student Name:______

What characteristics make a good news story?

·  Attention getting headline

·  A strong lead containing 5 W’s and H (who, what, when, where, why, and how)

·  Use of quotes (from others affected)

·  Real facts (the truth and accuracy matter)

·  A strong summary

·  Arrangement of the story (presenting information from most to least important)

·  Facilitate a short discussion

What factors can make a story newsworthy?

·  Timing: “breaking” news is important

·  Significance: how many people are affected

·  Proximity: the closer a story hits to home, the more newsworthy it is

·  Prominence: when famous people are affected, the story matters (i.e. car accident involving your family vs. a car accident involving the President)

·  Human Interest: because these stories are based on emotional appeal, and can be amusing or to generate empathy or other emotions.

The News Story: Although you can make either a mock report or real report, you must treat the story development and video editing as a ‘real’ news story.

In one sentence, explain your ‘breaking news’ headline on the line below. (be concise)


Please complete the 5 w’s for your story.







The Script-

Please write the script, as exactly as possible, as it will be read.

Piece to camera: Please write the opening lines which state the main idea of the story.



Story Detail 1: ______

Story Detail 2: ______

Story Detail 3: ______

Interview(s): Please indicate which persons affected by the story you will interview and write the questions you will ask them. (To find out whom this story affects, and how it affects them).

Interviewee 1-______

Interviewee 2-______

Cut away footage- Please indicate the footage or photographs you will use to illustrate the story as it is being reported.

Shot 1-______

Shot 2-______


Name of network-______

News Desk style or ‘on-site’ report-______

Name of news anchor or reporter-______

Color Scheme for graphics-______