Marshal Klem Hujel III, Commander of TSMF

Also Commander of Bod’e Elite Guards

Background:Klem was born into House Mecetti to parents who had served as he now serves. They were killed in battle several years ago from a conflict with another House in which they protected the former ruler – Lord Leobund’s father – from certain death, by giving their lives to allow him to escape.

Capsule:Marshal Hujel takes his position very seriously. He is always loyal to Lord Leobund – he always obeys without question except where the safety of his Lord is concerned.


Type:Professional Bodyguard; 1st Level Officer; 1st Level Master Duelist; 2ndLevel Elite Trooper; 1st Level Ninja Assassin

Height:1.73 meters

Force Points:1

Dark Side Points:10

Character Points:9

Extra Character Points:0


DEXTERITY 4D:Armor Weapons: 5D; Acrobatics: 5D; Archaic guns: 5D;Blaster: 9D+2;Blind Fighting: 5D; Bows: 5D+2;Dodge: 7D;Melee Combat: 7D;(S) Melee Combat: Swords: 8D;

PERCEPTION 3D+2:Bargain: 6D; command: 6D+;(S) command: House Mecetti Elite Guard: 8D;con 7D; gambling: 6D; investigation: 7D+1; persuasion: 6D; sneak: 9D+1;(TA) Sense Motive: 4D+2;

STRENGTH 3D:Brawling combat: 9D; climbing/jumping: 6D;Stamina: 6D; swimming: 6D; (AS) Sith Bare-Handed Keldaeris Martial Arts: 2D;(AS) Echani Martial Arts: 2D;

(Known MA moves:Instant Wound; Multiple Strikes; Back Flip; No Fall ;)

KNOWLEDGE 3D:Alien species: 5D;(S) bureaucracy: House Mecetti: 6D; cultures: 5D; intimidation: 7D; languages: 5D;(S) law enforcement: House Mecetti 8D; planetary systems 7D;(S) planetary systems: Tapani Sector: 7D+2; streetwise: 8D; tactics: 7D;(S) tactics: elite guard: 9D+1, (S) tactics: House Mecetti Army: 8D;(S) tactics: small unit: 8D; willpower: 7D

MECHANICAL 2D+1:Astrogation: 5D+2;Powersuit Operation: 3D+1; Repulsorlift ops: 7D+2; space transports: 5D; starship shields: 5D;

TECHNICAL 2D:Blaster repair: 6D; computerProgramming/repair: 5D+2; security: 8D+2;

Talents:(A) Sense Motive

Special:Lightning Reflexes; Pain Resistance; Quick Draw; Veteran under Fire;

Prestige Class Specials:Leadership +2D; Range Weapon Focus (HBP) +2D; Melee Weapon Focus (Vibrosword) +1D; Exceptional Resources;


Modified Heavy Blaster Pistol (6D);

Folded Duranium Vibrosword (STR +3D);

Biotech fastflesh med Pac;

Proton Sniper Rifle;

Order of the Paw M-321 "Overkill" Mk. IV (standard issue rifle);

Modified House Mecetti Powered Armor: +3D+2/+2D (full stats below)

Modified House Mecetti Armor

Protects the following: All; A repair kit (8 uses)

Powered(Includes Dexterity Enhancements. Controlled by built-in computer)

Breath Mask:Filters must be replaced after 30 hours of continuous use.

Sealed Environment:Oxygen lasts for 2 hours,designed to survive in space.

Flash Protection:Reduces the effects of bright flashes by one half.

Macrobinoculars:Add +3D to Search for objects 100-500 meters away. Scomp-linked to three weapons to reduce ranges by one level. Example: long range becomes medium, medium becomes short)

Sensors:Infrared (IR), Life, Low-Light, Motion, Ultraviolet (UV)

IR, UVMotion, Life, Low-Light

Passive:100 m/+2Passive:200 m/+1D

Scan:200 m/+1DScan:400 m/+2D

Search:300 m/+2DSearch:700 m/+3D

7 Slot Computer System:

I/O Ports:Two

Capabilities:Power: 4D, Memory: 13D)


Multiple Targeting:3 slots - Three weapon systems and up to 12 targets per system. Adds +2D+1 to hit and requires a sensor on each weapon used. A scope may not be used with this program.

Sensor:1 slot - Adds +1D to Search. If person has all sensors then it adds +2D to Search. Sensor types: IR, UV, X-Ray, Life, Motion, Hard/Soft Radiation, Electrical signals, Ultrasound and Radio waves.

Road Map:1 slot - Makes a map of past travels, locations and facilities;can be plugged in to any spaceport for a download of directions. Will also mark where you are on the current map program running. Auto updates each time area is visited (program must be active).

Medic:1 slot - Diagnoses illness or wound and gives treatment recommendations; Adds +1D to First Aid skill.

Multiple Programs:1 slot - Runs two programs simultaneously if slots and outputs are available. Uses 1 slot to operate but the programs it combines take up no slots (just one for the program itself).

Security System: Auto destruct of data and programs (1-3 rounds); Active virus for I/O ports.

Weapon Systems:

1. Dual Retractable Vibroblades:STR + 3D+2

2. Wrist Laser: 20 shot power pack. Skill: Armor Weapons. Damage: 5D+2. Ranges: 3-5/25/50

Standard Gear

Proton Sniper Laser
Model: Terranon Blaster Technologies 12-D Proton Sniper Laser Rifle
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Blaster: Sniper
Ammo: 5
Cost: 4000
Availability: 4,X
Range: 50-300/800/1.5km
Damage: 5D

Order of the Paw M-321 "Overkill" Mk. IV
Type: Tactical Beam Generator
Ammo: 15

Range: 3-75/250/500
Blast Radius: 0-1/2/4
Damage: 6D+2
Cost: 28,000

Biotech Fastflesh Medpac
Model: Fastflesh Medpac
Type: Advanced Medpac
Cost: 500 each
Weight: 1.5 kg
Description: Reduces difficulties for First Aid to minimums for difficulty level (Wounded difficulty is 5, Incapacitated 10, Mortally Wounded 15); Can not be used on a character more than once per day, but normal medpacs can be used in combination with this type.