Present / Name / Representing
Helen Hyde (HH) / Parish Council
Trevor Sutton (TS) / Parish Council
Sean Watkiss (SW) / OCA
Stephen Friend (SF) / Over CC
Dave Boothroyd (DB) / Over Sports FC
Martin Dollard (MD) / Parish Council
Jane Reeson (JR) / Over CC
John Lane (JL) / Over CC
David Lill (DL) / Over Sports FC
1 / HH opened meeting and asked for any comments on last meeting's minutes. None.
Suggested go through each item in minutes and report on any actions.
2 / Item 2.2 Artificial wicket at OCC
Over CC have received 5-6 quotes andhave now selected one quote for the grant application. There should be a decision on the grant by mid March. CC are very hopeful of receiving the grant (approx £3K). They have£1K from Townlands. OCA to pay half of cost (approx £7140 + VAT). The quote will be put for approval with OCA on 26th Feb. The wicket surface is a non-rollable one.
Item 2.3 Improve condition of the pavilion
HH reported further progress with pavilion cleaning etc. PC have received and approved quote for provision of cupboards in kitchen area. This will be going ahead asap. PC has set budgets for next year's precept and extra money has been made available for continuing work on pavilion and green.
SF has got a quote for the plastic film on windows. He will forward to HH to take for approval at next PC meeting. Quote approx £400 +VAT.
Item 2.4 Renewal of all weather surface at OCC
All weather surface renewal. Grant application has been submitted.
Item 2.5 Provide a barrier around the main pitch at OCC
SW has received a quote for a form of barrier (approx £10K). However this appears to be for a permanent structure so SW is to get another quote for one with removable sockets.
Item2.6 Improve drainage on OCC/Green pitches
Dave Bridgeman (DB) has identified a possible grant opportunity for assistance with costs for draining of green. HH put proposal to PC and agreement has been given for a drainage survey to be done on the green. HH reported that based on this survey South Cambs would ask for 3 quotes for the necessary drainage work. Grants of up to 60% may then be available for help with the costs. Also in view if the fact that there is a shortage of pitches there may be other grants available. A visit to the green for initial study is already booked for 22nd Feb. HH will report back findings.
Item 2.7 Top dressing youth wicket on Green
This is to be reviewed and likely to be done in the Autumn.
Item 2.8 Over CC Club Mark Accreditation
This is very much in progress and is likely to be achieved sooner than originally thought. There will be external vetting between April and July. Accreditation will lead to access to more funding.
Item 2.9 Storage shed on Green and hot water urn in pavilion
HH reported that shed was not really possible because of the conservation area status of the green. SF reported that on investigation he was of the opinion that the hot water urns could be problematic particularly with intermittent use. Look again at perhaps positioning the existing device in a safer place.
Item 2.10 Floodlights on OCC pitch
Football Development Officer has asked for a football development plan. Letters are being written by Vets, Colts etc to support the plan. SW has all the relevant planning forms and information. SW is investigating running costs and has got a quote for floodlights although this was a very rough quote and will need revision when more detail is available. (£45K for 8 lights 15m high 200kW). SWand DB are to meet to look at the planning forms and also to contact EDF for running costs, power provision etc. Also discussed using Over News to explain needs and uses of floodlights and to alleviate possible fears re impact of the floodlights.
Item 2.11Renew mat surfaces netting Over CC
Not urgent at moment and also CC not in financial position to progress further.
Item 2.12 Provision of extra recreation ground for sport facilities
HH reported no further developments, Currently awaiting reply from lawyers.
Item 2.13 Exclusive use of Green for cricket and U12 football
No comments. / SW/SF
HH, MD and JR/SF
3 / AOB
4 / Date of next meeting
8th April 8.00pm Community Centre,