/ Policy
Category: / Health & Safety / Effective Date: / 01/04/90
Approved By: / Chief Executive Officer / Revision Date: / February 16, 2011
H&S Committee Review: / December 10, 2010
Applies To: / Employees
Policy Number: / A10
TITLE: / Dress Code
AbleLivingServices endeavours to preserve a home-like atmosphere and as such it is not our practice to wear uniforms. Employees, students, and volunteers are to wear appropriate attire in keeping with the following guidelines.
PRESENTATION:Recognizing that staffact as representatives of AbleLiving Services, it is expected they dress in keeping with this responsibility. Furthermore, staff are expected to practice good personal hygiene and to ensure their attire is clean, neat, and in good repair. Our clients expect staff to be professional.
Appropriate clothing must be worn as deemed necessary for the duties being performed.
Persons entering theBinbrook pool area must wear appropriate pool shoes.
Perfume and scented body products are not to be used to respect sensitivities of some clients and staff.
Jewellery with potential to harm clients must not be worn by employees, students, or volunteers.
Safe shoes:
Direct Support Staff/Supervisors working in areas where there may be potential for exposure to biological, chemical and physical hazards must wear shoes that meet the following criteria:
a comfortable shoe with closed heel and toe to provide protection to these areas of the foot.
the shoe should be constructed of a durable material
it should provide good arch support
a cushioned insole for resiliency and quiet sole of firm
non-slip material suited for the work area
SAFETY – Safe shoes:
it should be well fitting, not loose or sloppy, give support,
have a medium or low heel; and,
have flexibility in the sole so that it affords some touch sensation with the surface.
For Staff/Supervisorsnot providing direct supportand/or working in office areas, shoes must meet the following criteria:
  • low to medium heel height
  • sturdy construction
  • flexible non-slip soles
  • shoes must be maintained in good repair
Maintenance Department Workers must wear footwear that meets the following criteria:
  • steel Toe, non-slip soles
  • sturdy Construction
  • shoes must be maintained in good repair
Pool Staff must wear footwear that meets the following criteria:
  • water/pool/swim shoes with closed toe and closed heel
  • low to medium heel
  • flexible non-slip soles
  • sturdy Construction
  • shoes must be maintained in good repair

Pol. A10 – Dress Code

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