Welcome to Mrs. Lane’s Science Class. I am looking forward to a wonderful year filled with hands-on activities and learning.

We will be studying topics in three main areas:

  • Life Science
  • Chemistry
  • Astronomy

Throughout the year, you will find it useful to access my web site, which is found through Moodle at To “enroll” in my class Moodle page, you must enter science7 when prompted for the “enrollment key.” Once you are enrolled, you will not have to do this again. Your username and password are the same as your school computer username and password. On this web site, I will list any upcoming tests or quizzes, as well as daily homework assignments, and I will upload some handouts.


The following supplies must be brought to class every day:

  • 1 Green binder with Loose leaf paper and Dividers (you will need 5—labeled: Do Now, Handouts, Homework, Notes, Lab Manual)
  • 1 metric ruler with holes in it (to stay in binder)


If you are absent, you are responsible for making up class work and homework assignments. Please contact a classmate and check my web site for missed work. When you return to school, you are responsible for making up any tests and turning in any projects that were due when you were out. You can pick up missed handouts from the folder on the wall.

If you have a music lesson scheduled during science class, please come tell me before attending the lesson so that I can tell you what you will be responsible for making up.

Classroom Rules:

  1. Respect all people and things in the classroom.
  2. Be on time and prepared for class.
  3. Raise your hand when you wish to speak.
  4. Follow directions the first time they are given.

5. Follow all school rules.

An atmosphere of mutual respect is required in class at all times. You are expected to abide by the classroom and school rules, and failure to do so will result in the following:

  • 1st offense: warning
  • 2nd offense: 20 minutes of lunch detention with an extra assignment to be completed during this time.
  • 3rd offense: phone call home

Grading Policy:

Quarter grades will be calculated as follows:

  • 60% Tests and Quizzes
  • 30%Class work and Projects (Lab Reports, Lab Manual Questions, “Do Now” Quizzes, “Exit Ticket” Questions, etc.)
  • 10% Homework

Students are expected to work hard and do their own research and writing for homework and assignments. Exams and other assessments should reflect what a student has learned, and therefore students who attempt to give or receive assistance in any form during an assessment will result in a failing grade for all parties involved. If a student has an electronic device out during an exam, the student will automatically fail the exam. Therefore, all cell phones and electronic devices should be left at home or in the student’s locker.

Class work and lab work are important parts of science class. You are expected to work cooperatively and efficiently with group members. You are responsible for completing all work assigned in class. For certain labs, you will be required to write a Lab Report, which will be collected and graded. At the end of the Life Science unit, the culminating activity will be a frog dissection. (An alternative assignment is available for any student who does not wish to participate in the dissection.)

When you come into class, it is important that you begin working immediately. There will always be a “Do Now” written on the board. You are to record the date, “Do Now” question, and answer in the “Do Now” section of your binder. You are responsible for maintaining an organized binder. At the end of each quarter, there will be a Do Now Quiz, in which you will use your notes to answer questions.

Homework will be assigned approximately 3 nights each week. It is due at the beginning of class. In order to receive credit for the assignment, it must be in class with you and must have your name on it. You will not be permitted to go to your locker to retrieve your homework once the bell has rung. Homework will not be accepted late unless you have a homework pass.

You will have the opportunity to earn Homework Passes throughout the year (for A’s on tests, for winning review games, for your birthday, etc.).

  • 1 Homework Pass entitles you to hand in a regular homework assignment or project one day late without penalty.
  • 2 Homework Passes can be handed in to make you exempt from a regular homework assignment. This does not apply to projects.

Extra Help:

Extra help is available during lunch. During the year, if you have any questions regarding a particular topic or how to complete an assignment, please come to me and ask. I am here to help.

This page must be completed and returned to school by Friday, September 4th.

Please detach the front page and keep it at home.

Student’s Name: ______


I have read the “7th Grade Science Requirements and Expectations,” and I understand what is expected of me.

X ______Date: ______

(student’s signature)

I have reviewed the “7th Grade Science Requirements and Expectations” with my child, and I feel that he/she understands what is expected of him/her.

X______Date: ______

(parent’s/ guardian’s signature)

Dear Parents/Guardians,

In the event that I need to contact you at some point during the year, I would like to contact you in the way most convenient to you.

Please provide the following information and indicate the top three methods of contact. Please place the numbers 1 (first preference), 2 (second preference), and 3 (third preference) in the space provided to the left of the contact method. If any of these contact methods is one that you do not want me to use, please indicate that by placing an “X” in the space provided to the left.

Parent/ Guardian Name: ______

Contact Method:

______Home telephone number: ______

______Work telephone number: ______

______Cell phone number: ______

______e-mail ______

Parent/ Guardian Name: ______

Contact Method:

______Home telephone number: ______

______Work telephone number: ______

______Cell phone number: ______

______e-mail ______

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at or to leave a message with the secretary in the Main Office (382-2300) so that I can return your phone call.

Thank you very much for your cooperation. I am looking forward to meeting you at Parent-Teacher Night and to a successful school year.


M. Lane