Web Based Learning for the Adult Credit Diploma Program

Orientation Course Enrollment Process


Please fill out the Pre Survey Orientation Course form for each student you enroll. It came with this document via e-mail.

To enroll students, begin by creating an e-mail account for each student. A safe and recommended access for students is www.gaggle.net or www.epals.net

Next, save the Excel file called Blackboard-student_batch_create.xls that came with this document via e-mail.

·  This file should be saved as a template for further use; then reopened and saved with a name that works for your specific application as a .txt file.

(Ex: Semester1-Module1.txt)

·  Fill in the appropriate student information in the template fields, take care not to delete or add spaces before or after the quotation marks. An example is shown in the template.

o  The Login ID MUST begin with the prefix we set up for each of your sites. (either mae, vae, hps or nlae) This is your unique identifier. The prefix should be followed by an underscore and the student’s last name (Ex: mae_potish)

o  The Role field should always be “s” for student

·  Once you have entered all of your students into the template, delete the template example line as well as the header line that looks like this:

"login id" / "Last Name" / "First Name" / "email" / "password"

·  Save your file.

Now go to Blackboard. http://bb.ctdlc.org

In Blackboard, Each LEA has been set up with an administrative account, they are as follows:

Middletown Adult Education username: mae_admin password: mae

Vernon Adult Education username: vae_admin password: vae

Hartford Adult Education username: hps_admin password: hps

New London Adult Education username: nlae_admin password: nlae

·  Login as the administrator for your site using the above username and password

·  Click on the Courses tab:

·  Select the Course that you will be enrolling students in.

·  Click on Control Panel

·  In the box on your right called User Management select Batch Create Users for Course

·  Page down past the instructions (you have already done this step above) until you come to 2 FILE UPLOAD

·  Browse and Find your file and select it by double-clicking on it

·  For The Delimiter Type of your File select Tab

·  Click Submit in #3 to finish.

As the administrative person who will be processing the enrollments for your site, use the above username and password login account to access each of the 8 BCAE courses in Blackboard with the role of TA. TA is a Blackboard’s identification of a person authorized to enter the control panel and perform certain functions, including adding students or deleting students. This is not meant to be a title associated with any function you may, or may not have outside of this course management system.

There are 8 courses: 3 Orientation Course Modules; 2 Physical Science Course Modules; Contemporary Literature,

Algebra 1 and US Government/Civics

PLEASE BE CAREFUL, as you will see, when you enter the control panel and go to the User Management box and select List/Modify Users that all enrollees from all sites may come up in your search. You can search by username by putting in your site prefix followed by the underscore (ex: mae_) to bring up enrollees from your site only. We highly recommend narrowing your search since you don’t want to accidentally delete or change data for someone from the course that is not from your site.

A Word file called Audio_video_lab was attached by email with this document. It contains the instructions for preparing your labs to play the audio that you will find in the Online Orientation Course.